Word of the Day: aflattus(uh\FLEY\tus); an inspiration, an impelling mental force acting from within; divine communication of knowledge
Weight: 207 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 75 pounds
Waist Size: 45 inches
Rowing Duration: 60 minutes, fifty-nine seconds
Well aren't you just Miss Fluff and Fold, or Mr. Fluff and Fold, (I wouldn't want to offend any of my male readers out there,) you got through another gruelling work week, as did I, so lets all give ourselves a collective pat on the back. Don't undervalue getting through another work week, many people have difficulty doing it, and actually can't complete it, that is why there are so many people on Government assistance, and so many of the other people in the offices of psychiatrists, they just can't/couldn't handle the demands of the workplace. But you did it!, and I believe that in life we have to give ourselves "rewards," and even though getting through a work week might seem like a small triumph, it is a triumph and you deserve a reward, albeit a small one, but a reward nonetheless, I know, why not take the Toronto Tranit Commission (TTC) home instead of walking the way that you do regularly and usually.
One of the things that I did to get a healthy esteem, I didn't always have one you know, anyway, one of the things I did to get healthy was, after I said my prayers at night, and before going to sleep, I told myself five things that I did that day, that nobody else did, in essence, I gave myself small triumphs.
If you are feeling a little blue, perhaps because your bank account is a little low and you will not be able to get everyone everything that you would like to get them for Christmas, anyway, if you are somewhat "down," do try to tell yourself (it doesn't have to be at bedtime,) characteristics of your personality that are unique, and things that only you have done or can do. Trust me, and try this little exercise, before you know it, you will be feeling better. Okay?, try it, just don't become a vain old cow!!!!
This is the last Friday that I will be spending in Canada for awhile, I am so excited about my upcoming trip to the fabulous South, I wish some of you were coming with me, alas, so far, it will be just Zac, Winter and I heading off to the Glorious South.
I will certainly miss my home here in Canada, Dorothy was right when she told Auntie Em that there is no place like home! (Yes I'm talking about that Dorothy and that Auntie Em from "The Wizard of Oz!")
There are now only 42 days left for Christmas and I know many of you have now finally started your Christmas shopping, don't despair when you are out there among the people and you can't decide what gift to give, your family and friends will love it that you took the time to go out and get them a present. Be careful people, do not get caught in the excitement of Christmas and overspend, remember, spend only the money that you can afford, your family and friends do not want you to go in debt to get them a present, so use your discretion and your wallet carefully.
I was wondering, with regard to my word of the day, would any of you like it if I gave an example of the word definition, by putting it in a sentence, please advise me because you could be the deciding factor.
Did I tell you that I recently found a compact disc (cd) of Stephen King's book of "Misery." I know alot of you have probably seen the very scary movie, and Kathy Bates deserved that Oscar win of Best Actress so very much, but that's not what we're here to discuss, that is an aside (as I call it,) anyway, the audio version of the book of "Misery" is very good, and it is read aloud by the award-winning actress, Lindsay Crouse.
A long time ago, when Zac and I were driving late one night, we listened to the audio-book, and even though we were both very tired, we were kept awake by listening to "Misery!" I lost the tapes and always wanted to get another copy, and now I have cds of it! I'm so happy as I will be doing the driving this Sunday night, and "Misery" will help keep me alert.
As another aside, I had to chuckle as my sister Judy asked me if I could make a copy of the audio-book of "Misery" so that she can listen to it when she is going to sleep at night. Judy thinks the reading will calm her into a nice lull, little does she know that Judy will probably be up all night listening to the book!!!!!
Getting audio versions of books is a good idea and I recommend it to all of you who may have children, it is always so comforting to be read to as one drifts off into "Neverland," or whatever you call that place when you go to asleep.
Audio-books are also good for senior people, many of our elders can't read any books because of difficulty holding on to them, or their vision is too poor so they can't make out the words, so it is good to give our precious old folks, something they can listen to, and it is also a good way for you to stay current with reading. When was the last time you read a book?, or, listened to a book. Get back to the basics people, as nothing can replace the joy of reading. I see that the company "Hallmark" is now pushing audio books that they have for sale.
Besides listening to "Misery" on audio, the book "Prince of Tides" is also excellent to listen to, Mr. Richard Thomas, of "The Waltons, John-Boy fame", reads that book. I am really looking forward to listening to the book "Freedom" by Jonathan Franzen. When it comes out on audio, I wonder who they'll get to do the reading, so far, I haven't been asked to help them out.
I don't know if you heard or read the following, but Mr. Dino de Laurentis died on Wednesday, he was ninety-one years old. Mr. De Laurentis produced such films as the 1976 remake of "King Kong" starring a then-unknow actress by the name of Jessica Lange, Ragtime, Three Days of the Condor, a film I relish, The Shootist, which is almost biographic of Mr. John Wayne, Mandingo, remember how controversial that film was at the time, and Conan the Barbarian, the film Arnold Schwarzenegger feels is Oscar calibre, hehe. Of course there are many more films on the resume of Mr. De Laurentis, I just mentioned those that came to my mind. If you want a more in-depth report on Mr. De Laurentis, you can find it by researching Google. Google is wonderful, without Google, you wouldn't have this blog.
I have to say something about this glorious weather God is giving us, wasn't yesterday spectacular?, they say today is going to be even better, so save-up your break time and take an extra long lunch hour instead and go for a hike. If its possible, take your children on the hike, or perhaps, you could take your parents, or Grandparents. Yeah, just think of how much Granny would love it if you took her out today. The temperature today is going to be in the high sixties, possibly in the seventies, it surely won't last, so while it is here, for goodness sake, get out and enjoy it!!! But speaking of being out in the sun, there are now reports that the sun's rays burn and blister our wonderful giants in the ocean, the whales. Its true.
Whales, particularly those that spend most of their time on the surface of the ocean, can suffer sunburns just like human beings do. Researchers say photographs and skim samples demonstrate that blue whales, fin whales, and sperm whales all develop blisters and changes in skin pigmentation as a result of exposure to the sun. It is possible that rising ultraviolet radiation as a result of either ozone depletion or reduced cloud cover is to blame for the increased sun damage being observed in whales. Gosh, we really were rather thoughtless in not taking care of this wonderful planet of ours, at least everyone is now doing their bit in recycling and conserving energy, make sure you always do what you can to stay "green."
Since I am heading south this Sunday, hmmm. that would make an interesting title for a story or a book, "South on Sunday," (SOS) I love it, anyway, since I am SOS, I thought I would give some facts on Florida.
Florida is a state of the United States, yes here at thisthatandhim we uncover the most startling facts. Florida is located in the Southeastern United States, bordering Alabama to the northwest and Georgia to the north. Much of the state's land mass is a large peninsula with the Gulf of Mexico to the west, the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Caribbean to the south. Florida was admitted as the 27th United State in 1845, after a three hundred year period of European rule. That's for the geography part of my facts, had to do it people, sorry if its a little boring, but at least, it is now over with, the geography, not the post.
Florida is nicknamed the "Sunshine State" (and I'm counting on Florida living up to its nickname) because of its generally warm climate, I bought a brand new bathing suit for my trip but I won't allow any pictures of me taken in my bathing suit, at least not for a year when I have reached my goal. Florida is subtropical in the northern and central regions of the state, with a true tropical climate in the southern portion. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the state population was 18,537,969 in 2009, ranking Florida as the fourth most populous state in the United States, and there will be two more residents if Zac and I purchase a house there, at least there will be two more residents for six months of the year, that is.
Florida was the first part of what is now the continental United States to be visited by Europeans. The earliest known European explorers came with the Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de León, (gosh I remember that coming up in my grade eleven geography, or was it history class? sorry folks, but forgetfulness happens to one when one is fifty years of age,) who spotted the peninsula on April 2, 1513.
St. Augustine is the oldest city in the United States, established in 1565 by Spain. On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th state of the United States of America, although initially its population grew slowly.
The climate of Florida is tempered somewhat by the fact that no part of the state is very distant from the ocean.
During late autumn and winter months, Florida has experienced occasional cold fronts that can bring high winds and relatively cooler temperatures for the entire state, with high temperatures that could remain into the 40s and 50s (4 to 15 °C) and lows of 20s and 30s (-7 to 4 °C) for few days in the northern and central parts of Florida, although below-freezing temperatures are very rare in the southern part of the state. Low temperatures have been 10's, and high temperature (at their lowest) in the upper 30s. but I assure you people, Zac, Winter and I are only going to experience warm temperatures, I can feel this fact.
Hurricanes pose a severe threat during hurricane season, which lasts from June 1 to November 30, although some storms have been known to form out of season. Florida is the most hurricane-prone US state, with subtropical or tropical water on a lengthy coastline. From 1851 to 2006, Florida has been struck by 114 hurricanes, 37 of them major, category 3 and above. It is rare for a hurricane season to pass without any impact in the state by at least a tropical storm. For storms, category 4 or higher, 83% have either hit Florida or Texas. August to October is the most likely period for a hurricane in Florida, and if Zac and I do purchase a home in Gainesville, we will have to make certain that someone proofs our house for hurricanes, I hope you're reading this Biff!
There are many tourist attractions in Florida: Disney World, Universal Studios and a whole bunch of animal-themed, and bird paradise venues, so if you have kids, Florida would be an ideal vacation for you and your family, I know it is ideal for Winter, Zac and I, and on Sunday, were a going!, Mickey Mouse, get out the refreshments, I'm coming for a visit!
Topics coming soon:
Babies (childbirth)
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