Word of the Day: sockdolager(sok\DOL\uh\jer); a decisive reply, argument
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days left before we return to Canada: six (6)
Rowing Duration: sixty-minutes (67) fourteen (14) seconds
I had trouble getting started with my rowing today, I couldn't find a pair of socks that were comfortable on my feet and legs, my skin in those areas has become so sensitive that anything touching them sets off a lot of pain and uncomfortability, nevertheless, I was able to get on a pair, it just took some time, as everything does for me these days.
The news in the world is troubling today, that terrible shooting in Arizona which happened yesterday and has resulted in the deaths of six (6) people and wounding many others certainly is making
Some of the headlines report that this happened in the United States because of their gun-control laws, and that it could never happen in Canada, both of these headlines are erroneous and ridiculous, there have been shootings in Canada, too many to list, actually, and whether or not a country has a law on gun-control is irrelevant to the fact that somebody sick was out of their mind, and intent on killing. When someone is this ill they will find a modus operandi, don't ask me how I know, I just do!!!
The truly bizarre and most outrageous of the headlines that I read though is the one that said the shootings were politically motivated, I'm telling you that it did not happen because somebody was Democratic and not Republican, that truly is/was the most inane headline that I happened upon, but wish I missed, I can't believe people get paid for writing that garbage!
I know that all of you out there probably feel a little like me, and want to extend our sympathies to the families of the victims, and hope that this senseless tragedy will draw to an end without any further mishap or wrongdoing, yes I know, it is not the end of the story, it never is.
Another news item, not so tragic is that the National Society of Film Critics has picked the movie "The Social Network" as the best picture of the year. I have not seen "The Social Network" movie, but I am now wondering if I should put it on my "must see" list, if any of you have seen it, please tell me what you thought of it!
I also have some more bad news, at least for all of us Canadians, surfing and downloading charges are going to rise as two Internet companies, Primus and Shaw have announced plans to impose new fees and caps of Internet charges, the other Internet companies will surely follow suit. I think this is just awful as those companies already make a horrendous profit, but they can get away with it as they know they have people exactly where they want them, people have become so dependent on the Internet. I say we should all march back to the library!
Zac and I are scheduled to go for brunch today at the Gainesville Golf and Country Club with my brother Biff, and his family, including, Louise's parents, Mr. Spring, Dina Spring, and Louise's grandmother, Vivian, but remember, we call her Grandmama. Unfortunately, we already will not have a full party as my nephew, Raphael, has a temperature of one hundred and three (103) and will need to stay home in bed, alas, one of his parents will also have to stay with him.
Have I told you that I now believe that my computer is in cahoots with the cleaning lady of Friday, (Karen) to drive me crazy and/or cause me endless frustration in bringing on some kind of breakdown, I mean it.
For some time now, my computer has many periods wherein it slows down so much, actually coming to complete stops, while I am writing my blog. This seems to happen the most time whilst I'm in the process of finalizing the post with bolding, italicizng and underlining words and sentences.
I do not like to publish my post unfinished so I have been putting up with all of the stops, but I am getting near the breaking point, as I don`t know why the computer is behaving this way. As you may remember, my computer is still basically new, I just purchased "The Camden Plus" in the summer, and cannot comprehend for the life of me why it is doing this slowing down when I am writing.
I have never had this problem before with any of my computers, and I`m wondering if it has some kind of virus on it, which then would lead me to believe, that my computer was in fact, not new, but one that Dell decided to try and unload. I know my conclusions are a little out there, but I can`t explain what else would cause this slowdown, do any of you out there have any suggestions?
I was talking to my sister Judy yesterday and she told me that Toronto has recently got hit with quite a snowstorm snow is everywhere, and it is quite heavy in spots. Be careful out there people, it is so easy to fall and if you are getting on in years, like I am, you need to be extra careful because if you have a fall, it may take longer than you realize to get over it.
I had a fall on the ground about four (4) years and it landed me in the hospital for two (2) weeks so I do know of what I speak, again, be careful out there and allow yourselves extra time when going some place, remember, it is better to arrive late than not to arrive at all, not that I'm advocating tardiness you understand.
Zac, Winter and I went to my brother Biff's house yesterday, around noon to support the "bake sale" that was being done by my kids, Sally, Jessie, and Raphael. Louise, my sister-in-law was also there to help out the children. Zac and I not only donated some extra money to the children's cause, but we also bought brownies, a cake, lemonade and home-made pretzels.
Shortly after we arrived to the bake sale, Raphael had to leave to go to his basketball game and then Jessie also left to go to a birthday party, well, at least Sally was around to keep us company, which she did nicely, I also had a lovely chat with Louise.
Are any of you aware that researchers say that because smoke seeps through walls and shared ventilation systems, children who live in apartments, where no one in the household smokes are more likely to be exposed to tobacco smoke than those who live in stand-alone houses, how about that? I think this fact is rather enlightening, as one would think, and quite naturally, that people would be safe from tobacco smoke,especially if nobody in the household smokes, great, now we have to worry about vents! What next?????
This fact was determined this way by measuring levels of cotinine, the major metabolite of nicotine that indicates levels of nicotine intake, in blood samples from five thousand (5,000) children. Overall, eighty-four. point five (84.5) percent of the children living in apartments had been exposed to tobacco smoke, compared to seventy-nine point six (79.6) percent of children in attached houses and seventy point three (70.3) percent in stand-alone houses, so just put that in your pipe and don't smoke it!!!!
It is now time for me to get ready for today's brunch and to try and look half-ways decent, this is such a big task for me, I'm exhausted just thinking about it, oh well, maybe people won't notice my appearance so much because of exceptionally dazzling personality, that's just a joke Muta Roo!!!!
Take care and enjoy the day, I'm coming back home to Canada soon!
Topics coming soon:
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