Word of the Day: gambrinus(gm|BRAHY|nuhs); A mythical Flemnish King, the reputed inventor of beer
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Rowing Duration: 95 minutes, four (4) seconds
I had a much better workout on CC today, I was not suffering from any stomach cramps as I did yesterday, that must be the difference, in any case, I'm glad to have had a good workout, I need it, I have been consuming much too much food.
It is horrible being on depomedrol, as even after you have just eaten a full-course dinner, your stomach feels as if it hasn't had a morsel of food in weeks, and you want to eat all over again. I kid you not, I am always, always hungry! Naturally, your brain does tell you that you have just eaten, but, try to imagine feeling like you have not had any food in a long time, and that is the feeling that I carry all of the time.
Add the other side effects of liquid prednisone, such as your entire body swelling up, you are always bloated, and your shoes and clothes don't fit, your feet hurt because of the intense swelling, and then you also have difficulty walking! There is even the realization that you will fall down from time to time, believe me it is no picnic being on this medication, but it is necessary for me to take, if I want to breathe normally.
I hope that explains why I am overeating, you should also add to the equation the fact of all the good food around at Christmas-time, and I think you will get a full comprehension on just why this trip I will no doubt gain some weight, but I will also lose it, when things get back to normal and I don't need to take the depomedrol!
Okay, there are now only two (2) days left until this year is over, yup, in two (2) days we are all starting a brand new year, and as Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables would say, there are no mistakes in the new year, so lets all of us get off to a great start.
I am not making any new resolutions, but I am going to try and sustain the things that I set out to do this year, which is eat better and continue to exercise on a daily basis!
Here it is Florida, but it is also the season of Winter, and down here in Gainesville, Florida, we are all experiencing a cold spell, for two (2) days now we have had frost on the ground and things do not warm up until about ten o'clock in the mornng, which isn't too bad.
Raphael and Jessie came over to our house in the afternoon yesterday, and they spent the time playing with Winter, watching television, and playing WI games, I don't know if WI stands for anything, but I'm sure most of you will know what I'm talking about when I refer to WI!
I was still feeling unwell,so unfortunately, I did not play with the children, they didn't seem to mind too much, and I think they enjoyed the diversion of being at our place and playing on their own. Later, Zac, Winter and I took the kids back home so they could be home at dinnertime.
Zac and I have not made any plans to go out on New Years Eve to celebrate the onset of a New Year, we have found that we much prefer to ring in the New Year at home, and in a quiet way, most likely in bed! If my sister-in-law, Louise and my brother, Biff, however, want to go out and ring in the New Year, Zac and I would gladly babysit the children, we never tire of taking care of the children.
I don't have very much on my mind these days, but recently I started reading from the Oprah magazine a series of articles that relate to forgiveness, and I thought I would give you a sample of that series, as this is time for forgiveness, so here goes:
To transcend limitations and form positive new patterns of life based on who you know you can be rather than who you were yesterday, you must give up the modes of thinking, feeling and behaving that only keep you chained to your past.
Although you may have felt at a loss as to how to make this liberating shift, you've been holding the key all along: It is forgiveness, your next agent of change. Releasing the invisible ties to those who have left you, betrayed you, disappointed you or hurt you, you open up to higher realms of love, peace and joy.
Without forgiving them and cutting the cords of resentment, you continue to be imprisoned by the very people you've spent years (or a lifetime) trying to get away from and you are bound to the incidents that caused the resentment in the first place. And because the outer world is a steadfast reflection of your inner world, these resentment and grudges ensure that you re-create situations that spark the same bad feelings you want to escape from.
Resentments and grudges are two of the main culprits that perpetuate cycles of self-abuse and victimhood. Stowed away inside you like parasites, they deplete you of your God-given life force and separate you from your inherent worth, your joy and the love in your heart.
Today, I want to ignite the fire in you to fight for your freedom, to fight your way out of the prison of the toxic beliefs and emotions that keep you exiled from your own heart. As you say goodbye to lingering disappointments and unattended grief, you will discover that every person, situation and painful incident comes bearing gifts. Free of the pain that has caused you to react instead of act, to shut down instead of open up, to push away rather than allow in and to judge instead of love, you can begin your life anew.
As the gifts are often hidden from you until you take the courageous step into forgiveness, you are about to discover that now is the time of the consciousness cleanse and is a turning point in the process.
Listen to your meditation on forgiveness (5 minutes) and then begin the Cleansing Ritual, continue by writing a letter expressing all the pain and grief you've been holding on to and then in your letter, ask your highest self for release from the prison of your resentments, grudges and disappointments.
What could you do today to forgive? What is one action you could take in the outer world today that will bring you closer to your goal? Schedule a time to take that action.
Forgiveness is my ticket to freedom.
I really believe in forgiveness and I try to practice what I preach, I started by forgiving myself of all the things that have held me backin my journey of this life, I believe, I have made a good start and will continue to improve by continuing to not only forgive others, but to forgive myself, gee, one only needs to say the Lord's Prayer to learn this lesson, doesn't one?
Have a good day, take care of yourself, and if you are currently at odds with someone, why not open the door before the New Year, and invite that person back into your life by forgiving them, you really will be better for doing it, and I know it will make a big difference to them as well.
All the best.
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