Word of the Day: heuristic(hyoo\RIS\tik); serving to indicate or point out; stimulating interest as a means of furthering investigation
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Waist Size: 44 inches
Rowing Duration: 87 minutes, two (2) seconds
Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and family. If you are travelling today, please use the utmost caution, do drive carefully, and don't drink and drive, it is possible to have a good time without drinking liquour, as for me, I'm frightening enough sober!
Yesterday afternoon Zac and I went out to do a little shopping and I got quite alot accomplished. I have been searching the stores down here to find some gloves to wear whilst I row on CC, my hands get quite sweaty and its hard to hold onto the bar so I was very happy to finally find some gloves to wear for this activity. I bought some shades at Walmart, in addition to purchasing the blue ray disc's of: "Eat, Pray, Love," the movie starring Julia Roberts, Walt Disney`s Diamond version of "Beauty and The Beast" and the biggest money-maker of all time, "Avatar," although for the life of me, I don't quite get why everyone is so in love with this movie. I also found and bought an audio version of Jonathan Franzen's book of "Freedom" which Zac, Winter and I will enjoy on our drive back to Canada. In addition to "Freedom" I bought an audio copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, and read by the Oscar winning actress, Sissy Spacek, I'm really looking forward to listening to that book as I loved reading it in High School, University, seeing the movie at least twenty times, but I have never heard it, so when I do finally sit down to listen to it, it will be a satisfying treat, I really can't wait.
There are now only thirty (30) days until Christmas, seriously folks, were getting awfully close to that big and final countdown, I wonder what my next countdown will be?, hmmm. probably Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Wedding, yes, I do believe I'll work out how many days there are to that event, and directly after Christmas, I shall start the Royal Wedding Countdown!
I got up rather early this day and so when I finished rowing there wasn't much to do but watch television. Fortunately, they were running the movie "About a boy" starring Hugh Grant, and this is a movie that I never get tire of seeing, I truly enjoy this movie, thanks alot to the "boy" in the movie which is played by an actor named Nicholas Hault and he plays the part of Marcus.
I recommend to all of you who have never seen this movie to watch it, you won't regret it, the script is great, the acting is top of the class and you'll feel good at the end of it, I guarantee it is worth your time.
I am so frustrated, I have been trying to reach my friend Lily by telephone and I have been very unsuccessful in this endeavour, I'm going to try again today and I don't reach her I just may send out a scout.
My niece and Goddaughter, Sally, telephoned last night as she had badly burned her finger and she wanted medical advice from Zac, who did try to help Sally, alas, some times with burns you have to let time pass for the wound to heal.
Did you know that a transit of Venus occurs when the planet passes between the Sun and Earth, obscuring a small portion of the Sun's disk. In 1639, English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks made the first observation of such a transit by using a telescope to focus the Sun's image onto a white screen and watching as Venus's shadow, appearing as a small black disk, passed across it. These observations allowed him to estimate the distance from Earth to the Sun more accurately than ever before.
Horrocks' observations allowed him to make a well-informed guess as to the size of Venus (previously thought to be larger and closer to Earth), as well as to make an estimate of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. His figure of 59 million miles (95 million kilometres, 0.63 AU) was far from the 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) that it is known to be today but it was a more accurate figure than any suggested up to that time.
I've never been a real science nut but I do find this kind of stuff interesting and thought I would shake up your world by including it in today's post.
I'm going to cut the post short now to leave you to enjoy the day, give some thought to all that you have and perhaps give a kind thought to those who don't have as much as you, if this motivates you to help someone who can benefit, well than terrific, either way, it is good to think of someone else other than yourself, and count your blessings, isn't that what today is supposed to be about!
Topics coming soon:
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