Word of the Day: idioglossia(id\ee\uh\GLOS\ee\uh); a private form of speech invented by children who are in close contact, such as twins
Weight: 206 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 74 pounds
Rowing Duration:
90 minutes, exactly one hour and one half hours on CC (the first time)
Well, I just christened CC, (Cruella's Child,) it is curious to realize how painful rowing can be if you don't do it for a couple of days, anyway, I just got off Cruella's Child, for the first time granted, and I'm happy to report that I am back on track.
It's always something!, while I was packing, I dropped a bag of my toiletries on my left foot, the bag of toiletries just happened to include a large bottle of baby powder, and subsequently my left foot is now a horrendous shade of purple, it even has some crimson highlights. Zac says I must have broken a blood vessel, but add that colour to my already swollen foot, and you can imagine how unsightly my left foot has become, but I expect it will heal.
Don't you just love the word of the day?, I can't wait to use it in a sentence when I converse with someone, I expect I'll get a look or two, I just love learning new words and todays is a dilly.
Just in case you were wondering, I am wearing shorts today, as I did yesterday, pants are just too hot for down here in the glorious South, don't you wish you were here?
Speaking of my kids, I have something special I want to share with you. First off, let me say that I love all three of them equally but every now and then, one of them will distinguish themself by doing something that is new. And this time, it concerns my nephew Raphael. A couple of years ago, for a Christmas gift, my nephew Raphael gave me one of his army tanks. You have to understand that Raphael loves all things
related to the military and in giving me this tank he was showing me how much he loves me.
When we arrived at my brother Biff's house on Monday afternoon, Raphael ran out the door of his house to hug me as soon as I stepped out of our Lexus. Later, after we had conversed for a bit, Raphael asked me to come to his bedroom where he gave me two of his soldiers. Raphael then told me that the two soldiers were already named and that their names were Raphael and Efrem. He then said, and this is where I got misty-eyed, now we'll always be together! I swear I almost lost it!
What's new you ask?, well beside Pink being Preggers, Alex Cross is back in James Patterson's new book "Cross Fire" (I love this series,) Prince William is finally engaged to Kate Middleton, with a Royal Wedding planned for next Spring or next Summer, and Brandy got the boot from "Dancing with the Stars," my goodness alot can happen in one day! How are things at your end?
Excuse me, but I'm going back to the Royals for a moment. Isn't that engagement ring of Kate's spectacuar.! The 18 carat sapphire ring, surrounded by a garden of diamonds once belonged to Princess Diana, (who I'm sure is smiling down from Heaven,) is so stunning, if I don't get one, I'm going to be absolutely miserable. I don't want an exact match, I want a man's version of that ring!
This is a sad day in history, it was on this date, that the entire Clutter family were murdered, Mr. Truman Capote wrote about this in his book "In Cold Blood," which I always thought was a rather frightening title. Yes, way back in 1959 parolees Richard Hickcock and Perry Smith murdered Herbert and Bonnie Clutter and their two children while attempting to rob their Kansas farmhouse. Yup, the very same Kansas that whisked Dorothy and Toto to the land of Oz. (Sorry, I shouldn't make light of the situation.) Truman Capote did not and he spent five years of his life researching the crime and interviewing those involved, including Hickcock and Smith, who were hanged (and rightly so,) for the murders in 1965. Capote's "In Cold Blood" was published shortly thereafter and launched the nonfiction novel genre. Nell Harper Lee, who wrote "To Kill A Mockingbird," travelled with Truman Capote while he researched the crime.
Yesterday, was rather busy for me. I went to PetSmart to buy Winter some toys and dogfood. I bought Winter a rubber chicken, one for her to savage now, and I put one away for the big day on December 25th. I also bought Winter a very special outfit to wear on Christmas Day and I just know she is going to have her picture taken in this outfit many times, I can't wait to see her in it, I can't tell you what it is because that is a surprise.
I watched Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford on the "Oprah" show yesterday. I guess I had alot of expectation because I was slightly disappointed with the show, however, it was fun to see some of Barbra's male co-stars report on what they liked when they worked with her. Anyway, Barbra is pushing a new book on design and it is out now.
I am so excited, my computer just announced that I am today's lucky winner and I may have won a free MAC computer, aren't I lucky. This is about the fifth computer I have won over this last month, and I don't want to overexcite you, but I may have also won a rather large cash prize from the "Publisher's Clearing House," some people are just born lucky, hehe.
I watched "Glee" last night, which I just loved. Gwyneth Paltrow was on it and she played a substitute teacher. It was no surprise to me when I heard Gwyneth sing, as you may remember, Gwyneth sang her heart out at the Country Music Awards just last week, I wonder when Gwyneth will record an album, don't laugh, I bet it happens.
Last night for dinner, we had pork chops, which is one of my favourites, but I rationed my portion, along with just one small potato and two tablespoons of cream of corn. And yes, I had a raspberry yogurt for dessert, that wasn't alot of food, was it?
I heard something interesting this morning from "The Today Show," evidently if you kiss someone and if they have eaten something that you're allergic to, well you can have a reaction, so that's just another reason to not spread your kisses around too much, I never thought about this before but it does make absolute sense.
My sister Judy phoned me last night to say that she had gone to see the movie "Conviction" which stars Hilary Swank. Judy said that Hilary could get another Oscar for this performance, but I don't think the Academy will give Ms. Swank a third oscar, not before Meryl Streep gets a third Oscar, I mean, come on, Hilary Swank is no Meryl Streerp!
I know there are some of you out there who are hoping that I forgot the grammar lesson, well think again, because I have remembered and here it comes (its a simple one and you should thank me for telling you.) I have been really bugged about people who say IRREGARDLESS! THERE IS NO SUCH WORD, simply say REGARDLESS, and while were on the subject for heaven's sake, the t is silent in the word often, it rhymes with coffin, so please check your pronunciation, you do not need to advertise the fact that you're white trash, or black trash, whatever the case may be. ( I would hate to offend my African/American/Canadian readers.)
Well people it is time I relocate myself outside, I mean, the warm temperature is one of the reasons why I'm here, have a great day, and be kind to a total stranger, it will give you good karma.
Topics coming soon:
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