Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tiddely winks on Tuesday

Date:                                         Tuesday, December 28th, 2010
Word of the Day:                       eschatological(es\kuh\ti\OJ\i\kuhl); regarding last or final matters, often of a theological nature
Weight:                                      206 pounds

Goal:                                          lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                           74 pounds
Waist Size:                                 41 inches
Rowing Duration:                       74 minutes, twele (12) seconds

I could not spend alot of time on CC this morning as I was expereincing cramps in my stomach, and had to stop shortly after I had completed one hour, oh well, an hour is better than doing no time at all!

Patti LuPoneCover of Patti LuPone
Yesterday, was rather cold down here in Gainesville, Florida, this is about the second day that we have experienced cold temperatures around here, I can't complain, the coldness is nothing like the sub-zero temperatures that all of you are experiencing back home in Ontario.

I didn't do much yesterday, other than read Patti Lupone's memoir, and watch television, oh yeah, I also spoke to a few people on the telephone.  I am so frustrated at trying to reach my sister Judy on the telephone. 

Judy likes me to call, and often, which I also enjoy doing, the problem is that sometimes Judy will turn off her telephone very early in the evening, which I don't know she is going to do, and I end up spending the night calling her back because I think she may have gone out to do some activity.

Recently, my other sister, Yvonne, also complained to me that she too gets a little upset about not being able to reach Judy on the telephone.   Judy, however, says that she goes to bed early because it takes her a long time to get to sleep.  Judy said that sometimes it can take up to three (3) hours for her to fall asleep, which I think would be rather frustrating.

I have suggested to Judy that she speak to her doctor about her difficulty in getting to sleep, but Judy has informed me that the doctor can do nothing more to help her,  as he has already increased her medication.  I think that part of the problem may also stem from the fact that Judy takes an afternoon nap and that she shouuld trp and stop doing this, but, Judy can be rather stubborn about not changing her routine and her habits.  Do any of you have any ideas?, if so, please advise accordingly.

Are any of you aware that the phyisical ramifications of exposing children to secondhand smoke have  received much attention in recent decades.  Possible psychological effects, meanwhile, have not been as  widely explored.  However,  a new study involving 901 children between the ages of four (4) and eight (8) find that children who breathe secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from mental health problems, particularly hyperactivity and conduct disorder.  The greater the children`s exposure to the smoke, the more poorly they scored on an assment of mental health.

This information is new to me, and I think rather important, so I hope all of you who smoke are paying attention!  It seems every day now,they are coming up with new information as to the hazards of smoking and they are giving new reaons on why you should stop smoking!

While the findings add urgency to the push for parents to quit smoking or at least smoke outside the home, it remains unclear whether tobacco fumes actually take a toll on childrens' brains or if something else is at play, said researchers led by Mark Hamer of University College London. 

"We know that exposure to secondhand smoke is associated with a lot of physical health problems in children, although the mental health side has not been explored," Hamer told Reuters Health in an e-mail.

In the United States (U.S.,)  two of every three children between the ages of three (3) and eleven (11) are exposed to secondhand smoke.   Meanwhile, one (1) in five (5) children aged nine (9) to seventeen (17) have been diagnosed with some kind of mental or addictive disorder, according to the U.S. department of Health and Human Services.

Hamer and his colleagues studied 901 nonsmoking British children between the ages of four (4) to eight (8) , measuring levels of a byproduct of cigarette fumes in the childrens' saliva to gauge smoke exposure and having parents fill out a questionnaire about the childrens' emotional, behavioral and social problems.

The more secondhand smoke a child took in, on average, the poorer their mental health -- particularly for hyperactivity and conduct disorder, or so-called "bad" behavior, the study said.   Overall, about three (3) percent of all children received "abnormal" scores of 20 or more on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, a 40-point scale with the highest scores representing the poorest mental health.

Compared to the 101 children who breathed in the least secondhand smoke, the 361 with the most exposure scored an average of 44 percent higher on the questionnaire -- 9.2 versus 6.4.   Children were most likely to breathe secondhand smoke in their own homes.   The gap remained after researchers accounted for other factors that could affect mental health such as asthma,  physical activity and the families' income and housing situations, although they noted that some unmeasured factor also couldn't be ruled out.

It also isn't yet clear how secondhand smoke might trigger mental troubles, though researchers suggested it could be due to genetics or possibly related to smoke's effects on chemicals in the brain such as dopamine, and Hamer noted further research is needed.   But Michael Weitzman at New York University Medical Center, who was not involved in the study, said the results strengthen the evidence that secondhand smoke, and possibly prenatal exposure to tobacco, causes mental health problems in children.

Many people now recognize that childrens' secondhand smoke exposure increases their risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, ear infections and asthma," he told Reuters Health in an e-mail.  "But secondhand smoke also poses a huge burden on the quality of life of children, their families and the larger society due to increased child mental health problems."

Yesterday, I also contacted the manufacturer of my computer, that is, Dell, and after talking at great length to a couple of support people, it has now been arranged that parts are being mailed to this house , and upon receipt of the parts, we are supposed to contact Dell again, and a technician will then come out to this house and repair the keyboard on "The Camden Plus."

I will be so relieved when my computer is back to working normally, I hate using the virtual keyboard, it takes so much of my time and effort that it really demotivates me to continue writing.  As a result, I am now finished today's post, I know you understand.  Hopefully, Dell will come to this house soon and I will be able to resume activities in a normal fashion, gee, have I ever done anything in a normal fashion?

Alll the best to you.  Have a great day!

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