Word of the Day: chatoyant(shah|TOI\uhnt); having changeable lustre; twinkling
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41inches
Days to return home to Canada: eight (8)
Rowing Duration: sixty-six (66) minutes, six (6) seconds, how frightening, sixsixsix (666), is that bad luck or just the devil?
Once again, I am not doing a whole lot of time on CC., but I am doing the best I can whilst on the blasted piece of torture, that's how I feel about exercise, I hate it and it is a form of texture. I really don't understand those people that say they love exercise and I have to wonder what kind of medication they take, I mean its easy to comprehend why they take it, they're crazy!!!!!
When one is confined to activities surrounding the bed, which is necessitated to keep
While laying down with my feet elevated, I did break down and watch some television, but I tried to restrict myself with this exception alone, and eventually I transferred myself to other parts of the house wherein I could resume any and all of the actiivites that I like to do in the home. Zac was not happy that I left the bedroom, consequently ceasing my feet from being elevated, but come on, keeping one's feet elevated for the entire day is a little on the boring side!
In spite of zero takers in my project to recruit readers for my writing, I continued with my writing of a short story of a couple who win the lottery. I came up with this idea recently after reading in the news that there was one Canadian who won a lottery prize of fifty million dollars.
Who among us has not dreamed of winning alot of money and what it would be like to have such a windfall, how our lives would change, what we hope would not change, and the million other things that could, or would transpire with winning a lottery.
To date, I'm having fun writing the story, but I'm not absolute 100 per cent sure as to the final direction that I want the story to take, you know, happy ending versus sad ending, ideal version versus realistic version versus boring version. I could go on for a very long time you know, but I won't, I will state that on day when I wake up, I will decide how to finish the story, hehe, we'll see, actually, all of us will not see.
The only ones who will get to see the outcome of Olive and O'Neal's lottery win will be those that decide to climb aboard my project and say, "Today, I'm going to make a difference!" "Today, I'm going to show my support to an up and coming novelist, while at the same time, I will contribute money towards a charity that will one day put an end to asthma, and other chronic lung diseases, today, I'm going to make a difference because I can make a difference!!!" Come on Lily, you be the first to join in, and then get that Corporate Records Specialist and Muta Roo aboard!
Speaking of the lottery, I just happened to notice this blurb yesterday about a psychic who won a million dollar lottery, yes a person with the name of Ocean (isn't that a great name?, absolutely perfect for a perfume, well Cosmo Kramer of Seinfeld thinks it is,) Kinge, who is forty-five (45) years old and lives in West London, predicted that she would win the lottery, how nice, I wonder if MS. Kinge can see money in my cards, hmmm.
Would you want to know the future? I really don't think I would because you have to take the bad with the good and I'm not sure I would want to know the bad, it could be very, very bad, no not me, I'll settle for knowing what is and not what will be. How about you?
Did I tell you that Zac and I paid a brief visit with Louise's Grandmother, Vivian yesterday. Vivian is ninety-six (96) years old and now resides in a nursing home here in Gainesville, Florida. We had a nice visit with Vivian, who we call, Grandmama, and we chatted about all kinds of things.
Grandmama has a special fondness for Zac as he once was able to give her advice that helped her feel better; at least Grandmama feels that Zac made her feel better, no other doctor, at that time, seemed to be able to fix whatever problem she was experiencing. Good for Zac.
My brother Biff telephoned me last night, he was in an awfully good mood, anyway, Biff just wanted to tell me that there is a gymnastics competition tonight at the University of Florida, between The University of Florida, and some other good team. Biff knows I love gymnastics, but since no one else is going, and because of my health problems, I don't think I will attend, but Zac has said that he will take me if I want to go, what a nice guy Zac can be.
In addition, my nephew Raphael will be playing in another basketball game tonight, and if I go anywhere, I think I would rather go to the basketball game and show my support to my nephew. There probably will not be too much more opportunity to go and show my support to Raphael in this manner so if I'm feeling up to it, tonight I will be going to a basketball game.
There is no special relevance to the picture of the dog, I just thought it was a nice picture and thought I would include it, I love dogs!
I don't have alot to talk about today so I thought I would publish now and surprise you with an early post, or should I say, earlier post from that of recently. Anyway, enjoy, and as always, have a good day.
Topics coming soon:
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