Word of the Day: parse (PAHRS); to describe grammaticaly by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence
Weight: 212 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 80 pounds
Waist Size: 46 inches
Rowing Duration: 79 minutes, 4 seconds
It is once again Saturday, if you didn't do your shopping yesterday, or Thursday night, you better do it today, although I don't envy you, the grocery stores will be packed, all the stores will be busier as Christmas is closing in.
Its true, in just a couple of weeks, our neighbours to the south will be celebrating their Thanksgiving, and because Zac, Winter and I are headed to Gainesville, Florida on November 14th, we too will be celebrating the American Thanksgiving, maybe this time, I'll eat turkey!!!
It was sort of interesting to watch the man, (and I'm not sure of his name,) interogate Mr. Williams, and to break him down into a confession. I feel very badly for the victim's families, and for Mrs. Williams, whom I suspect are getting used to all of the publicity surrounding Russell Williams, or does one ever get used to it?, I sincerely doubt it.
Both Kenneth Branagh and Cynthia Nixon gave excellent performances as Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, and it was also fun to see Jane Alexander in it. Jane played the mother and this is especially ironic as during the early seventies, Jane Alexander starred in "Eleanor and Franklin," playing Eleanor that time around, and this was a most excellent miniseries, try to get it to watch, it is worth your time and money!
Even though I miss Winter and Zac, I am glad not to be at the cottage on the lake, the lake had one heck of a storm, and two trees on our island came down, one of them removing a couple of shingles off the roof of our cottage, that's how violent a storm the cottage, and Zac and Winter, endured.
I hate storms, and I also worry about lightning striking. Zac's medical partner got struck by lightning and was killed just a few years ago. I also had a friend (with whom I worked at McDonalds, many years ago,) that was killed by lightning striking him, I think a couple of people die every year because of being struck by lightning, so please use the utmost caution during a storm.
Well, as usual, I don't have very much to say on a weekend, so I'm going to let you get on with your weekend, include me in your prayers, its weigh-in day tomorrow!!!
Topics coming soon:
Carol Channing
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