Word of the Day: klatsch (KLAHCH); a casual gathering of people especially for refreshments and informal conversation
Weight: 206 pounds, time, and the scale in the bathroom will tell
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 41 inches
Days until Royal Wedding of Prince William, and Miss Middleton: one hundred and four (104)
Rowing Duration: not today, CC is in storage, have to do extra on Monday to start making up for this omission
Aren't you all the lucky ones?, not only is it Saturday and you have the day off of work, but, you are getting a post today when I didn't think I would be able to get one out for you. By the way, did you like the post of yesterday? I worked very hard at it, I wanted to give you something extra, actually, I always want to give you the best!
I didn't do much yesterday other than pack, and try to record a few more movies onto digital video devices (dvds.) I had the worse luck with the Cox Cable Company (CCC) in that I would save movies onto a list, this list is supposed to hold the movies (or anything that you put on the list,) until you want to delete them, I'm telling you, you can't count on anything technical these days.
The CCC had other things on it's mind and deleted much of my stuff on the list, (which turns out to be movies,) before I got around to viewing them, movies like "Shenadoah," and "How Green was my Valley," I was hoping to not only see these movies, but I was planning on putting them together on one disc, oh well, just was not meant to happen for me, not now, anyway.
The day passed quickly, just as you would expect, Zac disassembled CC so he could pack her up in a box, Zac then took CC, as well as a printer he bought while down here, an artificial Christmas tree, and other items to a storage unit that we rented for forty (40) dollars a month. We thought it was better to keep things here, other than bring them back to Canada, and then bring them back again to the United States when we return in the month of March, yeah I know, if we return in the month of March.
Zac, Winter and I took a drive to my brother's house to return some items that we borrowed, in addition, we also brought them food that we would not be able to use, and that they might as well have. Alas, when we got to Biff's house, no one was there.
Fortunately, I knew that Louise was taking Raphael to his basketball game, so we drove over the the local YMCA, which is where Raphael plays all of his basketball game.s At the YMCA, we located Louise, Jessie and Raphael. Sally and Biff were not there as they had spent the afternoon in Jacksonville, Florida attending a swim meet. Louise informed me that Sally had telephoned her to report that she did well in the swim meet, we are indeed very happy for Sally as she works very hard at her swimming.
We didn't stay long at the YMCA because time was pressing, but our going to the YMCA gave Jessie and Raphael the opportunity to say good-bye to our beloved Winter. Everyone seems to love our Winter, but the youngest one here, Jessie, is especially attached to Winter, and even though Jessie is fiercely independent, we know that she will really miss the dog, and vice-versa, Winter has got quite a thing for Jessie.
I try to love all of my nieces and nephews equally, but I have to tell you, I feel especially close to Raphael as Raphael and I seem to share a deep bond and besides our loving each other because were related,, we both really like each other, we're friends.
It was also difficult for me to say goodbye to Jessie. Jessie is adorable and loves everyone, but while we've been in Florida on this trip, Jessie wrote a private letter to her mother, outlining why she loves her Uncle Efrem so much. Louise shared the letter with me, (gee, I wish I had a copy of that letter, I must ask Louise if she still has it and will make me a copy,) and I was very moved, I tell you, Jessie notices everything and nothing seems to get passed her, I shall truly miss Jessie with my whole heart.
And then there is Sally, who has grown and is growing up way too fast for my liking, and who was always doing something on this trip. Zac and I did manage to get some time with Sally, who clearly isn't a little girl anymore, but is there ever enough time, I think not.
Sally is trying very hard to grow up and be an adult, she routinely will take the role of the adult, even when there are other adults around and there is no need for her to wear the adult hat. Occasionally, however, we all get to see the spirit that truly is Sally.
Sally has a very good heart, wants to please everyone and is easily hurt by anything and everything, I guess she is just at that age! Like other people her age, Sally struggles to do things like her contemporaries, and sometimes when I look at Sally, I am reminded just how difficult and painful adolescence and life can be, and if you were ever to ask me the question, would I like to do it all over again?, I can honestly tell you NO, NO BLOODY WAY!, it was too hard the first time I did it!!!!!
I got to say good-bye to Louise at the YMCA but did not tell her how much I admire her and Biff's parenting skills,. I know that being a parent is probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world, if you do it well, Louise and Biff do their job as parents, superbly, just a little bit better than well!!!!!I shall miss my beautiful sister-in-law, Louise, and my baby brother, Biff very, very much.
So far, the driving has been uneventful, we haven't gone very far as we left rather late on Friday, more like early on Saturday. Zac didn't feel like driving very far on Friday, then he couldn't sleep, and wanted to get back on the road, consequently, we had only been on the road for two (2) hours when Zac felt the need to now stop,again and get some shuteye, since he is/was doing the driving, how could I argue?, but I tell you, I think I deserve a medal for all of the things I didn't say!!!!!!
It is bitterly cold and I am wishing that somehow I was back in Florida, oh well what can one do?
I have found that most of the readers of this blog are of the female sex, I don't know why men aren't interested in my posts, maybe it's just that I know more women than men, I didn't think so, but you can't argue with hard facts, anyway, since alot of you out there are female, I thought I would share with you some interesting lies that men frequently tell women, yes, just call me Benedict Efrem, what a name!
For the record, I did not come up with these "lies," they were in an article of "Shine" that you can access anytime you visit or are using "Yahoo," so if you want to take issue with any of the lies, take it up with Yahoo, I'm just the middleman.
Whether he lies to protect his butt or to protect your feelings, chances are, your guy's not above telling a few fibs to get through the day.
1. "No Way, You Don't Look Fat in That!" Hmmm., could this be considered a lie, if it is, I think it is a white lie, I don't think it's lying if you are doing it so that the person with whom you're conversing will not feel bad. _Efrem, in his prime.
"Whenever my girlfriend asks how she looks before we go out, my answer is always, 'You look hot!' Because once I tried to tell her that her skintight dress made her look a little like a hooker (hey, I didn't mind!), and she threw my cell phone at me and broke it." —Lance, 24
"I love my wife, but I hate when she asks my opinion on the 'trendy' outfits she buys. What do I know about fashion? If I leave the house with two matching socks, that's a fashionable day for me. My answer's always, 'You look great!' because as long as she thinks she looks good, it doesn't really matter what I think." —Michael, 42
Related: What He's Really Thinking When You're Naked
2. "I Don't Mind When You Use My Razor."
"Some things are just sacred to a man, and his shaving products are among those things. There are few things in life as satisfying as a good, clean shave, and I just can't enjoy it quite as much when I know where my (now dull) razor's been." —Jayson, 33
"I'd definitely say that my razor's the one beauty/grooming product that I don't want to share with my wife. Shampoo, soap, shaving cream — it's all good, just please stay away from the razor! I've never bought as many razor blades as I have since I got married." —David, 37
"I don't like anyone using my razor, don't touch my personals people!" ____Efrem, in his prime
3. "I So Was Not Checking Out That Chick's Boobs."
"If you think your boyfriend just checked out another woman, he probably did. I'm just being honest! We don't mean to do it; it's almost 100% unconscious." —Omar, 26
"My wife's always calling me out on what she calls 'Booby Jobs,' or checking out other women's...ahem, cleavage. She'll say, 'Saw that "Booby Job" you just did, nice work!' Luckily, we can joke about it, because she realizes it's an unconscious thing that doesn't reflect on her." —Colm, 39
"Okay, I admit it, I'm attached to breasts!!`____Efrem, in his prime
4. "I'm Five Minutes Away."
"I'm usually on my way when I say things like, 'I'll be there in a minute!' It's easier than estimating the actual amount of time it's going to take me to get to where I'm going." —Paul, 34
"I never know how long it's going to take me to get from point A to point B. Five minutes? Ten? Twenty? It'll take me however long it takes me. I just usually make up some bulls--- about 'getting there in 10.' It's worked for me so far!" —Kevin, 25
I am never late, but occasionally will get behind, I always offer the truth, why lie, aren't we adults here?__Efrem, in his prime
5. "I'm Sorry."
"Sometimes, I have absolutely no idea why my girlfriend's mad at me. When this happens, my go-to phrase is, 'Baby, I'm so sorry. I was wrong.' Doesn't matter what I'm apologizing for." —Zach, 29
"I don't always mean it when I tell my wife that I'm sorry. Most of the times, I just apologize to end an argument." —Ed, 54
Ì only apologize when I`m wrong, and I recognize that wrong, which turns out to be on a frequent basis, conversely, I don`t like people to apologize to me if they don`t mean it` ___Efrem, in his prime
The Bottom Line: Almost every guy we talked to said that they only told white lies to protect their partner's feelings. And let's be honest, ladies. Are we really expecting a truthful answer to the "Does this make me look fat?" question? Sometimes, especially after we've entered the land of spandex, honesty just isn't the best policy.
As you will note, I couldn't`t help but add my two (2) cents worth of opinion.
I also read something rather informative yesterday and that is though doctors and patients often describe being under general anesthesia as being asleep, a three (3) year study of the similarities and differences of sleep, anesthesia, and coma, has shown that general anesthesia is actually more similar to a reversible, drug-induced coma.
The only period in which there is any real overlap between anesthesia and sleep is in the lightest phases of anesthesia, which resemble the deepest states of sleep. Beyond that, patients' brains are more coma-like. Researchers believe the study will improve understanding of general anesthesia, as well as help in the development of strategies for helping coma patients return to a conscious state.
If Andrea McArdle and I have a daughter together, her name will be Madeleine, pronounced Madylyn, I love the way the name is spelled in French, and if Andrea and I have a son, his name will be Josiah, I love that name for a boy. Things now are going to get a little more interesting for you.
If Andrea and I have twin boys, identical or fraternal, they will be called Fish and Chips, don`t you just love those namesÉ And if Miss McArdle and I have twin daughters, they will be called Autumn and Winter, yes I know I already have a dog with that name, but I love the name of Winter for a girl, always have!
Well, Zac is beginning to stir, so I better wrap things up, I told you it was going to be quick, take care, and get out there and do all of the things that I am unable to do because I am stuck in this car heading back to Canada.
All the best.
Topics coming soon:
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