Word of the Day: brazen(BREY\zuhn); shameless or impudent
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 43 inches
Rowing Duratio 92 minutes, 13 seconds
I had a really good session on CC this morning, true, it wasn't my longest session, but I gave myself more spurts during the session than usual; spurts are really good to do because they really give my heart a good workout, I must try and incorporate more spurts into every one of my workouts!
However, things in Panama City, Florida were rather exceptional yesterday. This morning on the "Today" show I watched a gunman, named "Clay Duke" approach the Bay County School Board and open fire on some of them. It was quite graphic to watch, let me tell you. At one point, a man on the Board was trying to reason with Mr. Duke and while he was talking to him, Clay Duke just raised his gun and opened fire on him, truly horrible.
The man who was shot at directly got awfully lucky as he was uninjured, and I don't quite know how he got off so lucky because as I saw, Clay Duke pointed the gun directly at the man on the panel and shot. Now, either Clay Duke's hand was trembling and he was just a very bad shot, or, like I choose to believe, God played a part, and he had the bullet go elsewhere.
After Clay Duke shot at the Bay City Board panel, security rushed in and started shooting at him. Clay Duke was eventually was injured by security, and died at his own hand when he turned his gun on himself. This was not shown on television, and I'm glad it wasn't shown.
I guess things could have been worse, but it was too bad that Clay Duke felt he had no choice but to carry out this horrible action. According to Mr. Duke, he was intent on killing someone on the Bay City panel because his wife had been fired by the School Board. Mr. Duke also said he knew he was going to die that day. Later, the School Board could find no record of Mr. Duke's wife, nor any record of her being fired, so I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happened.
You find heroes in all kinds of places and in Panama City, Florida, a lady who was on the Bay City School Board, tried to distinguish herself when she decided to help out her work colleagues. The lady, named Ginger Liddleton had left at the gunman's ordering, then returned on her own, and behind the gunman's back, tried to raise her bag to try and defend her friends, and/or divert attention/delay any gunfire.
What a brave woman!
Unfortunately, Clay Duke was able to resist Miss Liddleton by knocking her down, and then unbelievably, he let her go again. Lucky for Ginger Liddleton, who was later criticized for trying to help out her friends, I think people should be thanking her, that's a friend I wouldn't mind having as a work colleague.
Another big story down here in Gainesville, Florida, and all of Florida actually is the huge cold snap we all seem to be experiencing. All over retail stores in Gainesville, you can see people buying winter boots, sweaters, mittens, and scarves, it's kind of funny for Zac and I to see people buying these items as we don't think the temperature is that bad, I guess it is all relative.
There will be no funeral for Mark Madoff who hung himself on the weekend because he could no longer deal with any more repercussion of his father, Bernard Madoff's crimes. Mr. Madoff is being cremated at the wishes of his family.
I have news from Hollywood, it's kind of sad news but still news: Scarlett Johanson and Ryan Reynolds have decided to end their two-year marraige and are seeking a divorce, this is so sad and I hope they know what they're doing, they are two of the industry' nicest and talented people.
Zac's and my niece Sally called last night around eight o'clock pm. to ask if Uncle Zac could drive her to school today at eight o'clock am. and, of course, Zac agreed to do this for Sally. Both of us are inclinded to do anything the children ask, that is the beauty of the relationship between Uncle and niece or nephew. We don't have to worry about giving the children too much of anything; that is left for the parent's to sort out, too bad for them, hehe!
I think being a parent is the hardest job in the world and I salute all of those who do it, especially those of you who devote yourselves 100% all of the time. I think that it must get very difficult for parents in just living out their lives, I mean everyone of us argues with their mate from time to time, but when children are around, I know that parents have to be very careful to not say things that are going to upset or disturb the children too much. That has got to be next to impossible to carry out and I don't know how people do it, which is why I'm posting the following scenario to you.
I'm hoping you'll give me feedback and ideas on: how do you fight with your mate when you have children around? Please don't give a stock answer such as, "you just don't do it," or "you wait until you're alone." I find those stock answers unrealistic because many parents always have their children around and every person who lives with someone will fight with them from time to time, it is an everyday event. So please think about it, and I really want an answer from all of you, this is important to me and to you.
Here is some information that I'm sure will not surprise you: a study of cereal preferences in school-aged kids found that they like low-sugar cereals and that even though those who ate low-sugar cereals added more sugar and fruit to their bowls than kids given high-sugar cereals, their breakfasts still contained less sugar overall. In addition, kids who ate low-sugar cereals consumed half as much cereal as those given high-sugar varieties. since kids will apparently add less sugar to their own cereal than manufacturers do for pre-sweetened varieties, swapping out sugary breakfast cereals for unsweetened ones and allowing children to then add their own sugar could significantly reduce their morning sugar intake. I sure hope you new mothers appreciate all of this data I provide for you, in my little way, I'm trying to help you. I like helping people.
Here I go all over the map again. This morning whilst I was rowing, I rewatched the movie "Cabaret," that had been on last night on the Turner Classic Movie (TCM.) channel. I have not seen "Cabaret" in over twenty (20) years and I thoroughly enjoyed watching it again. Liza Minnelli really deserved the Oscar that year for her fantastic portrayl of the highly-entertaining "Sally Bowles." and the movie fully deserved all eight of the Academy Awards that it won! How about that?
I have been watching alot of movies that have been featured on TCM channel lately, and in between the movies, TCM will run a blurb entitled "TCM Remembers" and then TCM shows the pictures and names of people in the film industry that have died this past year. Many of the deaths of the people I already knew, but there were a couple that took me by surprise, that one being the death of Miss Jill Clayburgh, who died at sixty-six (66) years of age, much, much too young.
I thought Jill Clayburgh was a great actress, you may remember her from her Oscar-nominated performance in "An Unmarried Woman," (I will always love her as Carole Lombard in the movie "Gable and Lombard,") it was a gut-wrenching performance and I feel should have won the Oscar, she didn't though. Jane Fonda was awarded the Academy Award for Best Actress for her work in the drama film "Coming Home," which is a good movie, and Jane does give a good performance, most worthy of the nomination, but Jane, the award should have gone to Jill Clayburgh, and I sure hope you're happy, we'll miss you Jill.
This year Time Magazine has awarded Mark Zuckenberg, the founder of Facebook as the man of the year. Facebook is transforming people's lives all over the world and human nature is being affected in ways never before seen by people. Congratulations Mr. Mark Zuckenberg!
There are now just ten (10) days until Christmas Day, oh my goodness, I really can't believe that it is that close. Yes, there are now only nine (9) days left to do your shopping, and I still have those stocking-stuffers to get. Have I told you lately how much I love Christmas, I really do and I don't want it to be over with, I guess I'll just have to focus on the upcoming Royal Wedding! Yes, I do have Kate Middleton and Prince William's wedding to look forward to on April 29th, 2011.
Zac, Winter and I will be babysitting Raphael and Jessie this afternoon, for a couple of hours only, I would prefer having them for a couple of weeks, but you can't have everything (why not?,) at least that's what people keep telling me. Oh yeah, in the same vein as my niece and nephew, Zac and I will be joining Louise's mother and Louise for lunch today, I'm not too sure where we're going for lunch, but I know we will all enjoy ourselves.
I hope all of you have a great day, make sure that you remember to constantly hydrate yourself and instead of taking that elevator up one floor, do your heart a favour and take the stairs to your destination.
Topics coming soon:
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