Word of the Day: acta,(AK\tuh); official records, as of acts, deeds, proceedings, transactions or the like
Weight: 221 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 89 pounds
Waist Size: 48 inches
Rowing Duration: not done because of the cold
I hope today is delightful, we shall see, we shall all see!
For the fifth day in a row, here at the cottage on the lake it is sunny, bright, blue, and very chilly. I couldn't row as it was way too cold in the screened-in porch, even with wearing two sweaters, I'm serious. Zac and I have to move Cruella inside.
I am also wondering if we should bother moving Cruella back to Toronto. We will only be in Toronto for a couple of weeks and then we're off to Florida. I am ordering a rowing machine for me to have down in Florida, I'm thinking of calling it Cruella's Child. I'm speculating if we should bother relocating Cruella when we close up the cottage on the lake? Actually, we will be in Toronto for most of January and February, so that decides it, Cruella is going to Toronto.
At this very moment, Winter is sleeping next to my foot, she has become like another limb of mine.
My hobby this past summer has been been taping movies from the satellite and then transferring them onto dvd. Some of my dvds are eight hours in length, and I can get four two hour movies on the discs, the quality isn't the best, as you might expect, but they are watchable, and it is these four movie discs that I plan to bring with me down to Florida so that I have stuff to watch while were there.
I heard on the "Today" show that a new book is coming out on Marilyn Monroe, it is her diary, I kid you not, they read a few entries, it seems indicative that Marilyn was quite lonely and insecure, gee I'm so surprised, aren't you? I am curious as to who will get the profits from the sale of the book which is called "Fragments!"
I loved Marilyn Monroe and will watch and rewatch all of her movies, especially "All About Eve." Marilyn only has a cameo in this movie, but it is rather memorable, and the movie is worth watching on that score alone. By the way, "All About Eve" has got to be one of my absolute favourite movies of all time, and it is not only entertaining, but it is also a scathing report on idolatry.
My tickets for Billy Elliot, the musical arrived yesterday, I'll have to put them some place safe, have you got yours yet? Trust me, this musical is going to be bigger than big, and you don't want to be the only one on the block who doesn't see it, do you remember the fuss over "Les Miserables?" well, people heard from me first that they should see it. I actually am hoping that they bring back the musical "Les Miserables," I have a few friends that still haven't seen it, and it looks like the only way they will see it is if I bring them, so Cherry and Lily, if/when "Les Miserables" comes back to Toronto, you have a date with Efrem, yes of course it will be my treat.
I am curious as to what you will be eating for the holiday Thanksgiving. I know most of you will indulge in eating turkey, but I do know that some of you are vegetarian, what will you eat as a treat? And what about those people that are allergic to eating fowl, will you be eating fish or pasta? Let me know.
Did you know that a quarter of Americans ages 18 to 34 binge drink, this is a horrible statistic. Despite the fact that binge drinking increases the risk of dating violence, overdosing on drugs, being involved in a fatal car crash, and contracting a sexually transmitted disease (std), one in four people between the ages of 18 and 34 admitted in a recent United States study, (Canada can't be far behind,) to having engaged in binge drinking within the past month. Excessive drinking, including binge drinking, kills more than 79,000 people in the United States every year and it is the third-leading cause of premature deaths and disabilities worldwide.
I read that among high school students who drink, 60 percent say they binge drink, which the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines as four or more drinks for women and five or more drinks for men over the span of a few hours.
Men in the study were more than twice as likely as women to binge drink, with 21 percent of men reporting binge drinking, compared with 10 percent of women. Binge drinking was more common among whites than blacks, with 16 percent of whites reporting binge drinking compared with 10 percent of blacks. How about that, just thought that you should know this information as you may want to, and should curtail your drinking.
Topics coming soon:
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