Word of the Day: hogmanay(hog\muh\NEY); a gift given on New Year's Eve
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Rowing Duration: 63 minutes, nine (9) secondsAll of you will note by my daily indicator, the rowing on CC this morning did not go well, and it wasn't for lack of ambition, or desire either, it is just my feet and legs have swollen to such large proportions and cause me so much pain, that I had no choice but to stop shortly after I completed just one (1) hour!
On the negative side, Zac has suggested to me that we should consider going home, now. We still have two (2) weeks left, and I really don`t want to return home any earlier than absolute necessary to: the cold, the sleet, the ice and the wind! I HATE the season of Winter so much but then again, being sick isn`t much fun either, we`ll see!!!
The word of the day would have been excellent had it presented itself earlier, alas, we all have to work with the cards when they are dealt to us, so I shall still use hogmanay, someway, or other, even though, because of it's very definition, it would have been more timely to use it two (2) days ago.
The holidays are now over, and many of us will go into a slump or a mini-depression because of the transition from being on an incredible high, and doing everything, from visiting everyone, dining out in nice restaurtants, visiting people that we have not seen in a long time and then going back to the boring, familiar grind of life, but not I!
I like it when I get back to what is normal, I think this stems from that all of my life, normal is not a word that that would define either myself or my life. Normal never has been, and in most likelihood, never will be, a word that springs to my mind, nor anyone else's mind that knows anything of me, and I am not complaining about it, I'm just stating the fact, which is what I try and do with this blog, state the facts of my life.
New Year's Day wasn't terribly exciting for me, I made the obligatory telephone calls to extend New Year Wishes, tried to do some writing, watched the launch of Oprah Winfrey's new network, "OWN," and continued in my quest to copy movies from the Cox Cable onto digital video devices (dvd's.) I have been successful in making some interesting dvds, such as one dvd contains the movies "Fiddler on the Roof" and "Yentl," that is quite a double bill, and on another dvd, I have recorded the movies, "Meet Me In St. Louis," "In the Good Old Summertime" and "Chicago," don't ask me why I put the musical "Chicago" with two Judy Garland films, I just did!
I am quite pleased with my writing of yesterday, I started a short story, named "Olive and O'Niel Only" which I am hoping I will be able to incorporate into my novel, "Just Don't Tell My Mother." As some of you know, I have been writing this novel for quite some time, and I know some of you are thinking, you have been writing it way too long, get on with it already!!!!!!!
Obviously, I write at a very slow pace, part of the problem stems from the fact that I tend to be a perfectionist, therefore, producing just one page can take me over a day to create, I guess I'm just not a very disciplined, or good writer, but it is what I love to do, so there you have it.
Okay folks, I'm about to eat my words. I've made the resolution, (does it count if the resolution is made on the second of January?,) to write more, as I need to produce more solid material than that which I have been doing if I am ever going to get that book published, but I need your help, and with your help, I think I could be very successful at my writing, sorry, let me rephrase that, I know I can be successful at my writing, after all, my imagination and mind (possible redundancy) are quite fertile, you may have noticed that from your dealings with me, and from this blog.
Okay, so how can you help? We all respond to money, I am no exception and I am offering you an opportunity to not only help and keep me motivated to write, but you could also do some good for charity and ultimately, peoplekind.
I am proposing that on a bi-weekly basis, I will write a short story, that may or may not be relevant to my novel, and you can get to read that story, by email, or hardcopy, whatever your preference is if you send me five (5) dollars for it. Subsequently, I will put that money into a separate bank account, from my own, and then on a chosen date, which I haven't made up my mind will be, I mean this idea is "fresh" the money will be donated to said charity.
I am excited to start this project immediately, and the first date that a short story will be available for you to read is Friday, January 14th, 2011, another short story will follow in two weeks after that, and so on.
I cannot guarantee that all of my stories will be fantastic, clearly they will not be, but they will be original and they will be written by me. I do want to collect as much money as I can, remember it is all for charity, and in order to do this, I need to keep you buying my stories, so I shall do my very best to keep them entertaining, and at the very least, they will be anything but normal, that I can assure you.
So, are you interested in helping out a friend? If so, please leave a comment here at this post, or send me an email.
I am stating here and now, refunds will not be given for any reason, if you don't like the short story, that's how it goes folks, to protest on not being pleased, you STOP purchasing stories, it's that simple. I am also asking that you do not send out any of my stories to your friends, on this, I must insist, not only for my protection and privacy, but why should somebody else get something for nothing, after all,we are only talking about five dollars! What I have just proposed people is a social contract, please keep that in mind.
You may recall that once before I did try a variation of this theme, which was unsuccessful, but I believe in the old adage, if at first you don't succeed , try, try,again.
I have just made the decison that the charity I will donate the money to is one that relates to asthma and that the money will be donated at the end of this year, sounds good, don't you think?
I do believe that I have given you enough to think about, please think carefully about buying my stories,(surely you have five (5) dollars, now and then that could go towards charity and be instrumental in helping a man achieve his destiny,) the money will be put to good use and all of us will only benefit by new developments and maybe even finding a cure towards asthma, wouldn't that be amazing?
Topics coming soon:
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