Word of the Day: nacreous (NEY\kree\uhs); Resembling nacre, (mother-of-pearl,)lustrous, pearly
Weight: 207 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 75 pounds
Waist Size: 44 inches
Rowing Duration: 81 minutes, one (1) second
I don't know...it seems later than what the time is, oh yeah..did you remember or did you arise early?
Well people, there are only 48 days until Christmas, are your kids getting excited yet? Mine certainly are.
I seem to have some kind of stomach bug that I haven't been able to get rid of and Zac has put me on an all-clear liquid diet for at least two days. I hope this helps, because I am getting sick of being in the bathroom so much.
It certainly is cold outside, at least there isn't much wind. I've heard from some of the people that I've sent Christmas cards, and the comments range from "My you certainly are on top of things," to "Did you remember everyone?" I guess I could have mailed the Christmas cards from Gainesville, Florida, but it was just one of those things that I wanted to accomplish before leaving Canada, so far, I haven't yet received a Christmas card, I'm not surprised.
It is in the news today that Americans are sicker but live longer than the English. A comparison of two surveys, one British, one American, of people ages fifty (50) and over showed that older Americans have higher rates of chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, heart attack, stroke, chronic lung diseases, and cancer than their English counterparts. But despite this fact, English people ages 65 and older die earlier than Americans, most interesting, don't you think? The discrepancies suggest that while English people are generally healthier than Americans in old age, the latter's health care system is better at keeping them alive.
"If you get sick at older ages, you will die sooner in England than in the United States," said James Smith, an economist with RAND in Santa Monica, California, who co-authored the study with James Banks and Alastair Muriel of the IFS.
"It appears that at least in terms of survival at older ages with chronic disease, the medical system in the United States may be better than the system in England." But that edge comes at a price.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data show the United States spends more on healthcare than any other nation, and Banks said spending on healthcare for the elderly in the U.S. is almost double that in England.
In 2008, the latest year for which full OECD figures are available, the United States spent 16 percent of its national output or $7,538 per person on health, well over double the $3,000 per person average of all OECD countries.
British politicians leapt to defend the state-funded National Health System when it was attacked during the 2009 United States presidential election campaign by Republicans who used criticism of the NHS, which they called a socialist system, to stoke opposition to Barack Obama's healthcare reforms.
Supporters of Obama's reforms argue too many people fall through the net and are without medical insurance. Once people in the United States turn 65, however, they become eligible for Medicare, a government-run health insurance program for the elderly that gives nearly 40 million Americans access to high quality medical care.
Death rates among those 55 to 64 were similar in the United States and Britain, showing that although the Americans had more disease they lived just as long. In the older age group the English death rates were higher, showing that even though these Americans had higher rates of disease, they lived longer.
The researchers said the findings showed that among older people, the U.S. health problem is not in healthcare provision nor in insurance coverage but in excess rates of illness.
I hope you will understand that I don't have much to say today, I'm rather preoccupied with my stomach problem, I should have more to say tomorrow.
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