Days until Christmas: Four (4)
Word of the Day: ferret (FER\it); to search out, discover, or bring to light
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
I had a really good rowing session on CC this aujourdhui encore, mais I didn't do as many spurts as I would have liked to do, oh well, as Scarlett O'Hara likes to say, TOMORROW, I just simplified it a little.
Speaking of exercise, or whilst were in that vein, this one is for all of you and I'm here to drum home the fact that you can't start making up excuses to neglect your work out when the weather starts to chill, which is what I'm willing to bet that some of you have done.
Fitness programs have become an intricate aspect of life. With every new health report, there is seemingly an influx of people joining gyms and stressing about how to fit a fitness program into busy lives. But many people seem to choose programs that are not right for their bodies or physical conditions. Overworking your body is not how you become fit, and it is essential to look before leaping into a program that is not tailored to you. Remember, you have to crawl before you can walk, gosh, I don't know how I was able to pull that one out, good for me, my memory can't be as bad as I thought!
Fitness programs are not limited to fancy, expensive gyms. You can incorporate a fitness program into your lifestyle by working out in your home, walking with your kids, purchasing workout tapes or purchasing items such as Bow-Flex, which I have one, but I hate using it. I'm probably not doing it properly. Even simple free weights would be a good place to start, and they can be found in department stores, or you can do what I do and that is just finding objects in the house that are handy and easy to use, but best of all, don't cost anything. If you are just beginning a fitness program, take it slowly at first. You do not have to resemble the Incredible Hulk after your first strength training routine, and who would want to resemble Lou Ferningo anyway. The purpose of a fitness program is to improve your health, not make you regret beginning it due to overworking yourself.
While there are many different fitness programs available, there are three main components. The first is an aerobic routine, which I get on Cruella and CC, how do you get your cardio? This will strengthen your heart and help you to burn calories. It is recommended that everyone squeeze in 30 minutes a day, and this can in such activities as walking, jogging, swimming and biking. Next is strength training, which is something I still have not began, but I am going to start soon.
People begin losing all-important muscle mass after age thirty (30,) and I am a little past thirty (30) years of age, but I don't look like I'm older, do I? Strength training, even with free weights, three days a week will increase your lean muscle mass and help burn fat. The last component type is stretching, which I do do, before and after my rowing session. Stretching makes me more flexible and decrease the likelihood of back injuries, of which I certainly don't need.
The benefits of a good fitness program are plentiful. You will burn fat and calories, strengthen your heart, increase your flexibility and endurance, and improve your sex life, whatever that is! The last one holds more truth than people might think. For one, once you notice a change in your physical appearance, you will begin to feel more attractive and begin expressing this physically to your partner. Secondly, it has been proven that being physically fit will cause an increased blood flow to the region of your body that controls your desire, great, what part is that?, I'm really not sure!
Before beginning any type of fitness program, talk to your doctor and get a complete physical. You need to know what your body is capable of doing before you do it. (You wouldn't believe what my body can and can't do, hush up Lily!) You also need to be aware of any physical limitations you might have, me, don't make me laugh!
Finally, if you are new to working out, start slowly. (When you're my age, you don't really have a choice, everything you do is on the slow speed.) While you may want to jump in with both feet, you could soon feel discouraged if you are unable to complete the plan you have laid out for yourself. Feeling defeated will only set you back in the progress you might have made and make it hard to stay motivated, and you can stay motivated by continuing to read my blog, I know it helps me.
I'm kind of surprised that none of you seemed to notice, or just didn't bother wanting to comment, that I've managed to drop a couple more inches in my waist-line, I also may have lost weight, I really don't know because down here in Gainesville, Florida, (at this home where were renting,) there is no scale for me to weigh myself here.
Zac, Winter and I went to a couple more stores yesterday morning to get a couple of last-minute gifts for people that we don't want to feel left out; we didn't spend alot of money on these gifts as we do not want the person receiving it to feel embarrassed, as, in all likelihood, the people getting the gifts are not expecting to receive anything from us and we don't want anyone feeling bad or any situation being "too awkward."
There are now only four (4) days left until Christmas Day, that's right sports fans, there are only three (3,) that is three tiny days left to complete all of your Christmas Shopping, and if you haven't started, well, you better put a hustle on it. Good luck to you as well, you see, I do care.
Yesterday, seemed a little strange to me as I didn't talk to any of my kids, nor did I talk to my sister-in-law, Louise, there was no reason to call them, (other than the fact that I like to say hello to them and let them know that I'm thinking of them,) and I wanted to see if I could go a whole day without communicating with them, I did, but I didn't like it.
Today, Zac, Winter and I are going to be taking care of Raphael and Jessie, and we have a couple of ideas on ways to keep them amused, the kids have told us that they like to bowl, I like bowling so if I can figure out how to keep score,( and I'm really hoping that the scoring will be automatic like everything else these days,) that is what we're going to do, for at least part of the day anyway.
Well people SMILE, because the days are now getting longer and in spite of it officially becoming WINTER today, I like to focus that SPRING is now on its way; I just always feel better in the knowledge of upcoming longer days, gosh, the cottage on the lake is just around the corner, I love it there you know.
I have something to amuse you and your children now: For the second year in a row, Americans, and I bet Canadians as well, have selected "whatever" as the most annoying word or phrase in the English language. I know I hate hearing "whatever" frequently and I try not to use it.
Nearly thirty-nine (39) percent of those surveyed in the Marist Poll considered "whatever" most annoying in concersation, while "like" came in second, (I also understand why "like" was chosen; I bet it was close between numbers one and two,) with twenty-eight (28) percent of the vote!, (hmmm. I thought that number would have been higher/closer.)
Trailing in third place, meanwhile, was "you know what I mean," (I don't think that one is too bad,) which most annoyed ten (10) percent of those surveyed, and "actually" chosen by five (5) percent, its a good thing that they haven't read my blog, otherwise, "actually" I'm sure would have been higher in the standings.
Whatever you think about using those grating words, at the end of the day it's actually better not to say whatever, if you know what I mean. Like, I put that in for you especially Marta, as you always know what I mean, actually the rest of you will appreciate it as well, at least, I hope you do, do you miss me at work now?
Mary Azzoli or the Marist poll went on to say: "Perhaps these words are introduced through popular culture, for example movies, so they catch on" "It has a lot to do with how accepted and how popular they become in every day speech." Azzoli also said words like "whatever" can be quite dismissive depending on how they are used. I'll say they can!!
It's the way they are delivered" and inherent in that delivery is a meaning. The phrase "to tell you the truth" and "actually" were also unnerving to many people, including me, as aforementioned. But for younger Americans, aged 18 to 29, "like" was the word that annoyed them most. I know it really bugs me, mostly because that one word, "like" is frequently used as the entire sentence, and I'm supposed to understand the full extent of the message/communication, and if I don't understand the full comrehension of the sentence, it seems I wasn't listening. LIKE, WHATEVER!
We're almost finished, just an explanation of today's title post, it was with great difficulty that this post was written, there is something very wrong with this computer, technically speaking of course, I made several attempts at writing today, which should also explain why you are getting this post so late.
Well, it is time to walk the baby, this is Winter, and Winter does not like to wait when she has to go, she's just like the rest of us, bless her furry little heart.
Have a great day.
Topics coming soon:
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