Sunday, March 20, 2011

Steeples on top of churches on Sunday

Date:                                      Sunday, March 20th, 2011
Word of the day:                    largess(lar\ZHES;lar\JES); Generous giving (as of gifts of money), often accompanied by condescion; generosity; liaberality

Weight:                                  two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                      lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                      ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                             forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:    forty (40) yikes, thirty-nine (39) will be the next number
Rowing Duration:                   fifty (50) minutes, twenty-nine (29) seconds

Well, I  encountered alot of difficulty on Cruella this morning, I developed a cramp in my leg which I was able to massage for a few minutes, the massage worked and I was able to go on with my exercise for a while longer, not my best workout but it certainly wasn't my worst workout either.

Happy Birthday to the memory of Wyatt Earp whose birthday it would have been today, sorry Wyatt, but I don't feel like singing, at the moment anyway.

The best I can say about today is that it is bright and sunny outside, the temperature needs to go the opposite way in order for things to warm up.  However, my sister, Yvonne, does not care about the temperature as she is leaving to go on a Caribeean cruise this Friday, lucky her!

The grabber of today's "In The News" has been all over the media lately, it reads:  Liver Kidney Donor Passes HIV to Organ Receipient.  The blurb goes on to report that the first transmission of HIV from a lung organ donor to a recipient in the United States (U.S.) since screening was implemented in 1985 has prompted a review of the current procedures and policies needed to prevent such an occurence.  In this case, the screening was properly conducted, however, the donor apparently contracted the virus in the days leading up to the surgery, after the testing had already been done.  The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending that donors be tested no more than seven (7) days before the organs are removed and transplanted. 

Well, I am going to Church this morning so I am ending the post of today, yeah, I know, I'm working on it.

Topics coming soon:
Cowboy Logan GIDDYUP (for kids)Image by LZ Creations via Flickr

Gable and Lombard

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sleeping in on Saturday

Date:                                                     Saturday, March 19th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                  quaff (KWOFF); to drink a beverage, especially an intoxicating one, copiously and with hearty enjoyment; to drink (a beverage) copiously and heartily; an act or instance of quaffing; a beverage quaffed

Weight:                                                 two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                     lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                      ninety-two (92) too many
Waist Size:                                            forty-three (43) inches, yeah, sure!
Days until Royal Wedding:                    forty-one (41) days and soon Kate will be counting the hours
Rowing Duration:                                  fifty-five (55) minutes, zero (0) seconds

Ta-Da!  The weekend is here, I did sleep in this morning, thank goodness, (I have not been sleeping very well,) and Winter is melancholy, she is probably upset over Judy's departure.

I am trying to catch up on some chores that are very outstanding, I still have my income tax to complete, and I am behind in my social responsibilities, what can I say?  Not too much, clearly!

Did any of you know that in 2003, the United Kingdom (U.K.) officially recognized SIGN language as an an official language.  Yup, making use of space and involving movement of the hands, body, face, and head,  British Sign Language (BSL) is the preferred language of deaf people in the UK,  and those who communicate with them, such as, relatives and interpreters.  BSL has regional and local dialects, and some signs go in and out of fashion,  or evolve over time, just like spoken words.  Although English is the predominant spoken language in both the UK and United States (U.S.,)  BSL differs from American Sign Language in that it only has about sixty (60) percent similarity.

I think Valerie Harper was excellent as the character, Rhoda, when she (Miss Valerie,) was on The Mary Tyler Moore show.  After Rhoda (Valerie Harper) left The Mary Tyler Moore show to move back to New York City, I did not care very much for the Rhoda character.  You see, Rhoda, on her own,  was good in the half hour segment, but when Rhoda had to carry the entire show, it was way too much responsibility, that is why the show went belly up.

It is time now for all of us to get on with our weekend, I hope you have a good one.

Yes, I'm going to say it, BE SAFE!

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard
American actress Valerie Harper during the 200...Image via Wikipedia


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Friday, March 18, 2011

Finally Friday is here

Date:                                             Friday, March 18th, 2011
Word of the Day:                         truckle(TRUHK\uhl); to bend or yield obsequiously to the will of another; to act in a subservient manner

Weight:                                         two hundrd and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                             lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                             ninety-two (92)
Waist Size:                                   forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:         forty-two (42) days
Rowing Duration:                        twenty-one (21) minutes, ten (10) seconds

Here it is Friday, the end of the work week and Judy is leaving us today to return to her home, yup, her brief  visit was even more brief than usual!!!!  The reason for this is that Judy goes to service at the church on both Saturday and Sunday, God Bless Her!

It seems to be on the mild side this morning, but the weather experts are saying that this nice feeling of Spring is not going to last, don't put away the scarves, gloves, and sweaters just yet, the weather is drastically going to go back to being cold, very cold.

Well I may just stop watching the television show "American Idol."  One of the participants, Karen Rodrigues, got booted off last night, after failing to catch enough votes to keep her on.  Miss Rodrigues has a fantastic voice, uses emotion when she sings,  and as far as I'm concerned, should have been on to the very end.  Karen Rodrigues surely is alot better than what's his name from a year ago!  What the heck are the celebrity judges keeping the save for?, they should have used it last night, don't you think so?

As you may have noticed, my brain seems to be also on Spring break, so I am again going to reveal to you, the grabber and the blurb from "In the News."  The grabber is secondhand smoke harms fetal development, which I'm sure will not be too much of a shock for anyone!  The following is the blurb that followed that amazing grabber:  Smoking during pregnancy is widely known to increase the risk of premature birth, low birth rate, and a range of serious birth defects, but the danger of secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy receive less attention, despite the fact that it increases the risk of many of these complications as well.  Reseachers found that exposure to smoke at work or home increased the risk of stillbirth by twenty-three (23) percent and of having a baby with congenital defects by thirteen (13) percent.   Thus, it is important that expectant fathers who smoke either quit or only partake of cigarettes away from their pregnant partners.

Well you made it through the work week, if you are on March/Spring break, I hope you use the last of your time off wisely and in fun.

Remember to never drink and drive, it just isn't worth taking someone's life, is it?

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tittilating Thursday

Date:                                                    Thursday, March 17th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                 apposite (AP\uh\zit); being of striking appropriateness and relevance; very applicable; apt
Weight:                                                 two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                     lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                     ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                           forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:                  soon
Rowing Duration:                                 sixty (60) minutes, nine (9) seconds

Happy Saint Patricks on this perfectly beautiful day, plus add the fact that there is just one more work day and everyone should be on top of the world.  I am wearing green socks, green underwear and a green shirt as I am very much in the St. Patrick's Day mood, are you wearing the colour green today?

News in Japan is not so good, and it certainly is no holiday over there.  Japan is now flying helicopters over reactors dumping water on them in an effort to stop radiation from leaking out.

Prince William is now in Chirstchurch, New Zealand, in an effort to show support to the people affected by that horrendous earthquake, it seems that there are many countries having a difficult time of it these days.

My beautiful Winter has been coughing quite a bit lately, Zac and I took Winter to the vets wherein he said that Winter is in good health although he recommended that Winter should lose a few pounds.

It seems everyone I know is away on the March/Spring break.  I am a little down that I am not in Florida, I'm missing the kids, Sally, Jessie and Raphael, very much.

My sister Judy has come here for a visit, I'm hoping that she will stay for at least a couple of days, but one can never tell how long Judy's visit is going to be.

I slept in this morning as I'm sure the lateness of this post will indicate,  oh well, one does need to catch his sleep when one can.

Well, I'm off to get my breakfast, I know I haven't given alot for one to think about, that's how it goes some days, enjoy the day and stay safe.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Warped Wednesday

Date:                                                         Wednesday, March 16th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                      blandishment (BLAN\dish\muhnt); speech or action that tends to flatter or coax, entice, or persuade; allurement, often used in the plural

Weight:                                                    two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                        lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                        ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                              forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:                    forty-six (46) days and zero hours
Rowing Duration:                                   fifty-one (51) minutes, fourteen (14) seconds

It seems the big news everywhere is what is happening in Japan.   I'm sure engineers and scientists here are arguing over whether or not they should shut down the nuclear plant at Darlington, which is just outside of Toronto.

I remember in the seventies (70s) when the movie, "The China Syndrome" came out, anti-nuclear protests were held everywhere, I'm not sure if anything of consequence happened with the protestations, but I do know that ticket sales of the movie increased.  I remember, I saw the movie, "The China Syndrome" at the Odeon Hyland theatre.

My older sister, Yvonne, and her family, which includes her husband, daughter and grandson, are currently on a cruise in the Caribbian.  It seems my nephew, (my sister Yvonne's son,) gave his parents and sibling a cruise as a Christmas present.  It was very generous and thoughtful of my nephew to do this, too bad my nephew's Uncle, meaning me, couldn't go with them.

It is quite bizarre but I can remember the name of the theatre/cinema wherein I saw a movie, go ahead, name one, and I can name the theatre.

Since I do not have alot on my mind, I've decided to talk a little bit about Art today .   Now the subject of Art is quite extensive so I am just going to discuss Art in brevity, beginning first with the definition.

Art is the product or process of deliberately arranging items (often with symbolic significance) in a way that influences and affects one or more of the senses, emotions, and intellect.   Art encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings.  

The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics, and even disciplines such as history and psychology analyze its relationship with humans and generations.  Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or mastery.  This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science".

The nature of art has been described by Wollheim as "one of the most elusive of the traditional problems of human culture".  Art has been defined as a vehicle for the expression or communication of emotions and ideas, a means for exploring and appreciating formal elements for their own sake, and as mimesis or representation.   Leo Tolstoy identified art as a use of indirect means to communicate from one person to another.  Benedetto Croce and R.G. Collingwood advanced the idealist view that art expresses emotions, and that the work of art therefore essentially exists in the mind of the creator.

The theory of art as form has its roots in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, and was developed in the early twentieth century by Roger Fry and Clive Bell.   Art as mimesis or representation has deep roots in the philosophy of Aristotle More recently, thinkers influenced by Martin Heidegger have interpreted art as the means by which a community develops for itself a medium for self-expression and interpretation. 

Art can describe several things: a study of creative skill, a process of using the creative skill, a product of the creative skill, or the audience's experience with the creative skill.   The creative arts (art as discipline) are a collection of disciplines (arts) that produce artworks (art as objects) that are compelled by a personal drive (art as activity) and echo or reflect a message, mood, or symbolism for the viewer to interpret (art as experience).  

Artworks can be defined by purposeful, creative interpretations of limitless concepts or ideas in order to communicate something to another person.   Artworks can be explicitly made for this purpose or interpreted on the basis of images or objects.  Art is something that stimulates an individual's thoughts, emotions, beliefs, or ideas through the senses.   Art is also an expression of an idea and it can take many different forms and serve many different purposes.  Although the application of scientific knowledge to derive a new scientific theory involves skill and results in the "creation" of something new, this represents science only and is not categorized as art.

Art can connote a sense of trained ability or mastery of a medium.   Art can also simply refer to the developed and efficient use of a language to convey meaning with immediacy and or depth. Art is an act of expressing feelings, thoughts, and observations.   There is an understanding that is reached with the material as a result of handling it, which facilitates one's thought processes.   A common view is that the epithet "art", particular in its elevated sense, requires a certain level of creative expertise by the artist, whether this be a demonstration of technical ability or an originality in stylistic approach such as in the plays of Shakespeare, or a combination of these two.  

Traditionally skill of execution was viewed as a quality inseparable from art and thus necessary for its success; for Leonardo da Vinci, art, neither more nor less than his other endeavors, was a manifestation of skill.

You can read more about Art by googling Art and then reading the Wikipedia's report of it.

Anyway, have a good day and as always, be safe in everything that you do.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tin gets recycled on Tuesday

Date:                                                   Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                psuillanimous(pyoo\suh\LAN\uh\muhs); lacking in courage and resolution; contemptibly fearful;cowardly

Weight:                                              two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                  lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                  ninety-two (92)
Waist Size:                                         forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:                forty-six (46)
Rowing Duration:                              sixty (60) minutes, nine (9) seconds

First off, it is the Ides of March and I want to tell all of you to be careful out there, ice is still slippery, there are still murderers and thieves out there and Brad what's-his-name chose the wrong lady on The Bachelor last night, at least I think so.

Last night was the first night that I tuned into the show "The Bachelor" and I think that the lady that Brad did not choose really loved him, and that the lady he did choose was just doing it to give her daughter a father, that's how I feel folks!

Here it is Tuesday and my sister Judy has not telephoned me yet, I'm really not surprised, Tuesday is Judy's day for doing her errands, what day is yours?

Well yesterday certainly turned out to be lovely, it was a good day to take one's dog to the park, naturally I didn't do what would have been good.  However, I suspect that in the not-so-distant future, we all can look forward to getting better, warmer, days, yes, it is time to clean out those closets and dresser drawers and get ready to replace those woolies with more appropriate wear.

Well, today's grabber of "In the News" read Depressed New Dads More Likely To Spank Kids.  A survey of of new dads in the United States (U.S.) found that those who were depressed were nearly four (4) times more likely to report spanking their children in the past month than those without symptons.  About forty (40) percent of depressed fathers said they had spanked their kids, compared to just thirteen (13) percent of fathers who were not depressed.  Researchers are particularly troubled by their findings because the children in the study were only one (1) year old.  At such a young age, children are more easily injured, and unlikely to understand why they are being harmed.  Well, I say to this, the parents understand and they should be shot!

The radiation leaking from the power plant in Japan is bad enough but now the stock market is reacting on a negative basis.  The nikei isn't doing well, so be careful with all of the dollars that you have invested, because of the ripple effect, a big drop in the market is expected.

The rock n roll hall of fame awarded new rock stars to the hall and Alice Cooper was there, snake in toll, glad I wasn't there, I suffer from ophidiophobia.

Remember to be safe out there today, you just never know where danger may be hiding.

Have a great day.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

1st edition coverImage via Wikipedia
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Monday, March 14, 2011

Minding my own business on Monday

Date:                                                   Monday, March 14th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                epicene(EP\uh\seen)); having the characteristics of both sexes; effeminate; unmasculine;  sexless; neuter
Weight:                                               two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                  lose one hundred 100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                   ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                        forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:                 forty-six (46) days
Rowing Duration:                                fifty-nine (59) minutes, six (6) seconds

The beginning of another work week, and I know I haven't had much to say lately, sorry, but there doesn't seem to be too much on my mind.  I am thinking quite alot of those poor people in Japan, that seems to be the most thing that is on my mind.

Today is supposed to be warmer, thank goodness for that.  I am so tired of the season of Winter and I wish I could take a Spring or March break.  I still have not heard anything about my kidney stones, it is the kidney stones that is preventing Zac and I from travelling to the South.

In my add-on "In The News" this morning, the grabber (headline) reads:  Elephants learn quickly to cooperate.  It was long thought that learning and cooperation were limited to primates, but it turns out that this is not the case .  In recent tests involving food rewards placed on a platform attached to a rope, elephants firgured out as quickly as chimpanzees that they could only recover the treats by working together.  When one (1)  elephant arrived at the testing site before its partner, it quickly learned to wait for its buddy before attempting the task.  Additionally, if only one of the elephants was able to reach its end of the rope, it would not bother to try pulling it at all,  recognizing that the task could not be completed without the simultaneous help of its partner.  I've always loved elephants, I was actually very upset when I watched one of the series in the digital video device (dvd) Planet Earth, it showed some lions attacking an elephant because of lack of food around for them.

There is now just seven (7) days away to the season of Spring arrives, it is amazing how much better people feel with the arrival of Spring, the days are longer, and hopefully, warmer, or they will be soon. I heard on the news that there is quite alot of people that suffer from seasonal affective disorder, also known as (aka) SAD, I know that I, too, get a little down during the long, grey months of Winter.

Amanda Knox is back in court today, Miss Knox is the American student currently in prison in Italy because she has been found guilty of murdering an english girl who was also a student in Italy.

Daniel Radcliffe, aka as Harry Potter, is hard at work being in the musical "How to Succeed in Business without really Trying," by all reports, the musical is alot of fun and the previews have been receiving standing ovations at each performance.  Mr. Radcliffe is scheduled to be in the musical for at least six (6) months, although Daniel Radcliffe will take some time off from the musical to promote the movie, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows," "Part Two (2)."

I am back to doing memory tests on my self, the one (1) memory test I do is I write out all of the States that make up the United States (U.S.,) well can you write out all of them?  I think I'm able to do this because I read alot, the book that I'm currently reading is a book on the movie "The Godfather," entitled "Everything you need to know about The Godfather,"  I am enjoying reading all of the anecdotes on the film "The Godfather."

It is now time for my breakfast, I hope you all have a good day.  Stay safe.

Topics coming soon:

Harry Potter and the Deathly HallowsImage via Wikipedia

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Singing and sinning on Sunday

Date:                                                  Sunday, March 13th, 2011
Word of the Day:                               aver (uh\VUR); to affirm with confidence; to declare in a positive manner, as in confidence of asserting the truth

Weight:                                              two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                 lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                   ninety-two (92) pounds, and a few ounces or so
Waist Size:                                         not enough tape measure
Days until Royal Wedding:                 forty-eight (48) gosh, the Royal Couple will soon be on their honeymoon

Rowing Duration:                              fifty-nine (59) minutes, twelve (12) seconds

Well I reckon that some of you are missing an hour's sleep, yes, I forgot to mention in yesterday's post that the clocks were going ahead one (1) hour, I hope that none of you are late for church, or anything else for that matter.

I didn't do anything much yesterday, except that I did manage to beat Zac at cribbage three (3) straight games in a row, I even managed to skunk him one (1) game.

We sure have alot of snow.  I am so sick of Winter, it is so hard to believe that the season of Spring is just eight (8) days away.

I had a chat with my sister-in-law, Louise, yesterday, she had a great time on the cruise she took with her mother.   I am hoping that Louise will be able to drive over to the house that Zac and I rented whilst we were in Gainesville, Florida, to pick up some pictures that we accidentally left at the house.

Lady Gaga is showing her philanthropic side by creating a bracelet that people can buy and the proceeds will go to help out the people in Japan who are so devastated by that earthquake and tsunami.

Well that is all I have to say in today's post, but I figure that giving you some regards is a way of letting you know that all is well in my world, I hope it is in yours too!

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Selective, very on Saturday

Date:                                                  Saturday, March 12th, 2011
Word of the Day:                               prolix(pro\LIKS); extending to a great length; unnecessarily long; wordy; tending to speak or write at great length
Weight:                                              two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                  lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                  ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                        forty-three (43)  hypo inches
Days until Royal Wedding:              forty-eight (48) small days
Rowing Duration:                             sixty-one (61) minutes, five (5) seconds

Here it is the weekend, and all is not well in the world, those poor people in Japan, first the tsunami and now they have to deal with the nuclear disaster, for goodness sake, how much more can a nation face?

Last night Zac and I watched, again, on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) the search for the boys that would play the part of Billy in the musical Billy Elliot.  I tell you, those boys work so hard, they rehearse for about two (2) years before they even get near the stage, that is quite a committment to give for boys of that age, I mean, boy's interests change on an hourly basis!

It is so snowy and cold out, I do not think I will venture too far away from my home, except maybe to walk our precious Winter, the cold temperature is reminding me of the great blizzard of 1988, do you remember it?

The great blizzard of 1988 was one of the most severe blizzards in United Sates (U.S.) history.  Snowfalls of about forty (40) to fifty (50) inches (one hundred and two (102) to one hundred and twenty-seven (127) centimetres,) fell in parts of New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, and Conneticut, and snowdrifts exceeded fifty (50) feet of (fifteen (15) metres,) in some places.   Railroads were shut down and people were confined to their houses for up to a week.  More than four hundred (400) people died from the storm, and the ensuing cold, including two hundred (200) in New York City alone.  And I think I've got it bad, clearly, all of us are better off than people facing this situation.

I think I preferred Rhoda when she was in Minneapolis with Mary, when Rhoda moved to New York City, she was always saying that she learned something.  Also, Brenda, Rhoda's sister, was a blatant attempt to recreate a Rhoda-like character from the Mary Tyler Moore show, and it didn't work.  But, I did enjoy the fact that they had more episodes that had Rhoda's mother in them, I am/was a big Nancy Walker fan.

Anyway, I am going to let you go now, so you can get on wtih the business of living.
PBS logo seen at the end of its programs from ...Image via Wikipedia

Eat sensibly and try to get some exercise.  Take care now.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard
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Friday, March 11, 2011

Finicky Friday

Date:                                        Friday, March 11th, 2011
Word of the Day:                      minatory(MIN\uh\tor\ee); threatning; menacing;
Weight:                                    two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                        lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                         ninety-two (92) pounds, and then some
Waist Size:                               hippotamus waist now in effect
Days until Royal Wedding:       forty-nine (49) days and Kate wants more bridesmaids!
Rowing Duration:                     fifty-five (55) minutes, twelve (12) seconds

Okay, once you get through today, the weekend will be here so quit your whining.

First off, news for all of those people newly married, the seven (7) year itch is now the three (3) year itch, so please get some counselling before you get married, and make sure you have alot more in common than just a sexual urge, sex will not sustain you during sickness, poverty, and visiting relatives!

Second, I want to express sympathy and concern for all of those affected by the Tsunami that hit Japan last night, (early this morning.)  I happen to know some people that were going to Hawaii for the March break, I sure hope that everyone in areas affected by the Tsunami will use the utmost in safety and caution!

It is so comforting to know that during times of emergency, the best in people seems to come out, people are sharing their resources, homes, food, health services etc.  Why does it take an emergency to help out our neighbour?

The ides of March is fast approaching, and if you do not think of this day as unlucky, I suggest you read your Julius Caesar!!!!!!!!!!

Alright people, are you ready for the "In the News" add-on this morning, it is reported that Bipolar rates are highest in the United States (U.S.).  According to an eleven (11) nation study of more than sixty-one thousand (61,000) adults, the U.S. has the highest lifetime rate of bipolar disorder at four point four (4.4) percent.   Overall, the data suggest that two point four (2.4) of the world's population have some form of the mood disorder, which is usually characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania or hypomania.    The study also suggest indicates that less than half of those with the disorder were treated by a mental health professional and that only about one quarter of bipolar patients in low-income countries had any interaction with the mental health system.

Okay, since I do not have much more to say on a personal level, I thought I would provide for you what it said on another "In the News" add-on, this one concerns that work calls at home distressing for women, well duh!   According to a recent study, when women receive work-related emails, phone calls, and texts at home, they feel higher levels of guilt, and psychological distress than men.  This guilt persists even if the contact does not interfere with family life.  Age, marital or parental status, and socioeconomic level do not appear to affect how women feel about such intrusions.   Researchers suggest that women and men have different outlooks when it comes to the boundaries between work and family life,  and this may cause women to perceive their family role performance more negatively when work intrudes upon family-life.

I want to welcome back, my sister-in-law, Louise, who was on a cruise recently.  Louise, I sure hope you had a great time, and plenty of rest, you're probably going to need it.

Well now, have a great weekend, be careful out there, and as always, be good to others, and your self, you count too!

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard
Julius Caesar (1953 film)Image via Wikipedia
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Time bomb Thursday

Date:                                                     Thursday, March 10th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                  ersatz(AIR\sahts); being a substitute or imitation, usually an inferior one

Weight:                                                 two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                    lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                    ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                           comparable to the Hindenburg
Days until Royal Wedding:                 fifty-three (53) days; my goodness, its coming up fast
Rowing Duration:                                thirty-five (35) minutes, fourteen (14) seconds

Well the weekend is just one (1) day away and I have nothing of consequence to show for it, absolutely zero (0).

Late yesterday afternoon, Zac's brother Daniel showed up for a visit so we went to the restaurant Eggcetra for dinner, and Daniel treated us all.  It was very nice of Daniel to do this as he is on a limited budget.

I am now sick so I am ending this blog, its funny how it comes on suddenly like that.

I should be better tomorrow.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Whoosh, its already Wednesday

Date:                                                   Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                fanfaronade(fan\fair\uh\NAYD); swaggering; empty boasting; blusttering manner or behaviour; ostentatious display; fanfare
Weight:                                               two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                   lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                   ninety-two (92) pounds and then some
Waist Size:                                          forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:                 fifty-four days and Kate is wondering if they should un-invite Prince Andrew

Rowing Duration:                             sixty-six (66) minutes, five (5) seconds

Well it is the middle of the week and everything, for all intensive purposes, is well.  It is not as sunny outside as it was yesterday, but at least the day is quite long, and starting on the weekend, it will be an even longer day.  Yes, remember to set your clocks ahead this weekend!

Today is Ash Wednesday and I expect I'll see alot of people walking around with charcoal on their foreheads!

I'm thinking of doing my income tax today, I'm not looking forward to giving more money to the Government, however, we are all in the same boat and we have to do what we have to do!

I have some exciting news for you, there is a sneaker of Justin Bieber's that is currently on sale on EBay, but, you better have a healthy bank account if you hope to purchase it, the last bid was at ten thousand dollars (10,000).

Did you hear that the actor Rob Lowe is being touted as the replacement of Charlie Sheen for the show "Two and a Half Men?"  I think that the show is headed for the great big studio in the sky!

Ted Williams, the homeless man with the golden voice recently got out of rehab for alcoholism and drug addiction for the second time since he was discovered on the "Today" show.

For those of you who collect coins, The  Royal Canadian Mint is striking a new series of collector coins commemorating the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Have any of you been reading the In the News add-on lately?   Today's grab headline reads, "Proof of Alien Life!" and it got my attention as I have always wondered about the other worlds that are out there in the galaxy.  Anyway, the article goes on to say that in a published research paper, NASA scientist Richard Hoover claims to have found evidence that alien bacterial life in meteorites that were collected years ago, but many experts, includxing other NASA scientists dispute the findings.  Hoover says that he broke open the meteorites in a sterile environment,  and then examined samples using scanning electron microscopy discovering in them the fossilized remains of microorganisms he believes came from outer space.  However, NASA Astrabiology Institue director Carl Pilcher offers a simple explanation:  the microbes Hoover found are merely contamination from Earth.

Well, I am now going to have my breakfast, albeit late for most people, anyway, have yourselves a great day and be good to those less fortunate than yourself!

Topics coming soon:

Royal Canadian Mint 2009 Silver Maple Leaf Coi...Image via Wikipedia

Gable and Lombard

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trash out on Tuesday

Date:                                                   Tuesday, March 8th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                puckish (PUHK\ish); Whimsical; mischievous; impish
Weight:                                               two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                   lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                   ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                          forty-three (43) inches, yeah sure Efrem!
Days until Royal Wedding:                fifty-five (55) days
Rowing Duration:                               forty-five (45) minutes, fifty-nine (59) seconds

Today is International Women's Day and so I salute all of the women I know, I hope that all of you women receive the attention and respect that you so richly deserve, and if you are a man reading this blog, after you have finished reading, get out there and show the women in your life that they are important to you, yes, buy them something!

It is already Tuesday and we are having another bright, very bright, cold day.  What is going on in the world?, I have hardly read anything about Justin Bieber lately, could it be that Mr. Bieber is already headed for "whatever happened to?"

Gas prices are going up and this is indicative that our economy is doing better, yeah, tell us all another one!

Did any of you watch Oprah yesterday?, yes, I know it was a rerun, but it was quite funny, it was the episode about Oprah and Gayle King's camping adventure, I've always thought it quite commendable that Ms. Winfrey that she can laugh at herself!!!!  Like Ms. Winfrey, camping is not my thing either!

With regard to Oprah Winfrey, if you are a Rogers subscriber, Oprah's network "OWN"  can be viewed on channel 72, come on, aren't you a little curious, I'm going to take a peek at some of the shows offered on this channel.

Make a note that this weekend our clocks will be set one (1) hour ahead, yeah I know its tough losing an hour's sleep, but just think how much longer the day will be bright!, I love it!

So, Charlie Sheen is now without a series, yup, the network has cancelled the show "Two and a Half Men!"  I am sorry for all of the other actors who appeared on this show, but I do believe that the right thing is being done in kicking Mr. Sheen off the air, perhaps now he will wake up and get some much needed medical attention.

The "Royal Wedding" between Prince William and Kate Middleton is just around the corner,  and "The Royal Family" finds itself fighting an inconvenient distraction:  revelations that Prince Andrew, the Queen's second son is friends with a convicted sex offender, has been photographed with a teenage prostitute and has been accused of ties with Moammar Gadhafi's Libyan regime.  Maybe, the Royal Family will now reconsider inviting Sarah Ferguson to the wedding to show people that we all need to forgive others for wrongdoing.

Congratulations to Alice Cooper for being inducted (finally) into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!

That is all I have to give today, I hope you all have a good day.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Winfrey on the first national broadcast of The...Image via Wikipedia
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Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday and Magpie

Date:                                                    Monday, March 7th, 2011
Word of the Day:                                 demagogue (DEM\uh\gog); a leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the populace.

Weight:                                                two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                   lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration, not bloody likely

Pounds to lose:                                   ninety-two (92) pounds
Waist Size:                                         forty-three (43) huge inches
Days until Sarah Ferguson Snub:       fifty-six (56) days until Royal Wedding between Kate Middleton and Prince William

Rowing Duration:                              sixty (60) minutes, zero (0) seconds

Another Monday, another work-week, you can do it, what choice do you have?

I'm up late yet again this morning and the reason is that I was watching a documentary on how the boys who played Billy Elliot on Broadway were chosen.  This documentary started rather late on the Public Broadcasting Station (PBS).

I do not have alot on my mind this morning, no wise cracks Lily, I wanted to watch the new season of Celebrity Apprentice, alas, I missed it, I guess Donald Trump won't miss my support as a viewer.

There is so much snow outside, I tell you, if you are a shoveller, you certainly will be in demand these next few days.  (I told you that there wasn't much on my mind.)

However, in the "In the News" tag-on this morning, it is reported that employee drug use is linked to aviation accidents, what a total surprise and shock, isn't that? Although illicit drug use remains rare among airline employees, they are three (3) times more likely to test positive for drugs, like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, after a crash of other accident than when they are tested at random times. The findings seem to indicate that drug violations by airline personnel play a small part in increasing the risk of an aviation accident.   After reviewing a decade's worth of drug tests, researchers, concluded that one (1) out of every one hundred (100) accidents is the result of illlicit drug use.

Well, the space shuttle "Discovery" is heading home, yes "Discovery" departed the space shuttle space station leaving behind a new storage room, (I am curious as to what supplies are there,) a prototype robot and tons of supplies.

Regis Philbin lost seven (7) pounds from doing the clean-out necessary when one gets a colonoscopy, my goodness seven (7) pounds, I think I'll sign-up for another one!

Since I do not have alot on my mind, I thought I would provide for you a brief blurb(s) on cartoons, here goes:

The word cartoon has various meanings, based on several very different forms of visual art and illustration.   The artists who draw cartoons are known as cartoonists.  The term has evolved over time.  The original meaning was in fine art of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance, where it referred to a preparatory drawing for a piece of art, such as a painting or tapestry.   In the 19th century, it came to refer to humorous illustrations in magazines and newspapers, and in the early 20th century it was sometimes used to refer to comic strips.   In more modern usage, cartoons commonly refers to animated programs for television and other motion-picture media.

Editorial cartoons are found almost exclusively in news publications and news websites.   Although they also employ humour, they are more serious in tone, commonly using irony or satire. The art usually acts as a visual metaphor to illustrate a point of view on current social and/or political topics. Editorial cartoons often include speech balloons and, sometimes, multiple panels.  Editorial cartoonists of note include Herblock, David Low, Jeff MacNelly, Mike Peters and Gerald Scarfe.

Comic strips, also known as "cartoon strips" in the United Kingdom, are found daily in newspapers worldwide, and are usually a short series of cartoon illustrations in sequence.   In the United States they are not as commonly called "cartoons" themselves, but rather "comics" or "funnies".  Nonetheless, the creators of comic strips, as well as comic books and graphic novels, are usually referred to as "cartoonists".  Although humour is the most prevalent subject matter, adventure and drama are also represented in this medium.   Noteworthy cartoonists of humor strips include Scott Adams, Steve Bell, Charles Schulz, E. C. Segar, Mort Walker and Bill Watterson.

BooksBooks with cartoons are usually reprints of newspaper cartoons.   On some occasions, new gag cartoons have been created for book publication, as was the case with "Think Small," a 1967 promotional book distributed as a giveaway by Volkswagen dealers.   Bill Hoest and other cartoonists of that decade drew cartoons showing Volkswagens, and these were published along with humourous automotive essays by such humorists as H. Allen Smith, Roger Price and Jean Shepherd.  The book's design juxtaposed each cartoon alongside a photograph of the cartoon's creator.

Because of the stylistic similarities between comic strips and early animated movies, "cartoon" came to refer to animation, and the word "cartoon" is currently used to refer to both animated cartoons and gag cartoons.   While "animation" designates any style of illustrated images seen in rapid succession to give the impression of movement, the word "cartoon" is most often used in reference to TV programs and short films for children featuring anthropomorphized animals, superheroes, the adventures of child protagonists and related genres.

At the end of the 1980s, the word "cartoon" was shortened, and the word "toon" came into usage with the live action/animated feature Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988), followed two years later by the TV series Tiny Toon Adventures (1990).

Be good to yourself and have a great day!

That's all folks.

Topics coming soon:

Gable and Lombard

Comic StripsImage via Wikipedia
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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sinful Sexual Knowledge never on a Sunday

Date:                                                 Sunday, March 6th, 2011
Word of the Day:                             confute (kuhn\FYOOT); to overwhelm by argument; to refute conclusively; to prove or show to be false

Weight:                                             two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal:                                                 lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose:                                 ninety-two (92)
Waist Size:                                       forty-three (43) inches
Days until Royal Wedding:              fifty-four(54) do you think Kate's dress will be white?
Rowing Duration:                             sixty-seven (67) minutes, five (5) seconds

Miss me?  I've missed me, that's for sure.  I have not been able to use my computer for the last four (4) days, and I can tell you quite honestly, I have been going absolutely crazy not being able to tell you about the events, or lack of them, in my life.

Yes, it was a problem with The Camden Plus, and Dell was not very useful in resolving the problem.   The next time that I buy a computer, I hope all of you will remind me about all of the problems I had with The Camden Plus,  and with Dell, and that when buying a new computer, I should go with Apple, hey, Steve Jobs is looking better, don't you think?

Well we certainly got clobbered with snowfall last night, it is like the beginning of the season of Winter and not the end of it, the season of Spring is just fifteen (15) days away.  By the way, Environment Canada is saying that we, Ontarians, (people living in Ontario) will experience a much colder Spring than usually, yup, it will be colder than normal for the next three (3) months.

I have over three hundred (300) messages, also known as (aka) emails that I must address, that will clearly keep me busy for the next two (2) weeks or so.   Please be patient with me.

My sister Judy was here for a brief visit, she stayed for just three (3) days, usually she stays longer.

I need to give a salute to my niece Veronice Christine who turned the big FOUR O (40) on Saturday, gosh, now that my nieces and nephews are getting to be forty (40) years of age, I feel even older than Methusela!

In the add-on, "In the News,"  there is now news that Ibuprofen may reduce Parkinson's Risk.  Ibuprofen  is a non-steroid al anti-inflammatory drug, or NSAID, commonly used to relieve muscle aches and arthritis pain, but data show that it may also lower one's risk of developing Parkinson's disease.  Previous studies have suggested that this class of anti-inflammatory drugs could help prevent the disease, but until now, it has been unclear which medications in particular might have an effect.  In studies of more than one hundred and thirty-five thousand (135,000) men and women, those who regularly used Ibuprofen were forty (40) percent less likely to develop Parkinson'sNext time I have a headache, I know what I'll be reaching for in the medicine cabinet!

Some of you may remember that awhile ago I reported that an ice cream parlour in London, england, was serving an ice-cream sundae made from breast milk.  What I didn't report on, back then, is that the ice cream sundae, made from breast milk, is called, the Baby Gaga, and of course, now, Lady Gaga is threatening to sue the ice cream parlour, unless they change the name of the sundae.  The business has until the middle of the week to change the name of the sundae, hmmm. 

Goodness gracious, after that deadly earthquake in New Zealand, ChristChurch, specifically, thousands of residents are fleeing the area, whether or not, this will be a permanent move for the residents has yet to be determined.

I have been using the expressions "Feathers and Fishsticks" so much lately, and Zac is now making enquiries as to where this expression originated, naturally, I have no idea!  Do any of you know where the expression "Feathers and Fishsticks" came from?, if so, please advise as my readers and my self like to stay informed.

With regard to the upcoming Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, I have mixed feelings about Sarah Ferguson, aka "Fergie," not being invited to the big event.  I mean, the Royal Family is not without sin, and who are they to cast stones?

And speaking of the Royal Wedding, in Germany, a Hamburg company has beaten the Brits at their own game by selling KaTEA,  tea bags featuring Prince William and Kate Middleton, you kow, I think I could use and enjoy a spot of tea right now.

I know this post is not very long, especially since you have not had one (1) in four (4) days, but I must away and attend to some chores before Zac's and my company arrives.   Didn't I tell you?, yes, Zac, Winter, and I are expecting company today for brunch, and I have no idea what I shall wear for the event!

Topics coming soon:

LONDON, ENGLAND - JANUARY 17:  Recently publis...Image by Getty Images via @daylife


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