Days until Christmas: five (5)
Word of the Day: nth (ENTH); being the last of a series of infinetly decreasing or increasing values, amounts etc.
Weight: 206 pounds
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Rowing Duration: one hour, nineteen (19) minutes, two (2) seconds
Good day, well I managed to do a combination of spurting and time endurance on CC this morning, so I am very pleased with how the day is starting, I hope the good things continue happening, and there is no reason why they shouldn't continue, is there?
Here we go again people, the beginning of another week, this week, however, is going to be one of your better work weeks as everyone will be (in all likelihood) in a good mood about the upcoming holiday and also the fact that a very nice long weekend is coming up.
Yup, even if you are not taking any extra time off, at the very least you are going to have next Monday and Tuesday (well, most of you anyway,) off which means at the end of this Friday, you are going to have four (4) whole days off?, how about that?, and who says you're not lucky!
There are now only five (5) days left until Christmas Day, and I am getting so excited, I will be a little sad to see it all end, but after Santa Claus gets back to the North Pole and starts plannng for next year, I'm going to focus in on the upcoming Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, yes, that is going to be one for the history books!!!!!!!!
I would like to offer some advice regarding the receipt of presents, try to remember that whatever you receive, the gift given to you was given in the hope it would please you, so even if it is not quite what you had in mind, remember the person giving it to you only wanted to make you happy and that in itself is about the best gift that one could ever receive, the gift of happiness!
In addition, try to remember all of the gifts YOU ALREADY HAVE, and that you probably don't think of: the gift of sight, and hearing, the ability to walk, talk, laugh, to hold a pen in your hand, to drink water from taps out of your own home, and that you don't have to walk miles to get that water, to live in a Country wherein there is peace and not war, the gift of health care, and when you are next at the hospital and feel like complaining because things are taking awhile, try to think of all those people who would gladly change places with you just to get free health care, (yeah I know all about taxes, just once, try not to quibble so much,) and above everything else, please remember that alot of things we take for granted are GIFTS and we should once in awhile take notice of that fact.
Today, Zac, Winter and I are driving to Orlando, Florida where we will be meeting Zac's nephew, Buzz, for lunch. We have not seen Buzz, who is coming all the way from Victoria, British Columbia to attend a conference for Mechanical Engineers, since last summer when he came up to the cottage on the lake for a visit. Too bad Buzz's girlfriend, Argentina, (I love that name,) will not be with him, that would have been nice, oh well, at least we get Buzz!
Change of plans, Zac just checked out the name of the place wherein we're supposed to meet Buzz and he discovered that he got the dates of Buzz's visit mixed up, Buzz is not coming to Florida until after the New Year. Consequently/obviously we will not be going to Orlando, Florida today, oh well, I have lots of shopping that still need my attention, there is always something to do, don't you fin
I forgot to mention to you yesterday how very much I enjoy going to worship down here, the minister, at least that's what I think he is called, does not deliver the message of God in an angry tone, and this pleases me. I hate it when the person delivering God's message does it with such wrath, I think I know why they do this, (fear of the Lord and all that sort of good stuff,) I just happen to think and believe in the old adage that you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, because, for me, the vinegar really does turn me off of going to Church, as always, I prefer honey.
I just love finding material that seems so obvious to me and to other people that it makes you shake your head to find out that they needed a study to find out. The study I'm referring to of today is one that is indicative that new research supports the idea that once peole marry and are off the dating scene, they tend to let themselves go. What a compete and utter surprise, I had no idea? Isn't that a shock to your person?
A study of nearly 8,900 adults found that men and women who got married during the course of the study generally expereinced a decline in cardiovascular fitness, as measured by a treadmill test. Women who remained single, meanwhile, showed a small increase in their fitness level over time, as did men who got divorced during the study. I love how they indicate men and women, it's single women, of course, and then, naturally, its divorced men, hehe, funny how they word those two things. The findings highlight the influence of social factors on people's fitness levels, I really love and appreciate the thought they leave us with, and that is that people who stay single, or become single again by divorce, may be somewhat more physically fit than those in wedded bliss! Isn't that quite a recommendation for marriage, indeed!!!!!
Still, researchers say the results support the notion that once people are married and, presumably, off the dating market, they tend to let themselves go a bit. (For me, I only let myself go one hundred and fifty pounds, that might be a bit more, don't you think?) But if they remain single or get divorced, they have more incentive to get in shape. (For these facts, we need a study, okay.) That's not to say that there's a huge fitness chasm between singles and married couples. No, lets not say that.
In this study, changes in marital status were related to only small changes in fitness, lead researcher Dr. Francisco B. Ortega, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, told Reuters Health in an e-mail. Dr. Ortega stressed that any one person's fitness levels depend on a complex mix of factors, including genetics, exercise habits, body composition and overall health. But if the newly wedded are aware that their physical fitness could wane, they might pay more attention to keeping up an exercise routine, according to Dr. Ortega and his colleagues. I, also happen to agree with these findings.
The findings are based on 6,900 men and 1,971 women who were followed for just over three years at the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas. They had physical exams, reported on their lifestyle habits and underwent treadmill tests to gauge their physical fitness. When it came to marital status, the researchers found, women who remained single during the study period showed a small increase in their fitness levels over time. That gain was not seen among women who got married, I'm sure, however, that women can tell you of other benefits, you're welcome Lily!, (you'll figure it out!)
For their part, (oh good, men have a part, hehe) men who married showed a decline in fitness, but so did those who stayed single, though theirs was a smaller loss. For men, the differences were more apparent when the researchers looked at divorce and re-marriage. Men who got divorced during the study showed a gain in fitness levels, while those who remained married saw no change. Meanwhile, men who were divorced at the outset showed a general decline in fitness over time, but the drop was steepest among those who got re-married, YIKES encore for the institution of marriage!
There was no evidence of any divorce "benefit" among women. (For me, this lends itself to alot of prejudice and generalizations.) However, the researchers say one reason could be that there were far fewer women in the study than men, (ah, there we go, duh, why didn't they say that upfront,) and only a small number of women changed their marital status during the follow-up period.
The researchers say the findings highlight the role of social factors in people's fitness levels. "This study provides for the first time evidence that marital transitions are (an) important social stimulus that can influence fitness, and that fits in with the general idea that major life transitions affect people's health habits!" I thought so, well I did!!!!!
Well, I guess that is it for me today, have a good one, stay happy people, it is the season of our Saviour's birth and there should only be smiles.
Topics coming soon:
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