Word of the Day: emend(ih\MEND);to free from faults or errors; correct
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 45 inches
Rowing Duration: 92 minutes, 12 seconds
Well, did you notice? I managed to wipe out another pound. I kept the same waist size, but I did eliminate a pound, hey, I just might meet that goal!
I slept in folks, and since I'm going to be on the road all night, this was probably a great idea!
This is it kids, its just a matter of hours now and I'll be in the car speeding (not really) towards sunny Gainesville, Florida, I can't believe how much I've missed those kids! And I'm told that Cruella's Child arrived without too much fuss, you didn't think I would go almost two months without rowing did you? I must confess, I'm looking forward to meeting Cruella's Child, I think I'll call her C.C,
Forty days (40) until Christmas people, and soon the big day will be here....what are you waiting for?, come on, be smart and get out there and start your shopping. I reguire nothing too elaborate nor expensive, however, I must confess that I do have a hankering for Dolce & Gabana!
Did you read that Francis Ford Coppola is/has receiving/received the Irving Thalberg Honorary Oscar? Isn't that wonderful! I still think this award should be handed out at the reguar Academy Awards, clearly, they didn't ask my opinion, and I think they should!
Last night was an especially great night for viewing movies on the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel. I, actually started watching the movies in the late afternoon, beginning with "Around the World in Eighty Days," followed by "The Best Year of Our Lives" which is truly a great, great film, and then I watched another great, great, film, "Mrs. Miniver," but dammit, "Mrs. Miniver" should have got that prize, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, shame on you, because if you are any kind of a film buff at all, "Mrs. Miniver" should be required viewing, and why on earth don't one of you nominate me to succeed Robert Osborne, (host of TCM.) I'm colourful, knowledgeable and I bathe! Sorry, Bob, I hope you don't think I'm pushing you out of a job, but there does come a time for all of us, and you sir, are no exception.
I still have quite alot to do people, so once again, I'm cutting this post short, please remember that THERE WILL BE NO POST TOMORROW (MONDAY).
All the best!
Topics coming soon:
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