Word of the Day: weal (WEEL); well-being, prosperity, or happiness
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 44 inches
Rowing Duration: two hours (yes, again,) two minutes
Yes sports fans I managed to row for over two hours again today, its not easy but somehow or other, maybe its the Florida air, I'm giving CC an extra long, and hard workout.
Cover of Patti LuPoneFor most of this week, I've listened to the score of "South Pacific" whilst I was on CC, but today I switched my music appreciation to listen to Patti Lupone's "Gypsy" which was nice for a change, I also love Patti because she has one heck of a voice,( in case you didn't know that.) Also, because I was up so early today, I watched the movie "Mahogany" remember that dog of a movie starring Diana Ross, wuff wuff!
Yesterday, I had some old friends drop by for a visit (actually, they're here for an overnight visit) and all of us, Zac, Winter, John, Helen and I are having a really good visit. It was good to catch up on old times during the afternoon, and all of us took Winter out for her afternoon walk. John and Helen really took to Winter and had quite alot of fun playing with her in the afternoon.
At nighttime, all of us met my brother Biff and his family, which includes, Biff's beautiful wife, Louise, their three gorgeous and oh so smart children, Sally, Jessie and Raphael at Perkins Restaurant for dinner. Our waitresse's name was Rebecca and I must say that Becky did okay, considering that she had her hands full with ten people, fortunately because four of us qualified for the over 55 years discount dinner, the bill wasn't too much.
It was also so very nice to have all of the children together for dinner, this doesn't happen alot because all of the children are involved in so many activities, for example, today, my beautiful nieces, Sally and Jessie are competing in a swim meet in Jacksonville, Florida.
As for Raphael, well today is my lucky day because I get to take care of him all day, I am thinking of taking him first to the "Target" store so he can point out to me what he wants Santa to bring him for Christmas, it will be difficult not to shower him with presents, well, there is nothing stopping me from buying them, I'll just have to wait thirty-four (34) days to give it to him.
Did you catch that people?, there are now only 34 days left to the birthday of our Saviour, otherwise known as Christmas. Actually, there are many indcations that Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th, but that is the day that we all celebrate and it is also another topic for another day. Back to my nephew, Raphael, after Raphael and I have visited some retail stores, I think I am going to take him to see the Walt Disney movie "Secretariat" its Walt Disney!, what's wrong with that?
Zac will probably go along with us to"Target" (he loves that store,) but I don't think he'll go to the movie so it will just be a buddy buddy flick with Raphael and I, just as well, as nobody will be around to criticise me for spoiling my wonderful nephew, which I don't get to do very often, certainly not as much as I would like to spoil him.
I do so much yammering about drinking and driving, and just drinking in particular, I thought I would give some positive news on alcohol at least how it relates to bypass surgery. The health benefits of light alcohol consumption hav been documented in healthy indivfiduals, but researchers now say that light alcohol intake can also benefit patients recovering from coronary bypass operations. How about that people? Having that operation not only saved your life, but now go ahead, have a drink. Men who consumed about two drinks a day following bypass surgery had 25 percent fewer subsequent cardiovascular procedures, heart attacks, and strokes than those who abstained. The study also found no adverse correlation between medications and moderate alcohol consumption.
Well per my usual habit on the weekend, I am cutting this post short, not because I don't have anything to say, because, well, actually today I have alot to say but I'm going to postpone it for awhile, as you know from reading above, I am going to be taking care of my nephew Raphael, and I also have houseguests whose needs I must attend, so please forgive me for the brevity of this post, but to quote someone famous "I'll be back!"
Topics coming soon:
Image via Wikipedia
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