Word of the Day: debonair(deb\uh\NAIR); courteous, gracious and having a sophisticated charm
Weight: 207 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 75 pounds
Waist Size: 45 inches
Rowing Duration: 111 minutes, five seconds
I owe all of you an apology, besides writing a short post today, I left to go to a luncheon thinking that I ahd published today's post, naturally, when I was in the car I started to think about things and I realized that I hadn't published today, so I do apologize for the lateness and the brevity of today's post.
On this glorious, warm, beautiful morning, I had a rather excellent rowing session on Cruella, I think I broke my record as for time-length, if I didn't break any records, today's session must be up there for enduring a good workout session.
It is so sunny, I almost, don't want to leave tomorrow, that is almost, people. All the good weather in the world cannot compare to the charms of my nephew and my two nieces, heck, I'm in a good mood today, I'm even looking forward to seeing my brother Biff again, and I love my sister-in-law, Louise, she is quite beautiful you know.
Oh my good sacred foot, I was sitting watching television this morning, in particular, the movie, "All the President's Men," which is very thought-provoking, and which I have not seen since the seventies, and my mind drifted to the thought that there was something that needed my attention, but I couldn't decide what it was, and then, at long last clarity, I hadn't yet put out this blog.
Now, my posts on Saturday have a history of not being very long, and today will not be an exception, but I do like to publish my posts, especially since on Monday, the likelihood is that there probably will not be a post, if by chance, we do get to Gainesville in record time, I may be able to get one out, but I seriously doubt it.
Image via Wikipedia
Last night, Zac, my sister Judy and I dined at The Pizza Hut and I was quite surprised that they did not offer a dish of spaghetti and meatballs, they did have spaghetti with just meat sauce, but last night I wanted spaghetti and meatballs, and couldn't have them, as a result of my disappointment, I will not go back to The Pizza Hut, even though their pizza is quite good, (this is what I finally decided on eating.)
There are now only 41 days until Christmas, yes folks, I can hear those sleigh-bells already, and I got it personally that Santa's elves already have received back their dry-cleaning on new outfits that they will be wearing this year. I am planning on hiding Christmas Eve, in the hopes that I fnally get to see Santa putting out the Christmas gifts, I have been exceptionally good this year, how about you?
Well people, this is probably going to be one of my shortest posts on record, but I need to cut today's post short as there are still so many tasks that I need to accomplish before Zac, Winter and I leave for the sunny South, yup, I'm talking about the one and only, Gainesville, Florida, and besides doing last-minute chores, Zac, my sister Judy, Winter and I are heading to London, Ontario to meet with some close friends of ours for lunch, golly goodness, there is so much to do!
Have a great day and stop your procrastinating, get out there and hit the stores, do let me know how the crowds were, and if there are any really good buys out there.
Take care now.
Topics coming soon:
Great going; another pound! Good for you. Have a fabulous trip!