Word of the Day: lickerish (LIK\er\ish); fond of and eager for choice food; greedy; longing;lustful; lecherous
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days to go before we leave for Canada: three, (3)
Rowing Duration: sixty-six (66) minutes, nine (9) seconds
I want to find a way today to incorporate lickerish into my diction, so that I not only build up my vocabulary properly, and timely, but so that when I do use it, I don't come across as a Mrs. Malaprop.
Using a word incorrectly can easily happen if one waits too long to use a word, well, not I, lickerish shall be in my words today, and I recommend you follow my actions, however, I realize that for some of you, following me is a scary thought?
Once again, I had some bad luck surrounding the television and Panasonic recorder which I am using to make new digital video devices (dvds) recordings. Some of the programs that get my attention are rare movies and "old" specials, and documentaries. I tend to love material from the forties, fifties and the sixties, do you think I was born at the wrong time?
There seems to be a plethora of channels here that show rare and old movies, and most of them are commercial-free, which is an added bonus. The Cox Cable Company here runs some of my favourite "old, vintage" movies, as well as classic comedy shows, specials, and alot more of programs that I rarely get to see back home in Canada.
Anyway, whilst copying a film yesterday, the power went off momentarily and in doing so, managed to murder another disc, really, the power is off for less than a second, but evidently its long enough to ruin my recording. Consequently, the entire disc with eight hours of programmning on it is irrepairable, and at this point, there is not much I can do about it, except take it like a man, and suck it up, for lack of a better expression.
With regard to television, I am disappointed that The History Channel will not run the miniseries that they filmed on "The Kennedy Family" which has Greg Kinnear and Katie Holmes playing John and Jackie. I must admit my curiosity is aroused as to the "real" reason why the series is being pulled, and I wonder, yes, I'll be bold and say it, I wonder if someone in the Kennedy clan has something to do with the miniseries being cancelled.
I also wonder if the miniseries on "The Kennedy Family" is just being postponed, and that the History Channel is actually pulling off a marketing gimmick to get people talking, (just like I am now,) about the show, and that when eventually the miniseries is shown, there will be a larger audience because of "renewed interest," well its possible, isn't it? This isn't my first time at the rodeo you know.
This year my GodDaughter and niece, yes, who else but Sally, will turn thirteen (13) years of age. In other words, plainly and distinctly, Sally is becoming one of those most frightening and interesting creatures of the world, Sally will become the dreaded TEENAGER.
Quite naturally, Zac, Winter and I wish Sally well on this, her journey of discoverey and transition, but we also worry, which will do no good whatsoever, about some of the things that will surface and that we wish would remain buried.
I am referring to the world of drugs and alcohol, which, if they have already not come up in Sally's world, they will soon. Zac, undoubtedly Sally's parents, Grandparents, Great-Grandmother, and I, or anyone else who knows Sally, knows that Sally will need to make very important decisons that will not always be popular, nor easy to make.
I just read yesterday of an annual survey of high school students across the United States (U.S.) that found that binge drinking and cigarette smoking among teens is on the decline, (great!,) but drug use is on the rise (BOO, and BOO BIG TIME!)
In the past year, there was a two (2) percent drop in high school seniors who reported binge drinking defined in this study and consuming five (5) or more drinks in a row in the two (2) weeks prior to the study. At the same time, marijuana use increased for all age groups. Ectasy use also appears to be on the rise among teens, as does the rate of high school seniors injecting heroin, these facts really frighten and confuse me!
First, why the increase in marijuana smoking, injecting heroin, and doing ectasy? Are these drugs easier to get, or have we become so complacent about the use of these "recreational drugs" that we forget the realization on how dangerous partaking in any of these substances is?, I mean, come on everyone, if our children decide to drink or do drugs, wake up and see the horrors of the roads ahead for them!!! We are no longer talking about our children going on a trip to Disneyland, we are talking about our children going to hell in a handbasket!!!! And drinking, or rather binge-drinking is just as big a concern for me, as are the drugs, if not bigger concern!!!!
Second, what the heck are we doing?, or not doing to combat the drugs and the alcohol? Clearly, the laws, all the promos done on televison to deter drugs and drinking, intelligence?, and all the hard-core, plain facts are not winning the war, things are getting worse, so what should we be doing? I don't have the answer(s) but I put the question out to you because maybe you could shed some insight to a solution for this very real and frightening problem, something to think about, isn't it?, even if you do not have a teenager!!!!!
I would like to extend a salute today to two new friends I have made on this trip, those friends being the owner of the house that Zac, Winter and I are renting, her name is Ann, a truly terrific, happening person, and Ann's real estate agent, named Sarita, a dynamic, friendly and energetic woman. I shall simplify descriptions of these women by saying that both of these women belong in the VA VA VOOM category, get the picture?, want to borrow my camera?
Recently, Ann went to Colarado with her grandchildren for a brief visit, but, unfortunately, due to an unexpected six feet of snow in Atlanta, Georgia, Ann's trip was longer than she expected. Ann did have to stay in Atlanta overnight because of the snow, and it is the subject of snow that is giving me a little bit of concern.
Zac, Winter and I are scheduled to go home this week-end, however, we may need to alter our plans should inclement weather dictate it, naturally, we are paying close attention to weather reports surrounding the regions in Canada, and the driving routes that we need to take for our trip home. I expect that it is in the mountains of Tennessee and Kentucky where Zac, Winter and I will face hazardous weather and driving.
Have I ever told you that a few years back, I met Bette Midler on Bay Street, in Toronto, while I was on my way to the Plaza Cinema to see the movie "Rounders?" I'll ne
ver forget Bette's and my meeting, Miss M. asked me how I recognized her, to which I answered simply, candidly, "Your Face!" Actually, I first noticed Miss Midler as she was walking down Bay Street, and I was walking up the street; Bette Midler has a specific way of walking that demands and attracts your attention. Regardless of how I ended up talking to Bette Midler, we met, and that, for me, was one of my great moments, as I am a huge, huge fan of the superstar!
Okay, sports fans, its time for me to transfer writings and switch gears to writing "The Lottery," I'm so pleased that this short story is going well, I can't wait to finish it.
Have a good day!
Topics coming soon:
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