Word of the Day: satori (suh|TOHR\ee); in Zen Buddhism, the state of sudden indescribable intuitive enlightment (doesn't that sound like it would make a great title for a book or an X-rated movie?)
Weight: 221 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 89 pounds
Waist Size: 48 inches
Rowing Duration: 72 minutes, five seconds
Here we go again, its the weekend, don't these two days fly by faster than all of the other days in the week? Why is that?
There is some slight improvement on the rowing, its like I started all over again, well its hard to do when it is so cold out there on the screened-in porch, its not that screened in!!!!
Zac, Winter, and I are expecting some dinner guests today, we had planned to have Susie and Blake earlier in the summer, but we kept procrastinating, and before we knew it, the summer was over, instead we will be entertaining them today.
Tomorrow is my weigh-in day, as you know, and I'm really not looking forward to stepping on that scale, I have been so bad in eating treats, well, there's always the day after tomorrow, and I promise, I'm going to be so good next week, famous last words that I should incorporate into my day today!!!!!!!
Last night on the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel, they ran four movies surrounding the theme of Dracula, I taped them naturally. I love(d) watching Dracula movies, I used to see a plethora of vampire movies when I was just a young boy at the local show, a theatre (cinema) that was located at Yonge and Dundas Streets, known as the Downtown. It certainly was, and I miss going to the Downtown, I saw alot of good movies there, including a double bill which consisted of "The Graduate" and "Wait Until Dark." The Downtown was famous for running double bills, unlike the Biltmore theatre which always showed three movies, yup, one more movie for your money, and going to the Biltmore to see movies took up all of Saturday and if you went there, you frequently did not get home until five o'clock p.m. The Biltmore show usually showed the reruns of films earlier shown at the Downtown. I remember the cost to get into the Dowtown and Biltmore was fifteen cents, going up later to a whole quarter, yup, it cost a whole twenty-five cents for a day at the movies, not counting popcorn of course.
Image via Wikipedia
It is back to being cloudy, dull and very cold, I guess this is what to expect in the month of October. Winter is hanging around me a little more than usual, she seems to sense when Zac is leaving the cottage, even for a short time, Winter feels things to a huge degree and likes to get reassurance from me that she is wanted and loved, who could possibly not love our Winter?, she is absolutely the best dog in the world, Zac and I don't even think of her as a dog, Winter is just a member of our family.
I made the coffee extra strong today, perhaps too strong, oh well, it will wake me up, that's not necessarily a good thing? How are you feeling this morning Bertha? (just in case there is a Bertha out there, hehe!!!!)
Do I need to provide an explanation on the title of today's post?, well, here goes: it is usually on a Saturday that people do their shopping, some couples frequently wait all week to indulge in some much needed, and wanted SEX, they shouldn't, but they do wait, and SIN, because if were going to commit any SIN, you and we better get it done before tomorrow as tomorrow we repent all of our SIN, so there!!!
The latest magazine from Cunard came yesterday, its called "The Cunarder" and you receive it free if you were ever a customer on the Queen Elizabeth Two (QE2), or any other of Cunard ocean liners, which, I was, Zac likes to lord it over me
that he has been on the QE2 twice. Zac and I would very much like to do another transatlantic crossing and the prices seem to have come down an awful lot, the problem is Winter, we don't like to go anywhere without her, and I'm pretty sure the new Queen Elizabeth doesn't allow dogs on the liner, but, I'll check it out and who knows, maybe in two or three months, you could be reading a post from the new Queen Elizabeth, wouldn't that be, oh so loverly, as Eliza Doolittle would say!!!!Seeing that image of the Queen Elizabeth 2 makes me long to take another crossing, gosh, I need to win that lottery today!, who doesn't?, J.K. Rowling, that's who!!!, did you see her on Oprah?
I know I could have used a smaller picture of the QE2 for today's post, but I wanted you to get an idea just how beautiful the QE2 was, she was so big, so expensive, so gorgeous, and being on that ship was the best vacation that I ever had, I don't think I can ever top that vacation, but it would be fun to try, don't you think? I remember that when I came back from being on the QE2, (did I mention that I took the Concord to get over to England to take the QE2, just making sure,) I brought back a souvenir of a teacup of the QE2 for everyone with whom I worked, a little extravagant of me but nice nonetheless!!!!
Yesterday would have been the birthday, (I now talk about today's birthday as birthdays are everyone's special day and I think we all need and should feel special,) of Annie Besant.
Annie Besant was an English social reformer, who in 1889 embraced Theosophy, a religious philosophy with mystical concerns. Annie Besant served as international president of The Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death. After moving to India in 1893, Anne Besant became an independence leader and established the Indian Home Rule League. Annie Besant was president of the Indian National Congress in 1917, but later split with Gandhi, a personal idol of mine. Annie Besant lost custody of her children and was nearly imprisoned for publishing what Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh became household names in 1877 when Besant and Bradlaugh published a book by the American birth-control campaigner, Charles Knowlton. It claimed that working-class families could never be happy until they were able to decide how many children they wanted. It suggested ways to limit the size of their families. The Knowlton book caused great offence to the churches, but Annie and Bradlaugh proclaimed in the National Reformer: "We intend to publish nothing we do not think we can morally defend. All that we publish we shall defend."
Annie, ( a great title for a musical,) Besant and Charles Bradlaugh were arrested and put on trial for publishing the Knowlton book. They were found guilty, but released pending appeal. As well as great opposition, Annie and Bradlaugh also received a great deal of support in the Liberal press. Arguments raged back and forth in the letters and comment columns as well as in the courtroom. For a time, it looked as though they would be sent to prison. The case was thrown out finally only on a technical point: the charges had not been properly drawn up.
The scandal lost Annie her children. Frank Besant was able to persuade the court that she was unfit to look after them, and the children were handed over to him permanently.
Now people, you may think that I have provided you with some useless information, but trust me, this information could come up in a trivial pursuit game, and knowing a little something about Annie Besant could make you the champion of the day, so just store that in your pipe and smoke it, (I hate recommending smoking, but there you go,) and one day, your name might come up in my blog, so you should keep reading thisthatandhim to stay informed.
I know I could have used a smaller picture of the QE2 for today's post, but I wanted you to get an idea just how beautiful the QE2 was, she was so big, so expensive, so gorgeous, and being on that ship was the best vacation that I ever had, I don't think I can ever top that vacation, but it would be fun to try, don't you think? I remember that when I came back from being on the QE2, (did I mention that I took the Concord to get over to England to take the QE2, just making sure,) I brought back a souvenir of a teacup of the QE2 for everyone with whom I worked, a little extravagant of me but nice nonetheless!!!!
Yesterday would have been the birthday, (I now talk about today's birthday as birthdays are everyone's special day and I think we all need and should feel special,) of Annie Besant.
Annie Besant was an English social reformer, who in 1889 embraced Theosophy, a religious philosophy with mystical concerns. Annie Besant served as international president of The Theosophical Society from 1907 until her death. After moving to India in 1893, Anne Besant became an independence leader and established the Indian Home Rule League. Annie Besant was president of the Indian National Congress in 1917, but later split with Gandhi, a personal idol of mine. Annie Besant lost custody of her children and was nearly imprisoned for publishing what Annie Besant and Charles Bradlaugh became household names in 1877 when Besant and Bradlaugh published a book by the American birth-control campaigner, Charles Knowlton. It claimed that working-class families could never be happy until they were able to decide how many children they wanted. It suggested ways to limit the size of their families. The Knowlton book caused great offence to the churches, but Annie and Bradlaugh proclaimed in the National Reformer: "We intend to publish nothing we do not think we can morally defend. All that we publish we shall defend."
Annie, ( a great title for a musical,) Besant and Charles Bradlaugh were arrested and put on trial for publishing the Knowlton book. They were found guilty, but released pending appeal. As well as great opposition, Annie and Bradlaugh also received a great deal of support in the Liberal press. Arguments raged back and forth in the letters and comment columns as well as in the courtroom. For a time, it looked as though they would be sent to prison. The case was thrown out finally only on a technical point: the charges had not been properly drawn up.
The scandal lost Annie her children. Frank Besant was able to persuade the court that she was unfit to look after them, and the children were handed over to him permanently.
Now people, you may think that I have provided you with some useless information, but trust me, this information could come up in a trivial pursuit game, and knowing a little something about Annie Besant could make you the champion of the day, so just store that in your pipe and smoke it, (I hate recommending smoking, but there you go,) and one day, your name might come up in my blog, so you should keep reading thisthatandhim to stay informed.
My sister-in-law, Louise, is leaving Gainesville, Florida, tomorrow to go on a two-day convention in Chicago, Illinois. I know that Sally, Jessie and Raphael will miss her terribly, but I'm sure that my brother Biff will miss her even more.
I hope Louise finds time to have a little fun in the windy city (Chicago, another great name for a musical,) and I have instructed Louise to keep her eyes open just in case she bumps into Oprah Winfrey, what are the chances of that?, care to take a stab?, any and all of you Actuaries out there?
Well folks, as I mentioned at the top of this post, Zac, Winter and I are expecting guests, so there is plenty of chores that need doing, and since Zac has gone to town to get groceries and the newspaper, I reckon that I will have to do the doing of the chores.
Have a great day, be safe if you're single and planning to have sex, (but you should wait until you are married for sex, it really does make it that more special,) please don't drink and drive, stay sober, yeah, STAY SOBER!!!!!
Topics coming soon:
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