Word of the Day: whilom (HWAHY\luhm); former, erstwhile, at one time
Weight: 207 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 75 pounds
Waist Size: 45 inches
Rowing Duration: not completed because of "kidney stone"
It is Remembrance Day, please remember to pay homage to all of those vetarans that gave their life so that we all could have a better one, just take a few moments of your day, all of us do have alot to be grateful to those men and women.
Isn't my word of the day something?, I am still working on its correct pronunciation.
It is now only 43 days until Christmas, am I driving you crazy giving this countdown, too bad.
I am thinking of buying a blueray disc player. I have been reluctant to buy one in the past, because I did not want to start my collection of movies all over again. Evidently, digital video devices (dvds) can be played on the blue ray player, so that makes a big difference in my decision. I'm definetly going to get one. Also, when you play a regular dvd on the blue-ray disc player, the quality is better, I guess the blue ray helps it, hehe.
Last night I watched the Country Music awards, I watched it so I could hear Miss Gwyneth Paltrow make her country and western singing debut, she was quite capable with her singing, actually, she was pretty good, but I really don't know what to make of her fashion sense. Gwyneth Paltrow has really skinny legs and she wore a short skirt, probably a mini, and then her bare legs down to a pair of boots, as far as I could make out they were boots, and I thought the boots on her looked ridiculous. That's how I feel people,why should I lie with my own blog? Brad Paisley won the Entertainer of the year award, congratulations to him. I really thought Mr. Paisley gave everything when he sang a ballad, and I have always thought his wife, Kimberly Williams is one of the most beautiful women on the planet. Miss Carrie Underwood, who didn't win any awards last night, changed outfits every two minutes, (or any time she made an appearance) there were two outfits that I thought were magnificent on her, one was short and it was of a champagne colour with little flowers or blossom buds on it, and the other was a kind of purple and was very formal, I just loved both outfits. It was also good to see Miss Loretta Lynn last night, Sissy Spacek, who played Loretta and won an Oscar for "Coal Miner's Daughter," introduced her, and then Miranda Lambert, who took a handful of the awards last night, and Sheryl Crow both sang the beginning of the song "Coal Miner's Daughter," which has always been a favourite of Loretta Lynn's singing repertoire, I think Miss Loretta must be about ninety years old, I hated her dress by the way.
I might be in trouble folks, last night while I was writing part of my novel, yes people I am still attempting to write one, I received a very sharp stab in the kidney region. I have a history of "kidney stones," so I know the feeling of one. I'm afraid I might have another one, I hope I'm wrong, I am drinking plenty of liquids to pass it, if I do have one, and I have already been through a plethora of pain pills. For those of you who don't know what a "kidney stone," is like, many women have told me that childbirth was easier, so I hope that gives you an idea of the kind of pain I am in.
Because of that pain, I don't much feel like writing, I know you will understand. I am also rather frustrated about not being able to reach my friend, Lily. I hope nothing bad has happened to her, Lily is another one of the most beautiful women on this planet, I know if you're reading this Lily, you are probably feeling a little embarrassed, but you have no reason to blush, you didn't say you were one of the prettiest women on the planet, I said it and I mean it.
Take care people and give those thoughts to all of those veterans that gave their lives, God Bless All of you.
Topics coming soon:
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