Date: Friday, January 21st, 2011
Word of the Day: grangerize(GRYEN\juh\rahyz); to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Days until Royal Wedding: 98
Waist Size: 41 inches
I hate the season of Winter, but my precious, and beloved dog, Winter, seems to really get a kick out of the snow. I have not been able to walk Winter, my feet are still too swollen, but Zac and my sister, Judy, who is out here visiting, have told me that Winter just loves putting her nose and whooshing it around in the snow, and she also loves to roll in it, evidently, Winter must get this from the dog side of her bloodlines.
I received a nice surprise in the mail yesterday, one of my readers of this blog, has a daughter that wants to not only contribute money to keeping me motivated to write, but will also donate money to finding a cure for asthma, yes, somebody out there believes in me, and even before I have sent her the story(s), Natasha, that's what I'll call her, has already sent me money.
I am so encouraged and grateful to Natasha, thank you very, very much Natasha, you are not only beautiful physically, (she really is, I have a picture to prove it,) but you have shown that you are very, very generous of spirit, something I'm not totally surprised about, I mean, I do know your mother, and Natasha's mother really is one of the most beautiful people I know, alright, I'm having an affair with her, what of it? (just joking.)
It has been established that my computer does in fact have a virus, and unless I, and Zac find a way to get it off of my computer, The Camden Plus may have to be sent back to Dell to let them take care of this problem. If that happens, obviously, there will be no posts, so if you do not see a post one day, you now know why.
It kind of bothers me, I have two security programs on my computer that are supposed to take care of viruses, so I don't know why they didn't track the virus that is on The Camden Plus and subsequently driving me around the bend.
Because of my illness, I have been unable to get back to exercise, Cruella is in the basement and I can't go up and down stairs, yet, in addition, I am not only not exercising, but I never got to go to a funeral yesterday of an Aunt of Zac's who passed away quite unexpectedly last Friday.
Zac and the rest of his family understood why I could not be present for the funeral, but I really liked Aunt Shirley, and feel badly that I could not pay her my respects, however, I suspect Aunt Shirley knows and does understand.
I am also in withdrawal of missing my nieces and nephew who are in Gainesville, Florida, I know it has just been over a week since I last saw Sally, Jessie and Raphael, but there it is, I miss them, I wonder if they are missing me. They really are amazing children.
Speaking of withdrawal, my body is dramatically reacting to not getting as many narcotics as it did when I had the kidney stone. Evidently, it doesn't take long for one's body to get used to receiving a large quantity of narcotics and then to suddenly cut off those narcotics, well, lets just say that the body will let you know, hopefully, my withdrawal from those drugs will not last very long.
My youngest sister, Becky called me last night, but I was sleeping so I shall have to call her back today when I get time. Becky is a single mother of four (4) children, she is divorced, and other than raising her children, which is a full-time occupation, Becky doesn't have much else going on in her life.
I have difficulty relating to Becky as I am not a parent, and children is the only thing that Becky likes to talk about, she doesn't seem to have any other interests and I find it tres difficult relating to her, but Becky has a good heart so I do my best to foster a supportive relationship.
As I get older, I have noticed my hearing is not as great as it once was, and occasionally I hear a distant ringing in the ears, naturally, hypochondriac that I am, I have been thinking that I may have tinnitus.
Tinnitus, a ringing, hissing, or booming sensation in one or both ears that occurs without an external stimulus affects as many as forty (4) million adults in the United States (U.S.) and Canada, many of whom have hearing loss.
There are drugs that help mask tinnitus, but the condition is incurable. Some experts believe tinnitus results from too many brain cells becoming tuned to a specific tone in the brain, so they have developed a device that is supposed to train the brain to ignore nerve signals that cause the ringing sound. In laboratory tests, the device helped eliminate the condition in rats. Rats are always so lucky, they always get first treatment! Human trials are expected to begin this year. I sure hope they find a cure towards tinnitus before I lose my hearing totally.
Today, well tonight, will be a big test for me. A very good friend of Zac's, and now mine, celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. John-John, yes that's his name, went to university, medical school, and eventually interned with Zac, so we are taking him out to dinner to commemorate his birthday.
This birthday dinner was scheduled before we went to Florida so I hate to cancel, today, I am going to do my best to rest and keep my feet elevated as much as I possibly can so that I will be in somewhat decent shape to go out to dinner. If I am not feeling up to it, we may, in all likelihood, have to postpone the dinner. I hate postponing anything, I tend to think that people don't really believe you are doing it for a justifiable reason!
Do you ever wonder what Elizabeth Taylor is doing at this very moment? I do, but Liz and I go way back you know, if you don't know, you have to go back and read past posts because in one of them is the story of Efrem and Elizabeth!
Well good people, it is time for me to get elevated, I hope you all have a good day and that you have a wonderful weekend. Take care now!
Topics coming soon:
Cover of Royal Wedding
Word of the Day: grangerize(GRYEN\juh\rahyz); to add to the visual content of a book by inserting images not included in the original volume, often by mutilating other books
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Days until Royal Wedding: 98
Waist Size: 41 inches
Rowing Duration: sick leave
I hate the season of Winter, but my precious, and beloved dog, Winter, seems to really get a kick out of the snow. I have not been able to walk Winter, my feet are still too swollen, but Zac and my sister, Judy, who is out here visiting, have told me that Winter just loves putting her nose and whooshing it around in the snow, and she also loves to roll in it, evidently, Winter must get this from the dog side of her bloodlines.
I received a nice surprise in the mail yesterday, one of my readers of this blog, has a daughter that wants to not only contribute money to keeping me motivated to write, but will also donate money to finding a cure for asthma, yes, somebody out there believes in me, and even before I have sent her the story(s), Natasha, that's what I'll call her, has already sent me money.
I am so encouraged and grateful to Natasha, thank you very, very much Natasha, you are not only beautiful physically, (she really is, I have a picture to prove it,) but you have shown that you are very, very generous of spirit, something I'm not totally surprised about, I mean, I do know your mother, and Natasha's mother really is one of the most beautiful people I know, alright, I'm having an affair with her, what of it? (just joking.)
It has been established that my computer does in fact have a virus, and unless I, and Zac find a way to get it off of my computer, The Camden Plus may have to be sent back to Dell to let them take care of this problem. If that happens, obviously, there will be no posts, so if you do not see a post one day, you now know why.
It kind of bothers me, I have two security programs on my computer that are supposed to take care of viruses, so I don't know why they didn't track the virus that is on The Camden Plus and subsequently driving me around the bend.
Because of my illness, I have been unable to get back to exercise, Cruella is in the basement and I can't go up and down stairs, yet, in addition, I am not only not exercising, but I never got to go to a funeral yesterday of an Aunt of Zac's who passed away quite unexpectedly last Friday.
Zac and the rest of his family understood why I could not be present for the funeral, but I really liked Aunt Shirley, and feel badly that I could not pay her my respects, however, I suspect Aunt Shirley knows and does understand.
I am also in withdrawal of missing my nieces and nephew who are in Gainesville, Florida, I know it has just been over a week since I last saw Sally, Jessie and Raphael, but there it is, I miss them, I wonder if they are missing me. They really are amazing children.
Speaking of withdrawal, my body is dramatically reacting to not getting as many narcotics as it did when I had the kidney stone. Evidently, it doesn't take long for one's body to get used to receiving a large quantity of narcotics and then to suddenly cut off those narcotics, well, lets just say that the body will let you know, hopefully, my withdrawal from those drugs will not last very long.
My youngest sister, Becky called me last night, but I was sleeping so I shall have to call her back today when I get time. Becky is a single mother of four (4) children, she is divorced, and other than raising her children, which is a full-time occupation, Becky doesn't have much else going on in her life.
I have difficulty relating to Becky as I am not a parent, and children is the only thing that Becky likes to talk about, she doesn't seem to have any other interests and I find it tres difficult relating to her, but Becky has a good heart so I do my best to foster a supportive relationship.
As I get older, I have noticed my hearing is not as great as it once was, and occasionally I hear a distant ringing in the ears, naturally, hypochondriac that I am, I have been thinking that I may have tinnitus.
Tinnitus, a ringing, hissing, or booming sensation in one or both ears that occurs without an external stimulus affects as many as forty (4) million adults in the United States (U.S.) and Canada, many of whom have hearing loss.
There are drugs that help mask tinnitus, but the condition is incurable. Some experts believe tinnitus results from too many brain cells becoming tuned to a specific tone in the brain, so they have developed a device that is supposed to train the brain to ignore nerve signals that cause the ringing sound. In laboratory tests, the device helped eliminate the condition in rats. Rats are always so lucky, they always get first treatment! Human trials are expected to begin this year. I sure hope they find a cure towards tinnitus before I lose my hearing totally.
Today, well tonight, will be a big test for me. A very good friend of Zac's, and now mine, celebrated a birthday on Wednesday. John-John, yes that's his name, went to university, medical school, and eventually interned with Zac, so we are taking him out to dinner to commemorate his birthday.
This birthday dinner was scheduled before we went to Florida so I hate to cancel, today, I am going to do my best to rest and keep my feet elevated as much as I possibly can so that I will be in somewhat decent shape to go out to dinner. If I am not feeling up to it, we may, in all likelihood, have to postpone the dinner. I hate postponing anything, I tend to think that people don't really believe you are doing it for a justifiable reason!
Do you ever wonder what Elizabeth Taylor is doing at this very moment? I do, but Liz and I go way back you know, if you don't know, you have to go back and read past posts because in one of them is the story of Efrem and Elizabeth!
Well good people, it is time for me to get elevated, I hope you all have a good day and that you have a wonderful weekend. Take care now!
Topics coming soon:
Terry got a gold star at Weight Watchers yesterday for being the 2nd biggest loser. Loves the group support. So you think group support would help you?
ReplyDeleteit couldn't hurt, Congratulations Terry. One thing that really slows my weight losing down is if I get a bad bout of asthma and then your brother needs to give me a shot of depomedrol, the med clears up the asthma, unfortunately, it makes me gain weight, mostly water retention.