Date: Saturday January 22nd, 2011
Word of the Day: totemic(toh\TEM\ik); pertaining to an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or group considers itself closely related
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days until Royal Wedding: 97
Rowing Duration: sick
I am on the road to recovery and yesterday, in spite of my feet being swollen. I was able to accomplish cleaning up my bedroom, it really had got quite messy. Alas, I could not accomplish everything I wanted, the dinner for John-John was postponed because of me.
Zac's brother Barry popped by for a visit, actually he was here to get advice from Zac and then hung around for dinner. I didn't feet up to going out to dinner but I gave money so that Judy and Barry could go out and get dinner on me.
It is hard for me to stay on my feet for longer than fifteen (15) minutes as my feet start to ache and then if I don't get them elevated, they will swell up, so prior to getting up on my feet, I make a list of everything that I want to accomplish whilst being vertical so that I maximize the time.
One good thing about being home here in Canada is that I get to watch the television shows "Steven and Chris," and "Best Recipes Ever." The United States (U.S.) does not carry these two (2) shows and I missed them alot.
Since I have been home, I have not missed an episode of either show ("Streven and Chris" "Best Recipes Ever",) and I have been trying to reach my friend Cherry as she was going to be going to a taping of "Steven and Chris," I wonder how it went, hmmm.
I always know I'm home when Zac starts playing video games again, for some reason or other, Zac does not play alot of video games whenever we are away from home, but he's back playing the video games again, speaking of which, I recently read in the news that in a two (2) year study of schoolchildren in Singapore, nearly ten (10) percent of participants were classified as video game addicts.
The study also found that those participants who became addicted reported increasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and social phobia, and then observed in the participants after they were successful in removing the addiction to playing video games, they also removed all symptons of depression, anxiety and the social phobia, how about that?
Critics of the study note that video game addiction is not currently an accepted diagnosis among mental health professionals, and this this study may be measuring preoccupation with gaming and not addiction. Still, experts recommend that parents try to to give their kids educational, rather than violent video games, encourage playing in groups, and limit children's time in front of computers or televisions to two (2) hours a day.
Like most other nine (9) year old boys, my nephew, Raphael, loves playing video games, in particular those games of the WI origin, sorry, but I don't know what WI stands for, I suspect it is just some name given by the manufacturer.
Raphaels' sister's' Sally and Jessie also enjoy playing WI viedo games, but not to the degree that Raphael does, oh yeah, Raphael's Father, my brother, Biff, also seems to enjoy sitting down in front of the game as well. Me, I think it is a waste of time.
Do any of you out there think that George Clooney looks like me? I get asked an awful lot if he is my twin brother, and I tell people, yes, but I'm the good looking one!!!!!
I can't stand it anymore and today is the day that I am going to contact Dell regarding The Camden Plus. As I told you yesterday, the computer obviously has a virus on it, and so far, I have been working with the virus, which was/is probably a huge mistake. One little thing that I notice on The Camden Plus is I can't put pictures from Zemanta where I want them to go in my blog anymore, it's a crapshoot (I think that's the word,) I know, it's just awful!
I have been procrastinating contacting Dell as I loathe the fact that you are always on the phone with them for an extraordinary amount of time. Most of the time when I am on the phone with Dell, I am just trying to understand what the person, who is supposed to be helping me, is saying as English is not usually their first language. It's quite frustrating and maddening! Maybe I'll have luck if I call Dell early, say now. And on that note, I'm ending this rather short post, sorry, but The Camden Plus needs help!
Make the most of your weekend, don't drink and drive, count your blessings, and stop whining, you don't have a kidney stone do you?
All the best.
Topics coming soon:
Cover of George Clooney
Word of the Day: totemic(toh\TEM\ik); pertaining to an object or natural phenomenon with which a family or group considers itself closely related
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days until Royal Wedding: 97
Rowing Duration: sick
I am on the road to recovery and yesterday, in spite of my feet being swollen. I was able to accomplish cleaning up my bedroom, it really had got quite messy. Alas, I could not accomplish everything I wanted, the dinner for John-John was postponed because of me.
Zac's brother Barry popped by for a visit, actually he was here to get advice from Zac and then hung around for dinner. I didn't feet up to going out to dinner but I gave money so that Judy and Barry could go out and get dinner on me.
It is hard for me to stay on my feet for longer than fifteen (15) minutes as my feet start to ache and then if I don't get them elevated, they will swell up, so prior to getting up on my feet, I make a list of everything that I want to accomplish whilst being vertical so that I maximize the time.
One good thing about being home here in Canada is that I get to watch the television shows "Steven and Chris," and "Best Recipes Ever." The United States (U.S.) does not carry these two (2) shows and I missed them alot.
Since I have been home, I have not missed an episode of either show ("Streven and Chris" "Best Recipes Ever",) and I have been trying to reach my friend Cherry as she was going to be going to a taping of "Steven and Chris," I wonder how it went, hmmm.
I always know I'm home when Zac starts playing video games again, for some reason or other, Zac does not play alot of video games whenever we are away from home, but he's back playing the video games again, speaking of which, I recently read in the news that in a two (2) year study of schoolchildren in Singapore, nearly ten (10) percent of participants were classified as video game addicts.
The study also found that those participants who became addicted reported increasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and social phobia, and then observed in the participants after they were successful in removing the addiction to playing video games, they also removed all symptons of depression, anxiety and the social phobia, how about that?
Critics of the study note that video game addiction is not currently an accepted diagnosis among mental health professionals, and this this study may be measuring preoccupation with gaming and not addiction. Still, experts recommend that parents try to to give their kids educational, rather than violent video games, encourage playing in groups, and limit children's time in front of computers or televisions to two (2) hours a day.
Like most other nine (9) year old boys, my nephew, Raphael, loves playing video games, in particular those games of the WI origin, sorry, but I don't know what WI stands for, I suspect it is just some name given by the manufacturer.
Raphaels' sister's' Sally and Jessie also enjoy playing WI viedo games, but not to the degree that Raphael does, oh yeah, Raphael's Father, my brother, Biff, also seems to enjoy sitting down in front of the game as well. Me, I think it is a waste of time.
Do any of you out there think that George Clooney looks like me? I get asked an awful lot if he is my twin brother, and I tell people, yes, but I'm the good looking one!!!!!
I can't stand it anymore and today is the day that I am going to contact Dell regarding The Camden Plus. As I told you yesterday, the computer obviously has a virus on it, and so far, I have been working with the virus, which was/is probably a huge mistake. One little thing that I notice on The Camden Plus is I can't put pictures from Zemanta where I want them to go in my blog anymore, it's a crapshoot (I think that's the word,) I know, it's just awful!
I have been procrastinating contacting Dell as I loathe the fact that you are always on the phone with them for an extraordinary amount of time. Most of the time when I am on the phone with Dell, I am just trying to understand what the person, who is supposed to be helping me, is saying as English is not usually their first language. It's quite frustrating and maddening! Maybe I'll have luck if I call Dell early, say now. And on that note, I'm ending this rather short post, sorry, but The Camden Plus needs help!
Make the most of your weekend, don't drink and drive, count your blessings, and stop whining, you don't have a kidney stone do you?
All the best.
Topics coming soon:
Hi. Sorry you're having issues with your computer. Have your concerns been addressed? You can reach out to @Dellcares on Twitter for more help. VJ.
ReplyDeleteThank you Vijay!