Date: Thursday, December 9th, 2010
Word of the Day: bespoke(bih\SPOHK);made to invidual order; custom-made
Weight: 206 pounds
Pounds to lose: 74 poundsWaist Size: 43 inches
Rowing Duration: 97 minutes, twelve (12) seconds
Be still my heart; some things are meant to be, yesterday, I told you of my frustration in not being able to acquire good seats, tickets, for the musical show "The Secret Garden," today, I'm eating my words.
My point of reference is simple, if I could get fifth row seats yesterday morning, why were these seats not present online for me to buy the night before? And again, if these seats were available yesterday morning, were there in fact, better seats than fifth row available the night before?, and why wasn't I shown those online?
For the record, I did key things in correctly, a floor-plan was brought-up with all seats available to buy when I went online two nights ago, and the closest I could get was row S. I mean, think about it, if I could have bought these seats two nights ago, I would not have had to make a long distance phone call yesterday morning, would I? Something smelly indeed.
Recently, I watched the program 20/20 which featured a story of a woman whose daughter had drowned, and the mother of the girl was convicted of drowning this girl because her seven (7), that's right, her seven year-old son gave reports that he saw her drowning her. The woman's son gave other stories, and would often contradict himself, however, the jury saw enough truth, I guess to convict the woman. I find it absolutely dumbfounding that a jury would convict a woman to life in prison based on a child's testitmony who contradicted himself a record of thirteen Stimes. I don't know what "reasonable doubt" is if it isn't a child contradicting himself thirteen times, what do you think of that? Anyway, that story really disturbed me and I wondered if any of you happened to see it last Friday night, I am now on to happier thoughts.
Christmas Day is now sixteen (16) days away and soon not only will I be singing "The Twelve Days of Christmas" but I'll try to be getting some of the items mentioned in the song, can any of you help me locate two turtle doves?
Zac, Winter and I went out on an outing yesterday afternoon, we stopped at The Oaks Mall, which is the big mall in Gainesville, Florida and visited a couple of stores to do some shopping. We bought a Christmas tree that was fully decorated and is helping me get into the Christmas mood, we bought stocking-stuffers, candy, gift certificates, you know, Christmas kind of stuff, and then some. I also had a late lunch/early dinner at Chick Fill A. I love their Polynesian sauce on their chicken nuggets.
Over the next couple of days, Zac and I are going to be quite social. Tonight, we are going to our Goddaughter and oldest niece down here, Sally's school concert. I believe their band will be playing Christmas Carols and we will enjoy watching Sally play her clarinet, she's quite good you know.
On Saturday, Zac and I will be joining Louise, Jessie and Sally togo and see the ballet "Cinderella." I have not been to the ballet in quite some time now so that should be a good time. We are taking with us a present of a monopoly game that we bought at Walmart yesterday to give for charity, as we all should do our bit to help out those less fortunate than ourselves., even if its just a little something. By the way, Biff and Raphael did not want to go to the ballet so they will stay home and babysit Winter.
Sunday morning we will be going to church not only to worship but to watch all of our kids in the Church Christmas play, I hope we remember to bring the camera.
It is so funny to see alot of the people down here wearing heavy winter coats, Zac and I are going around without even wearing a jacket! It's true, the weather is cooler than what people expect for Florida, but for Zac and I, we still feel like we've won a lottery.
Yesterday on "All My Children," there was a memorial service for the character of Zac Slater who in last week's storyline was killed in a plane crash last week I know that "Zac" isn't real, nor are the other characters, but the storyline was acted so well, and the actors were so believable that I could not help but get caught up in the make-believe story and I was probably crying louder and harder than anyone else; I must give cudos to the actress Alicia Menshew who is Zac's wife/widow; that girl should be nominated for a daytime Emmy, even if it was just for yesterday's episode. Alicia Menshew showed her heart and gave a phenomenal performance; I don't think enough credit is given to the actors in soaps, they really know their craft!
Have any of you heard about New York University photograhy professor Wafee Bilal? Apparently, Mr. Bilal has had a camera mount surgically implanted into the back of his head for an art project commissioned by a museum in Oatar. For the next year, a camera on this mount will capture one image every minute for his project, called "The 3rd I." The museum will display a live stream of the photos when it opens at the end of this month. Due to privacy concerns, Mr. Bilal will have to cover the camera lens while on university property, but all of the other private and mundane moments of his life will soon be on display for the world to see. Doesn't that sound alot like that movie starring Jim Carrey, what was it? I think it was called "The Truman Show," feel free to correct me. Anyway, I thought when I read that story that you might find it as interesting as I. Can you imagine having all the moments of your life recorded for the world to see?, I can't, not that I have anything to hide you understand.
Yesterday, I received an email from a friend that has given a complete list of The Beatle's songs and I can play any of the songs now whenever I choose, and yes, you will probably receive a copy of this in your email. Ironically, yesterday was also the day that John Lennon was shot by Mark David Chapman in 1980?, do you remember that day?
While returning to his New York hotel with wife Yoko Ono, John Lennon was shot and killed by Mark David Chapman, a delusional and possibly psychotic Beatles fan. Chapman eventually elected not to pursue an insanity defense and instead pled guilty to the murder, receiving a sentence of twenty (20) years to life in prison. He has since been denied parole on several occasions. Rather than flee the scene after shooting Mr. Lennon, Chapman hung around and read from the book "The Catcher in The Rye" written by J.D. Salinger, until the police arrived. It's kind of sad that this great book is tainted with such a bad memory.
Have a great day, get out there shopping people, time is running out.
Topics coming soon:
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