Word of the Day: estivate(ES\tuh\veyt); to spend the summer as at a specific place, or in a certain activity
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 43 inches
Rowing Duration: one hour, thirty-three (33) minutes
Good for me, after three (3) days of not rowing because of sickness, I got back on CC today, and I managed to do an hour and a half at that, how about that? 
Clearly, I am feeling physically better, but that is about all. Yesterday proved quite frustrating for me. I have been waiting for tickets to go on sale for the musical "The Secret Garden" for some time now, and alas, yesterday, when I was ill, and did not get back to my computer until late last night, I noticed that tickets had gone on sale for the show. Naturally, there were only seats available that I don't like to sit in; they were quite far back. If I can't sit in the first ten rows, I don't want to go. I am not going to pay a couple of hundred dollars only to see blurs and images which is what it would amount to if I'm over the ten row mark, so I will not be going to The Secret Garden.
I have seen The Secret Garden before and it was the original Broadway show, which was superb and starred Mandy Patinkin, Rebecca Luker and Tony-winning Daisy Egan in the Mary Lennox role so I have a nice memory of it.
I also saw another production of "The Secret Garden" that came to Toronto, it lacked the lustre of the Broadway show, but was still enjoyable. And, no doubt I would have enjoyed seeing it again, alas, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I am going to have one final try at getting tickets by calling the box-office this morning, but usually the on-line ticket server is pretty reliable so it will probably be in vain. Regardless, I do recommend to all of you who have not seen the show to try and see it, unless, of course, you are like me and will not sit anywhere, does that sound snobbish?
Have you been keeping up with the count? There are now only seventeen (17) days left until Christmas Day and even Mrs. Santa Claus is getting excited about the upcoming big day, as you know, Mrs. Claus is usually quite calm about the big day but there are rumours that Santa's wife has been heard humming Christmas carols, yup, it's true.
And in six (6) just six days people, I too will be singing the Christmas Carol "The Twelve Days of Christmas," I have a large, tenor voice so listen carefully for me, although I don't think that even I can project my voice from Florida to Canada.
Zac and I have been store-hopping trying to find Jessie a Barbie Town-house that she wants for Christmas. We had located the gift at Toys R Us when Raphael and Jessie were there with us, and in fact, the store had on display at least fifty (50) of these items. so naturally, Zac and I thought we had time to buy the gift, we didn't.
After taking Jessie and Raphael back home from our jaunt to Toys R Us, we went back to the store to purchase Barbie's townhouse, and in the course of one hour, the store had sold them out. Unbelievable! If I didn`t have bad luck, I wouldn`t have any luck at all!
It seems all the toy stores in Gainesville, WalMart, K-Mart, Sears, etc. have sold out this item. Zac has placed an order with Amazon to have this toy delivered, and there is supposed to be one on it`s way, but we will not be abe to relax until we have the gift in our hot little hand.
No doubt you've heard, down here in Gainesville, Florida, well for all of Florida actually, we are experiencing a cold snap. Yes, temperatures have dipped down to the high-fifties, and while I still don't mind this little bit of coolness, I am rather relieved to hear that the temperature will go back up by this weekend, what a relief!
How Sad, just one day after the announcement that Elizabeth Edwards had given up the fight against cancer, we learn that the very courageous Elizabeth Edwards has died from Breast Cancer, I know we all offer our sympathies to the Edwards Family.
Well in a different vein, there is news that according to a new study, having multiple miscarriages or stillbirths considerably increases a woman's risk of having a heart attack later in life, my word, don't women have enough to worry about. It seems each miscarriage increases a woman's risk of heart attack by about forty (40) percent. The study involved more than 11,500 women in their mid-30s to mid-60s. Compared to those who never suffered a miscarriage, women who had lost three or more pregnancies were five (5) times more likely to have a heart attack. The relatively young age of the women in this study meant overall risk remained low, but the fact remains that miscarriages could alert doctors to future cardiac problem.
Well, that`s about it for me today, sorry that I don`t have much to say, I hope you all have a good day.
Topics coming soon:
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