Word of the Day: farouche(fa\ROOSH); sullenly unsociable or shy
Weight: 206 poundsGoal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 43 inches
Rowing Duration: 111 minutes, 18 seconds
Well, were back to Friday, I bet you're happy, me, I just can't believe how fast time goes by, I am constantly amazed by this phenomenon.
Last night, Zac and I went to see our Goddaughter and niece, Sally, play her clarinet in concert with her school. The band was typical of middle schools, they did hit some bum notes, but most of it was on key and nice to hear. I was glad when the bandleader bragged of her band, she felt that the school was ahead of most other middle schools in areas of skill and achievement, if they are, great, but I just am happy that Sally is enjoying learning and playing the clarient. Watching Sally play in the band brought back memories of my own band playing, yes I was in the band, I played the French Horn, hush up Lily!
Okay, count em folks, there are now only fifteen (15) days until Christmas Day, that means there are only two weeks left for you to complete your Christmas shopping. Two weeks goes by rather fast so don't take alot of comfort and think you have all the time in the world, you don't! Santa Claus is watching all of us, so be on guard, and be good!
I was kind of disappointed that none of you gave comment on the blurb I wrote yesterday regarding the woman who got convicted of drowning her daughter based entirely on the witness testimony of her seven (7) year old son. I thought that would anger you as it provoked me, I guess I don't know you as well as I thought I did, or maybe you're just busy with Christmas shopping, yeah, I'm going to think that way.
I was late getting up today and consequently am feeling rushed to catch up, I haven't yet spoken to my sister Judy, this post is still not finished, Winter needs walking, you know, all of it, and I'm behind the clock, I hate it.
Yesterday, I watched Woody Allen's masterpiece movie "Manhattan," for about the fiftieth time. I really, really love this movie. I saw it, primarily because of Woody's earlier film, "Annie Hall," that did so well in winning Academy Awards. I dislked the movie "Annie Hall" alot, mostly because it won Best Picture and Best Actress and I didn't think that it deserved to win those Oscars. Gosh, I remember being so angry at that time, let me tell you.
Today, I do not have as much hostility towards "Annie Hall," as I did in 1977/78, but I still maintain that it did not deserve to win those Academy Awards, it was just a nice little movie, that's all, and certainly not the best that year. Just in case you don't remember, other movie's nominated that year include: "The Turning Point" "Julia" and "The Good-bye Girl," and any one of those three was more deserving to win than "Annie Hall." However, we were talking about the movie "Manhattan," I must try harder at keeping focus.
The movie "Manhattan" is in black and white and centres around relationships, or more accurately, failed relationships. I fell in love with the character of Diane Keaton, "Mary Wilkie" who is a high-strung pseudo-intellectual woman and has a dog named "Waffles." Some of you may remember that at a time in my life, I had a maltese dog named "Waffes," whom I loved greatly and miss terribly.
The story moves quickly and the acting is first-rate. The cast includes, the aforementioned Diane Keaton, (I just love her in that movie,) Michael Murphy, Woody Allen (of course,) Meryl Streep in a small but very memorable role, and a very young Mariel Hemingway who got herself nominated for an Academy Award for the Actress in a supporting role category, and was hugely deserving of this nomination!
The movie is witty, quick, sharp and honest and I think it is one of Woody's finest, if any of Woody's movies deserved Academy Awards, it is "Manhattan," and if you haven't yet seen it, what are you waiting for?
I am very concerned about my nephew Raphael. After the concert and when we went to pick up Winter, Raphael approached me and he seemed quite melancholy. I, naturally, assumed that Raphael had probably been in trouble and when I asked him what was wrong, he was reticent with me for about the first time in his life.
Raphael is a very sensitive, loving boy who seems to need attention more than his sisters. I am somewhat mystified why this is so and in all likelihood there is probably nothing wrong with this; it might be because of the single fact that Raphael is the lone boy and he stands out because of this, in any case, I am going to call him later today just to reinforce with him how very much we love him; I don't think any child can hear this too much, do you?
Just to give you some notice, I know I haven't yet given a grammar lesson this week, and it won't be today, but I am going to try and remember to give one tomorrow, hopefully, I will not sleep in and I'll have plenty of time to devote to it.
I hope you all have a good day and that you enjoy your weekend. Thank you for reading.
Topics coming soon:
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