Date: Friday, January 28th, 2011
Word of the Day: jobbery (JOB\uh\ree); the conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper or private gain
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41)
Days until Royal Wedding: ninety-one (91) do you think they're getting nervous?
Rowing Duration: sick, big time
I am still sick with the kidney stone, but the medication that Dr. Alladin provided me with is helping, at least for now, I have a feeling, the stone will get worse and that once again, I will become something out of a horror movie.
I didn't do much yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, however, in the evening Zac called the kids in Gainesville, Florida so after he chatted with them, I also talked with them to see how they were doing.
Raphael is doing well but Jessie had an upset stomach, although she doesn't like to complain about it, she really is a plucky little soldier, alas Sally, as usual, was at a swim practice, although we called Biff's house later and did manage a conversation with her.
This evening, Zac and I are going to go celebrate John John's birthday of a week ago, we were supposed to go last Friday, but due to my stone, I was unable to go, I hope that nothing happens and that we do manage to go out to dinner tonight.
My sister Judy surprised us yesterday by dropping in, she had a bag with her so I suspect that she is planning to stay for a few days, that's nice, we never get sick of seeing Judy. Winter just went absolutely crazy when she saw Judy, they have a real love affair going, and no, Winter is not a lesbian, I know none of you care about Winter's sexual orientation, but I just thought I would mention it.
Did you know that on this day in 1754, Horace Walpole coined the word "serendipity." Okay, you don't find that too fascinating. I do, because, although I like to call our cottage on the lake by another name, the official name that Zac gave it, and he did buy the island so I guess that entitles him to give it it's name.
Anyway, the name Zac gave the island is "SERENDIP" which is an anagram of "RED PINES," and the island, to which our cottage on the lake resides, has quite alot of "RED PINES" on it, so you see, there is method in my madness, but have no doubt, I am still somewhat mad.
Back to Horace Walpole, in one of Mr. Walpole's letters, of which there were more than three thousand (3,000,) Mr. Walpole explained that the root of "serendipity" is taken from "The Three Princes of "Serendip," a Perisian fairytale about Princes who were always making "discoveries," by accidents and sagacity of things which they were not in quest of. Past serendipitous discoveries include X-Rays, helium and LSD, and I'm sure we all have serendipitous discoveries in our closet, or other parts of the house.
For the record and for your possible curiosity, most authors who have studied scientific "serendipity" both in a historical, as well as in an epistemological point of view, agree that a prepared and open mind is required on the part of the scientist or inventor to detect the importance of information revealed accidentally.
The word "serendipity" has been voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company. However, due to its sociological use, the word has been imported into many other languages, I love the word, but have to confess I have never used it any of my written works, I must correct that oversight!!!
Well people, believe it or not, The Camden Plus, is still out of commission, as DELL is sending someone to look at my computer in person, they were supposed to come today, but just called and said that they will not be coming until tomorrow, can you believe this service? Next time, I'm getting an APPLE, even if they do cost alot more.
That's all I have for today, you did it, the weekend is almost here. Have a great one, be safe, and don't take any wooden nickels, however, if you do get a wooden nickel, please forward it to me, I'm thinking of starting a collection! Oh yeah, one more thing, read the blog "Juice Bag and other tales from an elementary Teacher," as this blog will lift your spirits and renew your belief in the power of our children. Trust me, it is a really good blog.
Topics coming soon:
Image via CrunchBase
Word of the Day: jobbery (JOB\uh\ree); the conduct of public or official business for the sake of improper or private gain
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41)
Days until Royal Wedding: ninety-one (91) do you think they're getting nervous?
Rowing Duration: sick, big time
I am still sick with the kidney stone, but the medication that Dr. Alladin provided me with is helping, at least for now, I have a feeling, the stone will get worse and that once again, I will become something out of a horror movie.
I didn't do much yesterday because I wasn't feeling well, however, in the evening Zac called the kids in Gainesville, Florida so after he chatted with them, I also talked with them to see how they were doing.
Raphael is doing well but Jessie had an upset stomach, although she doesn't like to complain about it, she really is a plucky little soldier, alas Sally, as usual, was at a swim practice, although we called Biff's house later and did manage a conversation with her.
This evening, Zac and I are going to go celebrate John John's birthday of a week ago, we were supposed to go last Friday, but due to my stone, I was unable to go, I hope that nothing happens and that we do manage to go out to dinner tonight.
My sister Judy surprised us yesterday by dropping in, she had a bag with her so I suspect that she is planning to stay for a few days, that's nice, we never get sick of seeing Judy. Winter just went absolutely crazy when she saw Judy, they have a real love affair going, and no, Winter is not a lesbian, I know none of you care about Winter's sexual orientation, but I just thought I would mention it.
Did you know that on this day in 1754, Horace Walpole coined the word "serendipity." Okay, you don't find that too fascinating. I do, because, although I like to call our cottage on the lake by another name, the official name that Zac gave it, and he did buy the island so I guess that entitles him to give it it's name.
Anyway, the name Zac gave the island is "SERENDIP" which is an anagram of "RED PINES," and the island, to which our cottage on the lake resides, has quite alot of "RED PINES" on it, so you see, there is method in my madness, but have no doubt, I am still somewhat mad.
Back to Horace Walpole, in one of Mr. Walpole's letters, of which there were more than three thousand (3,000,) Mr. Walpole explained that the root of "serendipity" is taken from "The Three Princes of "Serendip," a Perisian fairytale about Princes who were always making "discoveries," by accidents and sagacity of things which they were not in quest of. Past serendipitous discoveries include X-Rays, helium and LSD, and I'm sure we all have serendipitous discoveries in our closet, or other parts of the house.
For the record and for your possible curiosity, most authors who have studied scientific "serendipity" both in a historical, as well as in an epistemological point of view, agree that a prepared and open mind is required on the part of the scientist or inventor to detect the importance of information revealed accidentally.
The word "serendipity" has been voted as one of the ten English words that were hardest to translate in June 2004 by a British translation company. However, due to its sociological use, the word has been imported into many other languages, I love the word, but have to confess I have never used it any of my written works, I must correct that oversight!!!
Well people, believe it or not, The Camden Plus, is still out of commission, as DELL is sending someone to look at my computer in person, they were supposed to come today, but just called and said that they will not be coming until tomorrow, can you believe this service? Next time, I'm getting an APPLE, even if they do cost alot more.
That's all I have for today, you did it, the weekend is almost here. Have a great one, be safe, and don't take any wooden nickels, however, if you do get a wooden nickel, please forward it to me, I'm thinking of starting a collection! Oh yeah, one more thing, read the blog "Juice Bag and other tales from an elementary Teacher," as this blog will lift your spirits and renew your belief in the power of our children. Trust me, it is a really good blog.
Topics coming soon:
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