Word of the Day: fletcherize(FLECH\uh\rahyz); to chew (food) slowly and thoroughly
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: too many, hehe, 74 pounds
Waist Size: 43 inches
Rowing Duration: 118 minutes, 32 seconds
This is a shout-out to all my friends out there who are wondering what people down here are politically feeling and thinking, and let me tell you, SARAH PALIN, SARAH PALIN and SARAH PALIN. (I don't get it, I don't get it, I don't get it!!!!!!)
It doesn't seem to matter to folks that Ms. Palin does not have a whole lot of knowledge and experience in foreign and domestic affairs, people like Sarah Palin because she is just what she seems to be, a warm, intelligent person who cares about her country. And, interestingly, both Democrats and Republicans want Sarah Palin to run for President in 2012.
The Democrats, it seems, want Sarah Palin to run for President because they're sure she'll lose which will ensure their own as victorious. Republicans want Ms. Palin to run because they really believe in her and think that she can control taxes going up. I, personally, feel that taxes are just what they have always been, inevitable, uncontrollable and whomever is in charge will always fall under inspection and criticism.
I got a late start again today, I don't know what is wrong with me but I am sleeping in much later than normal, I think it is because I have not been getting in my nap during the afternoon, today will be no exception either as I will be attending the ballet "Cinderella."
Last night Zac and I went to watch our nephew Raphael play in a basketball game, it was a little different for us to do this and we enjoyed the experience. At the game, which my brother Biff coaches, our one niece Jessie was also there, so it was fun sharing the experience with her.
My nephew's team lost the game but they looked like they had alot of fun, which for me is key. Raphael did manage to score two baskets so we thought that was good and Zac and I told him that we were proud of him, and we are.
After the game, we drove Jessie to her home as Biff and Raphael were staying to watch another game. At Jessie's house, we dined on sloppy joes, socialized with Louise and Sally who had been at home for an hour or so and then we drove home. It had been a good night.
I would like to honour my brother Biff today who gives alot of his time coaching basketball and soccer teams. Biff, is an active father of three, teaches middle school children and still finds time to devote to others. I know my parents are smiling down at Biff from Heaven and I hope Biff knows how proud all his family is of him. Especially me.
I'm very proud of Biff who I feel is an excellent father; I don't always agree with his methodology (Biff's a yeller!,) but all you have to do is look at Biff's children and you'll see happy, content children. I believe that says everything! (Yes, I know only yesterday I was concercerned about Raphael; I still am, that hasn't changed- I'm talking about the children's feelings for the majority of time, don't quibble so much people!)
No, I know Biff did not do it alone and he does get excellent support and assistance from his amazing wife, Louise, just because I'm praising Biff does not mean that I'm forgetting about Louise, gosh, you people, whew!
Today, there are now only two (2) weeks, that's fourteen (14) days people until Christmas Day and you now have less than two (2) weeks to complete your Christmas shopping. Shame on you if you haven't started your shopping, or maybe you're just the type that thrives on that last-minute rush of going to the stores and grabbing what you can to give as gifts. That, is not for me.
I bought my niece a "Barbie" gift yesterday at the Toys R Us outlet and I was told by the salesperson that I was smart to buy it during the day yesterday as the store was going to be raising it's price on this item at six o'clock that evening, so good for me in getting a somewhat good deal. I also bought some stocking-stuffers for Zac and the kids. I tell you people, you spend a small fortune on those stocking-stuffers, WOW!
Okay, here's one that I bet you didn't see coming, and I was certainly surprised upon discovering, they are now reporting that married men make nicer men, yup, you read it here first folks. It seems married men display fewer qualitites associated with antisocia, 1 personality disorder, like criminal behaviour, lying, aggression, and lack of remourse, than those who are unmarried, and the reason for this has been the subject of debate for some time. Some believe that nicer men are more likely to marry in the first place, while others say that is is marriage which improves men's behaviour, how about that? Researchers who studied 289 pairs of mail twins for twelve (12) years, between the ages of 17 and 29, have now concluded that both hypotheses, in combination are correct.
The researchers found that men with fewer nasty qualities were more likely to eventually end up married. But among men who did marry, some showed signs indicating that their bad behavior decreased after the union. Is it because marriage reforms them, or because men with more of these nasty traits are less likely to get married in the first place? A little bit of both, study author Dr. S. Alexandra Burt at Michigan State University told Reuters Health.
Married men "are just not as antisocial to begin with," she said. "And when they get married, they get even less antisocial. So both things are going on." Burt and her colleagues adopted a "novel approach" to investigate the link between marriage and antisocial personality disorder, said Dr. Ryan King at the University at Albany, SUNY, who was not involved in the study.
Specifically, they followed 289 pairs of male twins for 12 years, between the ages of 17 and 29. More than half of the twins were identical, meaning they shared all of their genes, and, largely, their childhood environment, as well, since both were raised in the same household. The authors found that men who eventually married during the study period, about 60 percent of them, showed less antisocial behavior at ages 17 and 20, suggesting that men with more of these traits are less likely to get married in the first place.
Specifically, they found that by the age of 29, unmarried men had an average of 1.3 antisocial behaviors, compared with 0.8 among married men. However, among identical twins in which one was married and one wasn't, the married twin had fewer antisocial behaviors after the union than the unmarried twin. Given that identical twins, with their similar genetics and childhood environments, are likely to have the same antisocial tendencies, these findings indicate that marriage helped weed out those bad behaviors. "Not everyone is equally likely to enter the institution of marriage," King said. "But those that do enter into it get some benefit from it." It's not clear why men's behaviors might improve after marriage, he noted. (Could it not be the partner's influence? gad, what is wrong with people's thinking, or lack of thinking?)
Married men may spend more time with their spouses than their friends, King said, and bad behaviors such as delinquency and binge drinking tend to be group activities. In addition, married men "have more to lose" if they're caught doing illegal activities, and may care what their spouses think. (I can't believe that they pay people alot of money to come up with this theory, clearly, I'm not in the right business!)
It's also not clear why men with more antisocial behaviors may not marry in the first place, Burt said. They are probably not the most eligible bachelors, she noted. "You may not be looking to settle down with someone who's prone to aggression, theft, and other things." And for men with these tendencies, marriage may not be so appealing, she added. Whether the same trend is true in women is also not clear, Burt noted, since women are less likely to have antisocial behaviors in the first place.
The results, presented in the Archives of General Psychiatry, help explain the consistent findings from other studies that men who are married commit fewer crimes. One recent study, for example, showed marriage was associated with a 35 percent reduction in crime. Historically, studies have also found that married people as a group tend to be healthier than singles, though recent research suggests the health advantage of marriage may be fading. Still, people with spouses tend to live longer, be less depressed, and suffer less from heart disease and stroke. There you go people, there are three reasons to get married, but I'm also willing to bet that those three reasons for marriage are also identical to reasons why people want to end their marriage, wanna bet?
It's now time for you to get on with your weekend, do me a favour and tell me about yours, I really would like to hear from you. As always, be safe out there and think of someone else besides yourself!
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