Word of the Day: celerity(suh\LAIR\uh\tee); rapidity of motion of action; quickness; swiftness
Weight: 206 poundsGoal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Rowing Duration: 124 minutes, nineteen (19) seconds
I am absolutely exhausted, I gave everything I had in me on CC this morning, and I was able to do alot of spurting and time endurance, which is a good thing as I need to really pour on the exercise, especially after all of the extra food and goodies I ate over the holidays. I really did eat too much over this past holiday, oh well, onward and upward, but, its a good thing that Christmas does only come once a year otherwise I would be done in, how about you?
I spent yesterday just taking it easy, making telephone calls to people that I forgot to call on Christmas Day, I know how thoughtless!, I also watched television, specifically watching movies and copying those movies onto digital video device (dvd). I do have my collection of films that I love to contribute adding movies to,so that is something I do on a daily and regular basis, it is myj job!
I did manage to speak to my nephew, Raphael yesterday, who was very pleased that I telephoned him. In addition, my brother Biff and his family spent part of the day visiting the stores and looking for bargains, and then in the afternoon, they all went to see the movie, "Gulliver's Travels," We were invited to go to the show with them, but Zac and I thought it best that I should stay home and keep my feet elevated as ;they are still very swollen! Anyway, later when I talked to my family, I was told that they enjoyed the movie! It was good to know that one of the gifts that we gave to my brother's family at Christmas was the gift of movie certificates so Zac and I were pleased that the opportunity to use the certificates already presented itself!
My keyboard on my computer is still sick, I am going to contact the manufacturer of the computer, Dell, today, to see what can be done to fix "The Camden Plus", don't you remember? "The Camden Plus" is the name of this computer.
There might be the possibility that Dell will want me to send my computer back for repair; if that happens, obviously my blog will not be published for awhile, but I will try to make it up to you and/or I will see if I can use Zac's computer in the interim, but, Zac does use his computer for a large part of the day so I am not making any promises, we'll see.
During the winter months, the weather can turn from dull to disasterous. Sometimes the sun barely gets a chance to shine through the clouds, and it gets so cold that weather stations advise the public to stay indoors. Gosh, I hate days like that! On cold, dark days like these, it can be difficult to find the motivation to complete your errands, finish your work, exercise and eat healthy. In the winter, you have to avoid the urge to hibernate, because it only leads to procrastination and weight gain. Hmmm. maybe you've heard me talk about weight gain from time to time, for those of you who don't know, it is the reason that I started this blog!
Plan outdoor events that get your heart rate up. Skiing is an activity that beginners and experts can enjoy, and it works muscles that you probably don't usually use. Other ways to get more rigorous exercise is to go on hikes in the woods with friends or jog up and down your street. Just remember to wear insulating clothing.
Limit the amount of television you watch, yes, I know I have to apply this advice to myself, because it's easy to get comfortable on the couch and eat all of your groceries. Put on the radio instead to keep you entertained while you pay the bills and clean the house.
Eat well balanced meals to keep up your energy level. For the record, potato chips, burgers, french fries, and other things/foods in this fashion do not count towards being balanced. Avoid eating too many carbohydrates and sugars, because these are comfort foods, which can be enticing. Have oatmeal for breakfast and a warming tea with your lunch and dinner. Drinking water throughout the day instead of soda can keep you hydrated too.
Wake up in the morning and open the blinds or turn on some lights to brighten the room. Too often people, like me, suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Symptoms of SAD include depression, lethargy, over sleeping and overeating comfort foods like carbohydrates and sweets.
Some remedies for SAD involve getting outside in the fresh air, taking St. John's Wort as an herbal anti-depressant to enhance your mood and light therapy options. Light therapy (phototherapy) involves sitting by a light therapy box, which uses full-spectrum lights (comparable to sunlight). The light is meant to mimic sunlight, so it will cause a biochemical change in the brain by reducing the production of melatonin. I, somtimes wear a lamp tht gets attached to my forehead, I look ridiculous wearing it, but it works and that is what is most important.
Melatonin is produced during your sleep cycle or when the environment is dark, but when an above normal amount is produced, it can cause the symptoms of SAD. Another remedy is to exercise, because it causes your body to release endorphins. This boost of energy can relieve the symptoms of lethargy and keep up your metabolism.
Stay in good company. Sometimes it helps to do your errands or exercises with friends and family. Just make sure that you don't pick a person who is going to persuade you to skip out on your kick boxing classes. If you don't have someone to support you, join a gym and attend a yoga, pilates or cycling class. This can help get you out of the house too, and sometimes it's getting out of the house that is the hardest part of winter, yes indeed!
Well I need to end my post now as I am getting rather confused and frustrated at applying the virtual keybvoard, what happens is when I go back to insert letters that don't get typed in because of the damage to the keyboard, I don't know how to make out all of the words that I had already typed in, and it is very, very frustrating, (I hate being frustrated,) oh well, at least I am able to get a small post to you.
I hope you all have a good day and that you continue to bask in the Lord's greatness! I know, aren't I something?
Take care.
Topics coming soon:
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