Word of the Day: nympholepsy (NIM\fuh\lep\see); a frenzy of emotion, as for something unattainable; an ecstasy supposed by the ancients, to be inspired by nymphs
Weight: 221 pounds (I, obviously forgot to weigh in, oh well, I can wait until next Sunday)
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 89 pounds
Waist Size: 48 inches
I thought I would dedicate my post today to my wonderful child/dog, Winter. I love this Winter more than I ever thought I could love anyone, Winter truly has brought so much happiness, not only to me, but to all of my wonderful nieces and nephews and to Zac, especially Zac. I wish my mother could have known Winter, she would have loved her, oh well, at least Zac's mother got the opportunity to know, and love Winter.
Games?, they're coming from Delhi, India. How about that? I'm so proud of all of our atheletes, they are doing so well, how about our women gymnasts, they got/won a bronze medal, I never thought I would see the day when our atheletes would win a bronze medal in women's gymnastics, I mean, a Kyle Shewfelt, (okay so he was one of our male gymnasts, gymnastics is gymnastics,) just doesn't come around every day, gosh he, Kyle Shewfelt really was extraordinary (in his day and in the Olympics,) and we should all be very proud of all of his accomplishments, I know I am.
I have been thinking about going back to school, yes I know I'll be older than my professor, I'll probably be as old as the school, anyway, I am just thinking about it. Don't get too disappointed if I don't do it, there is so much that depends on this decision, I don't know how I can possibly do it, but on that note alone, I think I should try. If Kyle Shewfelt can go back to University at age 28, well, Efrem Williams won't look too ridiculous. In any case, like Kyle, I don't want to sit around and wait for my life to unfold, not anymore people, not anymore.
I have been thinking about going back to school, yes I know I'll be older than my professor, I'll probably be as old as the school, anyway, I am just thinking about it. Don't get too disappointed if I don't do it, there is so much that depends on this decision, I don't know how I can possibly do it, but on that note alone, I think I should try. If Kyle Shewfelt can go back to University at age 28, well, Efrem Williams won't look too ridiculous. In any case, like Kyle, I don't want to sit around and wait for my life to unfold, not anymore people, not anymore.
The withdrawal of the Direct Orient Express was thought by many to signal the end of Orient Express as a whole, but in fact a service under this name continued to run from Paris to Budapest and Bucharest as before (via Strasbourg, Munich, and Budapest). This continued until 2001, when the service was cut back to just Paris-Vienna, the coaches for which are attached to the Paris-Strasbourg express. This service continued daily, listed in the timetables under the name Orient Express, until 8 June 2007. However, with the opening of the Paris-Strasbourg high speed rail line on 10 June 2007, the Orient Express service was further cut back to Strasbourg-Vienna, departing nightly at 22:20 from Strasbourg, and still bearing the name. It provides a convenient connection from the TGV arrival from Paris.
Though the current service only runs from Strasbourg to Vienna, it is possible to retrace the entire original Orient Express route with four trains:Paris-Strasbourg, Strasbourg-Vienna, Vienna-Belgrade and Belgrade-Istanbul, each of which operate daily. Other routes from Paris to Istanbul also exist, such as Paris-Munich-Budapest-Bucharest-Istanbul, or Paris-Zurich-Belgrade-Istanbul, all of which have comparable travel times of approximately 60 hours without delays.
I just bought some souvenirs from The Oprah Store, I spent about two hundred dollars, and I hope to give some of these purchases as gifts for Christmas, do you know how many days it is until Christmas?, its coming up fast people, you have been warned! My keyboard is acting up again, which is why my diction is somewhat strange, and also why there are no question marks, apostrophes in this paragraph, I wish I could figure this one out, give me time, I will!!!!
Okay, my keyboard is back to normal, I saved my post, then turned my computer off, restarted it, and voila (I'm so French!,) my keyboard is back in regular mode.
Sometimes I feel I am just like the character of Cosmo Kramer from the Seinfeld show. Like Kramer, I get ideas to do strange ventures, or to start a new business. My brain is always percolating with ideas, and some of the ones that get generated are making their way into my book, "Just Don't Tell My Mother!"
(I have another suggestion for you, clearly the idea of donating money to a charity if I reach my goal of losing 100 pounds in one year duration wasn't well received, well, it may have, but none of you let me know it, anyway, my new suggestion is quite selfish. Why don't you try to start a BUZZ and ask your local bookseller if they've received the book "Just don't tell my mother" yet? Or, if you happen to be a publisher....)
Anyway, back to my Cosmo Kramer idea. The one I have been kicking around lately is to open up a restaurant on one of the islands up here. I know it sounds crazy, (remember when people thought TWITTER was a joke, now its worth about a billion dollars!,) and the restaurant could only be opened, well, I could only be there for six months, I guess it is conceivable that someone else could run it in the winter months, that is, if they brought their own drinking water, well during the winter months, everyone will have to bring their own drinking water, and all people would also have to use an out house,(YIKES, even the idea gives me ughy shivers,) the water freezes in winter making it impossible to have a flushing toilet, any of you genius inventors out there care to give this one a crack, please feel free to submit to me your ideas, and thank you in advance.
I really liked last night's episode of Glee, almost everyone in the cast got to sing a song, some people even got two songs, WOW!, the girl that sang "Bridge over Troubled Water," can really belt them out, she's got a lot of power, it was a great episode, but I don't know if Curt's father is still alive, the ending was kind of mixed, oh well, we shall see, shan't we?
It looks like another beautiful, bright, blue, sunny, albeit cold day here at the cottage on the lake. This makes four spectacular days in a row, butTopics coming soon: all the days are spectacular here at the cottage on the lake, just ask Winter!
Topics coming soon:
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