Date: Friday August 20th, 2010
Word of the Day: polymath; a person of great or varied learning; one acquainted with various
subjects of study
Weight: 228 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 96 pounds
Rowing Duration: 120 minutes, 22 seconds
Well its Friday, finally, and I can almost see me stepping on that scale and getting my weight. On Sunday am., maybe, you can remember that the hour will be upon me, and give me a drumroll, please.
I always try and remember to use my manners, it seems that there are many people out there that do no feel this is important, but, I do, so I try to set a good example.
I have made a decision that when I've reached my goal, and have lost the desired weight, I am going to write a diet book, like so many others before me. Why not? Maybe, I will be able to provide some insight to you, and then, you too, will lose any extra weight you may have, or perhaps you will just start a better lifestyle to maintain better health.
Today, I am also starting a campaign to get me to be the next judge on American Idol, as I think it is high time they get an ordinary person to be on the panel, so do what you can to get me elected to that panel. I promise I won't forget you! Actually, since our country no longer has this competition, I think the United States, and Canada should merge the competitions, and call it North American Idol, that way, there will be no fuss about having a Canadian judge part of the forum
Zac informed me yesterday that my posts (blog) have a likability factor, I appreciated the encouragement. Zac said that my writing is easy to read, although it could use some polishing. Maybe in time, this will happen, or if all else fails, I'll send it to a shoe shiner.
I do appreciate all of the encouragement that I get from you, and not a day goes by wherein someone doesn't send me a note to tell me that I'm doing well on Cruella, and that I should keep the exercise going.! It means alot to me that there are people out there cheering me on, so today I thank you.
Encouragement really does help to keep me motivated on Cruella, especially when my legs start to tire and my breathing is becoming more and more laboured, I am able to go on, because I don't want you to be disappointed, most of all, I do not want to be discouraged from the road to better health.
Well Mavis is leaving today and Zac's brother Brian is arriving. I enjoy it alot when Brian comes to the lake for a visit, he is always vey helpful , and uses his carpentry skills to fix things up here that need attention.
Only yesterday, I chatted about the benefits of exercising early, well, I think I want to recant the benefit of having it cool outside, as I was cold today, and I don't think its a good thing to be in cold air when you are sweating profusely, and its probably harmful, is it?
It is so much later now when the sun finally rises, this is the time of year that I get sad, as I know that it will soon be time for us to leave. Alas, there are other things to look forward to, such as going to Gainesville, Florida, and seeing my kids, well they're really my nephew and nieces, but I call them my kids! Oh , and that means Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then Halloween, and ultimately, the big one, CHRISTMAS! I bet I just made your day.
It seems Christmas comes faster every year. This summer, I saw on television that there were places that were celebrating Summer Christmas, I couldn't believe it. Some of the retail stores had already put up the Xmas decorations, they said they were having Xmas sales, and there was even a Santa Claus sitting on his chair, and talking to the childen, and occasional adult.
Every time I see Santa Claus sitting on his chair, I think of the time, I believe it was two years ago, that my friend and I got in the line to see Santa, and finally, we both simultaneously sat on his lap, and had our picture taken. We received alot of strange looks, especially from Santa, but it was fun to do, and it really made a good memory.
One of the better ways to stay young is to be young at heart. I think we allow ourselves to get older, and I believe it is possible to reverse the aging trend by: keeping ourselves fit, not smoking, always using a sun block, even in the Winter-time, moisturizing the skin, associating with those people younger than ourselves, and if all else fails, getting a face-lift!!!!! Why the heck not if it makes you feel better?
Okay, my latest problem, I seem to have a slight injury that is impeding my exercise. The skin directly underneath the hem of my shorts has been impaired, it sort of resembles a blemished line or a scratch. The line is about six inches in length, red, and while I am rowing, the shorts press up against my thigh, and it is irratatingly painful. Now, Zac has recommended using fucidin, and to put vaseline on top of my thigh(the injured area) just before I row. This advice has helped some, but I am wondering if any of you have had similar injuries, and what you did to ameliorate it. Please help me with suggestions.
Yesterday, on the Today show, they showed a video clip of a bull that was inside an arena, then jumped over the fence, and into the stands where the people (audience) were, and proceeded to attack them. I noticed in the audience that there were quite alot of people wearing red T shirts, and maybe it was this that spurred the bull on to attack, but my goodness, life certainly can turn on a dime.
I love watching Oprah, and will be sad when her show finishes after this next season. I have learned so much from viewing Oprah, and I don't think there is an episode that I haven't enjoyed, and there are alot of episodes in twenty plus years.
Oprah has done so much for so many people. I don't understand why so many people feel such resentment towards her, I guess you really can't please everybody.
I have always read alot, but I know many people who did not, and are now reading, thanks to Oprah, and her book club. I don't always like her selections, but she has recommended a book or two that I have thoroughly enjoyed, and would not have picked up, if it wasn't for her recommendation. One book in particular, She's come undone, by Wally Lamb, was quite delightful, entertaining, enlightning, and I think it is a gem of a book, so if you haven't read it, do so!
For some reason, people like it when bad things happen to successful people. We just love to read in the Enquirer, and other news magazines of that ilk , that celebrities are in, or are experiencing trouble. Now, I don't know if this is because the magazine wouldn't sell if they printed true stories, as the truth is probably too boring, but whatever the reason is, I think it is a sad statement of our society, that we revel in other people's misfortune/misery, and I am just as guilty as you, but I do try and keep it to a bare minimum.
If I ever see something printed about me, and it is intrue, I will take the responsible (funny word for people that do this,) party to court, and sue their asses off!!! I mean it, stay off my roof!!
On that note, I think I will let you get to your weekend, have a great one, remember the Canadian National Exhibiton (CNE) opens today, which is indicative that summer is just about over, and I will get to my weekend.
Topics coming soon: Maureen Beckett, also known as (AKA) The Walmart Woman. The last of the red hot meat eaters, and All About Eve!
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