Days until Christmas: two (2)
Word of the Day: lagniappe (LAN\yap); a small gift given with a purchase to customer, for good measure
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Just for Louise, Efrem's ambiton: to be shy
Rowing Duration: 88 minutes, twelve (12) seconds
Good day, try to be careful with the word of the day, the word looks like it should have a different pronunciation, other than the one that is given in brackets, but be assured that the pronunciation in brackets is correct, it just looks a little odd, never mind that though, now you just have to use it in a sentence.
I have finally completed my Christmas shopping, (with two (2) days to spare,) as I mentioned in yesterday's post, I went Christmas shopping with my sister-in-law, Louise, with Louise's mother, Dina Spring, and as it turned out, an extra person came along, Louise's daughter, and my niece, Sally, and we managed to go to a lot of stores and get a lunch at the ever popular Chick Fill A, which I absolutely love!!!
I am getting into some rough shape again, physically speaking, yesterday my feet started swelling up and I had difficulty wearing my shoes. Today, I could not wear my sneakers when I did my rowing, which is very upsetting as I kept my feet elevated all afternoon and all night yesterday, and it seems to have accomplished very little, maybe today they will improve. Here I go again, my breathing is becoming difficult and Zac is going to have to give me another shot of depomedrol, great, just in time for the holidays, never mind, I know it could be worse, so I don't wear shoes for a few days, at least I have an excuse to go barefoot!!!
In the vein of taking care of one's self, alot of people neglect taking in as much liquids into their body as they shoud during the season of Winter and hydration concerns shouldn't stop when the temperature drops. In fact, dehydration can be just as common in the winter as in the summer. Because your body is not sweating as much, it's easy to overlook the signs of dehydration. A dehydrated body can lead to exhaustion, muscle fatigue, cramps, loss of coordination and even stroke. Dehydration can also leave your body more susceptible to common colds and flu, which are both more prevalent in the winter.
The rules of hydration are essentially the same no matter the weather. Pay attention to the warning signs of dehydration and make sure to drink plenty of water. Keep a bottle of water handy, and drink even before signs of thirst appear. Thirst is a signal that your body is already on the way to dehydration, that and a bunch of white stuff coming from your mouth!
Monitor your urine, which should be light to clear. If you are taking supplements, expect your urine to darken in colour for several hours after consumption. I know that this task is much easier to do for men, (men frequently stand at the urinal/toilet when voiding and view their urine quite naturally/women have to stand up from the toilet and then look back, which I think isn't as natural to do,) in any case, look at the darn stuff and monitor it.
Drink before, during, and after exercise. Drink one (1) to two (2) cups of water at least one (1) hour before the start of any exercise. Drink four (4) to eight (8) onces of fluid every twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes during exercise. This is much harder to do when it's cold outside since you may not sweat profusely or feel particularly thirsty, but do it, if only for the reason that I tell you to, you hear me Lily?
Drink water throughout the day and especially at every meal. If you are craving a hot chocolate or coffee to warm you up, pair it with a glass of water without ice. Tepid water won't make you feel too chilled, and it's also easier for your body to absorb than a cold drink, but if you are anything like me, you hate drinking warm water, obviously you will just have to suck it up.
When exercising, pack water with you. Depending on your workout, you may need to carry water with you. If you're snow skiing or exercising outside, keep your water bottle or camel from freezing by insulating it or tucking it into your warmest layer of clothing. I know what you're thinking, great, just another thing to help me look heavy.
Aim for a gallon of fluids every day, which includes liquids from vegetables, juices and soups. I know this sounds like you have to drink an awful lot, YOU DO!, but your body requires it.
Both caffeine and alcohol have a diuretic effect on your body, so be sure to compensate for this additional water loss. Keep track of your water consumption by drinking from a water bottled marked with measurements. This advice should not replace that of a physician. Always consult a physician before beginning an exercise program, but you already know that, I mean, how many times do I have to say it, consult your doctor, consult your doctor, CALL ZAC, and have your health card number handy, hehe.
Can you believe it people? There are now only two (2) days left until Christmas Day, which means, if you don't count today, there is only one (1) day left to complete your Christmas Shopping. Remember, money is usually welcomed by most people, so if you don't have alot of choice, and time left, buy some Christmas cards and put a cheque in it, and, as always, good luck to you.
This morning whilst I was rowing on CC, I watched the movie musical Grease, which stars John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John. Doesn't anyone out there, besides me, think that most of the people that went to Rydell High School were a little too old to be in High School. I mean, come on, Stockard Channing, who played the part of Rizzo had to be at least thirty-five (35) years old! I guess it is just me, because they obviously got away with those little discrepancies, the movie made a fortune at the box office.
That's one of the things about movies that I love, they can do anything in them and we buy it, more often than not, there is a happy ending, and, lets face it, we all want and love the happy ending. But, what of the people, who because of circumstance, will never have a happy ending?
First, I think that happiness is a state of mind, it is attitude, and that that is controlled by each and every one of us, quite realistically, it is hard to be in a merry mood when there are so many bills to pay, children to feed, and you are out of work.
I am not a magician and cannot make your troubles disappear, I really wish I could, but you and I know that this simply is out of everyone's realm. However, I can relay to you how I faced my hardships, and there were plenty of them for me, and the first thing that I want to communicate to you is that you have to try and not let your problems overwhelm you, you are not identified by your problems, and you have to try and not let your problems affect your spirit, I know this is easier said than done, but it is possible.
And if possible, try to do those things first that need immediate handling, yes, you have to prioritize your problems, and then you go about fixing them and they can be handled, with a little imagination and knowledge, sometimes it just takes thinking out of the regular box that you have got yourself in.
For example, if one of your problems is feeding the children and you don't have any money to buy groceries, clearly, one of your options will be for you to go to an organization that provides food and there are plenty of these food banks, or food shelters around, just look in the phone book. And please, do not feel guilty about using these organizations, many of them are paid for by our taxes, and we all pay taxes so if you need to use a food bank from time to time, remember, you, in essence pay for this service. The money you save from not having to buy food, can be applied elsewhere, so just think a little bit about that, not so bad now, is it?
In addition, if you are temporarily out of funds, and trust me, everything is temporary (it just seems forever,) share this knowledge with your friends and family as they may be in a position to help you out. Do not assume anything, especially when it comes down to finance! People like helping out people, so put your pride on hold and let other people have the opportunity to help you make things better.
I am not trying to tell you that you can't have pride, it is all relative, and just because you can't afford to buy food, at this time, is no reason for you not to have pride, take pride in the fact that you managed to feed your children and they will now be able to have the nutrients necessary to sustain them.
I know I may be thinking simplistically, but I believe that sometimes things do not have to be as complicated as we make them, and I really believe with my whole heart that there is a solution to every problem, and that just because you haven't thought of the answer, does not mean that there isn't one. Just ask me, if you need to and I'll try to help you out, just please do not call me Pollyanna, I much prefer Polly!!!!!!
Have a great day.
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