Days until Christmas: one (1)
Word of the Day: zenith(ZEE\nith); a highest point or state; culmination
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
What does Efrem wish for the world: Peace, love, good health, water and food for everyone
Rowing Duration: 91 minutes, fourteen (14) seconds
Yesterday afternoon I started to setup a page on MS Word that will eventually be my layout for future posts of my blog. I have not used Word in a long time, and there are many new features on it that I need to acquaint myself with, such as, setting margins, tabs, and wraparounds so that my copy can look its best. I like giving you the best that I can give to you.
I'm sure I'm not the only one around that has difficulty understanding the "HELP" features on MS Word and I know I'll eventually figure everything out, it is just going to take some time.
I also forgot to mention that yesterday was the anniversary of the death of my sister Janet, who has now been gone for thirty-seven (37) years, I miss Janet as much today, as I did then, as Janet was the one person in my family who always took care of me, protected me, and showed me that I was loved.
I have been a little preoccupied lately with a big decision that I need to make, a decision that in all likelihood is going to be painful and will leave me sad for awhile. I don't know if I ever told any of you, but Gainesville, Florida is known as "The Tree Town" and should you ever come here for a visit, you'll agree that the town is aptly named, it is the tree's, I think, that are causing me a problem.
All of you know that I suffer badly from severe asthma, and even though my asthma has been somewhat controlled these past two (2) years, it is always a concern for Zac and I to keep it under control. And this, my good friends, is the crux of the problem.
Every single time that I visit Gainesville, Florida, I need to get more than my regular share of depomerol injections (liquid prednisone,) because my asthma flares up. Zac and I believe the contributing factor is that of the leaves on the trees, they seem to provide or give off mould that gets into my lungs, or I have an allergy to the mould, whatever it is, it seems to exacerbate the asthma.
Getting the asthma is only half of the problem. The other part of the problem is, that even though the depomedrol works wonders on my lungs, it is the side effects of the medication that cause even bigger problems for me.
I tend to get very swollen legs and feet from being on the liquid prednisone, and sometimes it is extremely difficult to get my feet and legs to return to a regular size. I have to take two (2) water pills a day, leaving me with the exciting activity of visiting the washroom for the bulk of the day, in an effort to try and reduce the swelling, and sometimes that isn't enough and I am forced to lay down and keep both of my legs elevated higher than my heart, not the most comfortable position, but it is manageable.
It's almost showtime people, yes, there is just one (1) day left until Christmas Day, and today is absolutely the last day that you have to complete your Christmas Shopping. Please advise if you need me to include you in my prayers, hehe, really good luck to you if today is the day that you start your Christmas Shopping, I have heard of people that do like to wait until today to start, I'm glad I don't personally know any.
It is always something with me and today I've encountered a really big problem, a drink got accidentally spilled into the keyboard of my computer, consequently, it is not working properly and I will have to most likely send it back to Dell for repair, I will also be ending this post sooner than I wanted, but I'm using Zac's computer at this time, and he needs it back to do his work.
Later today, I will be going to a Christmas Eve service at church, following that, Zac, Winter and I will all head to my brother Biff's house where we will feast on food and open up Christmas presents, it should be alot of fun.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas holiday, remember to be safe if you are travelling somewhere, actually you should just be safe in everything that you do.
I wish all of you good things, only good things, and God Bless You.
Topics coming soon:
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