Word of the Day: kvetch (KVECH); to complain habitually,
Weight: 210 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 78 pounds
Waist Size: 46 inches
Rowing Duration: 84 minutes, 23 seconds
Two more days until Halloween, and then look out because we will once again be visited by ghosts, goblins, witches, Princesses, Superheroes, Star-Wars people, and I suspect people from New Jersey (I can't remember what that show is that everyone is watching these days.)
Well I received an email from my sister-in-law, Louise, informing me that their family opens gifts on Christmas Eve, so there Efrem, you've been told directly how it will be on Christmas Eve in Gainesville, Florida, maybe we can do some kind of compromise, hmmm, what do you say Louise?
So it's Friday again, hooray, two more days until Halloween, well do you count it when it is the day of Halloween?, do advise me, now all you have to do is get ready for all of those children that will soon be knocking at your doors, hoping to get something really good, no apples please. I know I always hated getting apples. My Mother always went through my grab bag before I was allowed to go through it, and all apples were always thrown out, so if you, or your children get any apples, just throw them out.
One more word of advice, please tell your children, if you don't accompany them when they go out trick-or-treating, to be wary of all strangers, just remind them of the "stranger/danger" rule, you never know when the disturbed people out there will strike, sorry folks, but those are the times we live in.
Lately, I have been doing "memory" tests on myself, such as, trying to name all of the fifty states that are in the United States, (after two attempts at naming the States, I can finally name them all, but its not easy,) and naming all of the movies that I have seen at certain film-houses. I heard doing exercises like this, and doing crossword puzzles, is good for the brain and can help ward off Alzheimer's Disease, and Alzheimer's Disease is in my family, I am doing what I can so I don't get that awful disease, I think that Alzheimer's Disease is one of the worst disease out there and I'm sorry for anyone that knows anyone or has a member in the family that is battling this disease. A noteworthy piece of advice is that heavy smoking may be attributed to causing Alzheimer's Disease, so that is another reason to quit that very nasty habit, are you reading this Lily?
I haven't seen any jackolanterns in my neighbourhood, nope, not a one, it could have something to do with the fact that I live in an adult only community.
I am doing a private survey of Vitamin pills, do you take them daily?, and if so, what kind of vitamin do you take?, because there is a warning out there that taking an excess of vitamins can actually hurt you, so please do your research when you are taking that one-a-day, always do your research, like I do when I write this blog.
I watched the movie "Gypsy" yesterday afternoon on the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel, it was a Rosalind Russell day. I enjoyed all of the movies that they played, but when they showed "Gypsy," I thought of how much I miss Natalie Wood. I loved Natalie, especially in the film "West Side Story," I loved her in that red dress that she wore in her final scene. I still think that Natalie was murdered and that her husband, Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken had something to do with it, that's what I believe folks, you know truth is stranger than fiction.
I am still not feeling very well, not 100% anyway, and I've begun to have problems with my breathing again. I hope my asthma isn't about to give me another go-around, I would hate to have to spend time in the hospital, especially when Zac, Winter and I are about to leave for Gainesville, Florida. Zac gave me a shot of depomedrol and I'm hoping that that medicine will help out my breathing.
There is good news on the horizon: There is a campaign to reduce the number of polio and to give a vaccine where polio is still an epidemic. Mass vacination campaigns, where polio is still an epidemic has been reduced to four countries, which is really excellent progress. Sometimes, because we live in a country wherein we don't have to still worry about polio, we tend to forget that there are still alot of people out there battling this horrific disease. Scientists are now saying that a new double-strain polio vaccine is more effective than triple, and single vaccines, and means children in high-risk areas can be immunised against two key strains of the crippling virus in a single dose.
Cover of West Side Story (Full Screen Edition)
In a study in the Lancet journal on Tuesday, World Health Organisation (WHO) scientists said research on the bivalent oral polio vaccine, known as bOPV, found it induced a "significantly higher immune response" than triple vaccines.
Researcher Roland Sutter said the findings showed that the new oral vaccine, which is made for WHO vaccination programmes by various drug firms including Britain's GlaxoSmithKline and India's Panacea Biotec, would be a potent weapon in the battle to eradicate the crippling virus.
"The main advantage of the bivalent is that it is so effective against type 1 and type 3 poliovirus at the same time," he told Reuters in a telephone interview.
"The impact has been quite dramatic already in India and in Nigeria with cases coming down to very low levels this year."
Polio, which spreads in areas with poor sanitation, attacks the nervous system and can cause irreversible paralysis within hours of infection. Children under five are the most vulnerable, just think about that statistic, how many of us know people that have children who are under just five years of age. just think how awful it would be to lose these kids.
In 1988, when the WHO and its partners formed the Global Polio Eradication Initiative to lead a drive to eradicate polio, the virus was endemic in 125 countries and paralysed nearly 1,000 children every day.
Mass vaccination with older triple, or trivalent, oral polio vaccines have helped reduced the number of countries where polio is endemic to just four. But despite the use of these triple vaccines as well as monovalent, or single strain vaccines, polio virus types 1 and 3 are still circulating in the polio-endemic countries of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Nigeria.
In their study, conducted between August and December 2008, Sutter and colleagues analysed data from 830 newborn babies from three centres in India who received either the monovalent, bivalent or trivalent vaccines in two doses, one at birth and one 30 days later. Isn't that fantastic?
"The plan of action for polio eradication, with bOPV as the centrepiece, is only 50 percent funded for 2010-12," they wrote. They described the potential of the new bivalent vaccine as "an important step forward" but said "a final concerted effort, both locally and worldwide, is required" to succeed in finally eradicating the virus.
On the peachtree channel, which we find on #47, they have begun rerunning the beginning episodes of the television sitcom "Frasier," I think the beginning shows were so funny, especially when Niles is first introduced to Daphne, the writers of that story stuck with the premise of Niles one day getting Daphne all through the show, which I think is pretty amazing. Too bad for Kelsey Grammer that he has failed at getting another television series going, I guess people out there just liked the character of Frasier Crane, I personally loved Lilith Sternin-Crane.
Well folks, I guess it is time that I let you start on your Halloween weekend, I imagine that for all of you that have children that "shell out," it will be a busy one for you, remember to inspect your children's candy, and if it is at all possible, accompany your children when they go out from house to house. And for all of you that will be handing out the candy to children, a warning: I always loved the houses wherein the people left the candy at the front door and told kids to help themselves, I loved these houses because I would take more than my share, well I'm being honest here, why should I lie about this at this stage in my life? Anyway, remember me, and take the time to personally hand out your candy, seeing kids costumes is the best part of Halloween, don't miss it.
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