Date: Monday, January 10th, 2011
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days to go until we leave for Canada: four (4)Rowing Duration: fifty-nine (59) minutes, eight (8) seconds
These days I resemble a water fountain as water keeps spurting from my legs due to the excess fluid in my legs that is caused from side effects of depomedrol, which all of you know is liquid prednisone.
I'm sure all of you will pick up that going back home is quite prevalent on my mind, especially if you note the title of today's post, wait a second, mink coats are also synonymous with Florida, what was I thinking (not) of?
You will not be getting a very long post today, as, yup, it happened again, I lost a post that I had spent the last two hours creating, I actually think it was some of my better writing, I guess it was not meant to be because it is now gone. Yes, I know, I forgot to make a copy of it while I was writing it earlier, I know I should do this every time I write something of significance, but I forgot and am now paying the price. Drat, my luck, and on a Monday!
Earlier, I spent the morning surfing the net for interesting articles and I came across an article that documented what jobs may lead to divorce. Obviously, the very first one is/was jobs of "entertainers/celebrities/atheletes." I do not think that I need to go into any explanation on why these jobs are on the list, it should be patently obvious.
"Helping Professions" jobs were second on the list and these are jobs of home health aides, nurses, and massage therapists, long hours and stress were the contributing factors of why these jobs may lead to divorce.
Another job that can cause problems in a marriage is "hospitality workers," these jobs contain: baggage porters, concierges, and bartenders. Irregular work hours in this job is cited as the main cause for discourse among a couple, the hours, plus the fact that hospitality workers are vulnerable to temptation on the job in the form of co-workers and patrons, hmmm. I'm not surprised by this fact it explains why some people get better tips on some days, yes indeed.
Unfortunately, there is alot of discourse for people in a marriage who are employed in the "law enforcement" industry, the great stress that one carries doing this job is very destructful, are you paying attention Lily and Muta Roo?
Last on the list, but not least, are people who are "less educated" and "low-wage workers." It is documented that women, who have college degrees are more likely to work outside the home and this seems to have a very stabilizing effect on the home, on the opposite side, uneducated women tend to work in the home, they don't have careers and this causes problems in the marriage. The report did not say, but it should have included men in their findings as well.
I had a rather successful day yesterday in my writing, but my short story of "The Lottery" has now taken a turn that I didn't see coming. I really do have a complicated but fertile imagination, let me tell you, I think that is why I love writing so much. Anything can happen to any of the characters you create which I find very powerful and enriching, I can make the difference between a happy, sad, realistic storyline and I really do love the challenge of it all. Some days are better than others, you understand.
Did you know that people who eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and do not smoke have a significantly lower risk of age-related degenerative changes in the eyes. Combined, these factors decreased risk of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) by over seventy (70) percent in a recent study. AMD is most common among people seventy-five (75) and older and results in a loss of central vision that severely hampers the ability to read, recognize faces, and drive, among other things.
I get an eye examination every year and have fortunately not have had any significant changes to my eyes, other than having to get bifocals about seven (7) years ago. Now, I do do everything on the list noted above, normally,but these days I am not eating healthfully, I try to, however, once again the side effects of depomedrol induces severe and poor eating habits. What is your story?
Yesterday, we brunched at the Gainesville Golf and Country Club. All of us had a really good time, the food was not too expensive, there was plenty of variety of the the types of food, we got a discount on the children's food, (they tended to eat more than anyone else,) and everyone seemed to be satisfied. The only sad factor was that, because Raphael was ill, Louise was not able to come with us, hopefully, we will get the pportunity to take her there on our next visit.
Okay, as I mentioned earlier, this post would not be long because it is a second version and I am a little demotivated to continue. In addition, there is the strong possibility that this post will not look as finalized as I would like,because if it takes too much time, I'm not going to do it, today, that is. And that's me.
You are probably going to work today, and for some of you, you are returning to work after being off on holiday. You may feel a little down, do not let this overwhelm you. Remember, another holiday, Easter, is just around the corner, the days are getting longer, it is getting lighter, longer, each passing day, so pack up your bags and hit the road Seasonal Affective Disorder, (SAD,) you are in all likelihood in good health, you have a job to go to, and you are liked, at the very least, you are liked by me, so do not get down because you are going back to work today. Count your blessings, of which you have many, and make the most of the day.
All the best.
Topics coming soon:
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