Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday: The TO DO DAY

Date:                                       Saturday, December 18th, 2010
Logo for The Home Depot. Category:Brands of th...Word of the Day:                   stentorian(sten\TOR\ee\uhn); extremely loud
Weight:                                   206 pounds
Goal:                                       lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                       74 pounds
Waist Size:                              43 inches
Rowing Duration:                  69 minutes, eighteen (18) seconds

It's that busy, busy day again, the day when you try to get all of your chores done so that you can have some kind of peace tomorrow, but today you want to clean your house, get that item from the Home Depot Store, take your little one to Chrissy's birthday party, send Serena to that sleepover at Tammy Faye's house and try to keep your brother-in-law happy by lending him your children for a couple of hours, am I being too subtle here?

Well, I knew it was bound to happen, yet again, this is the second version of my post, my computer was misbehaving and I lost my earlier version, I hope I can remember what I wrote down earlier, I doubt it but I'll certainly try.

Once again you will note that the rowing duration indicator isn't very long, and besides the spurt factor, another possible reason for the decline is that Zac has had to give me quite a few shots (injections) of depomedrol for my asthma, I've had at least five (5) injections.  The liquid prednisone clears up my asthma nicely but I do suffer from quite a few side effects, such as my legs get quite weak and it is difficult for me to walk.  Oh well, it could be worse.

Yesterday was a busy day for Zac and I, or should I just say busier day?  We started the day by going to breakfast at the 43rd Street Diner, we go there alot for breakfast.  At the diner we always have the same server, her name is Jackie and Jackie would like us to buy the house that is next to hers, Jackie thinks we would make good neighbours, little does she know, hehe.

The lady that owns the house that Zac and I are renting, her name is Lee came by yesterday afternoon to pick up her mail.  We like Lee alot,  but she is worried that the house we are renting has not sold yet.  The house has been on the market for a long time now and is a bargain, it is a short sale and I'm sure if somebody put in an offer of one hundred and ninety-thousand dollars, they would get the house.

One of the features of the house that I really like is the size of all four (4) of the bedrooms, they are quite large, and builders today just don't build bedrooms this large.  And three (3) of those bedrooms have full bathrooms, that too isn't shabby.  Naturally, the house has a swimming pool, large kitchen, dining, laundry and living rooms.  The house would be perfect for Zac and I if it were a brighter house, this house is too dark for us as I like the house bright and sunny, like me.  Good luck Lee.

Yesterday afternoon Zac and I paid a visit to the CVS Drug Store and I managed to get alot of my stocking stuffers, it cost me just under two (2) hundred dollars and that was on purchases that I consider "little things." and I'm not yet finished with those "little things," yikes, will it ever end?

It finally happened folks, last night Winter went to my brother Biff's house for a sleepover.  The youngest one there, Jessie, has wanted Winter as a houseguest for some time now so I'm glad that the opportunity finally presented itself, although I had no idea how much I would worry and miss WinterThis is the first time that Zac and I have ever been separated from Winter and it was rough!!!!!

Winter is going to be at Biff's house a little longer today as Zac and I have plans to take the children, Sally, Jessie and Raphael to see a movie, it will either be "MegaMind" or the new "Narnia" movie.  In either case, Biff will probably end up watching Winter, and this is okay, Biff loves Winter alot more than he pretends to, we all know this, and we actually believe that Winter has a little love thing going on for Biff, how about that Louise, you got competition!

Since we did not have Winter with us, Zac and I went to the show last night to see Cher's comeback movie "Burlesque" which I'm telling you not to go and see, there were some cute bits but certainly not worth the cost of admission and certainly not worth the cost of those refreshments, gosh candy and popcorn costs alot at the show, too much!  The one thing that was kind of a plus is that Zac and I did not have to pay the admission fee because I had a couple of passes that were given to me.  Thank goodness for that.

There is now just one (1) week left until Christmas Day, that's seven (7) days people and if you have not started your Christmas Shopping yet, let me say this to you, you're in do do, really, because today is known as Super-Saturday and is one of the busiest shopping days ever.   It's not going to be fun with all those last-minute crowds that are surely going to be out there, well, you can't say you were not warned!
I am now ending today's post because you and I both want to get on with our day and to be honest, I need to check up on my child, I can't believe how much I miss Winter, am I being silly?

Have a good one.
Christmas in the post-War United States

Topics coming soon:


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