Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What a Wednesday

Date:                                Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
Word of the Day:             retrograde (RE\truh\greyd); having a backward motion or direction, retiring or retreating

Weight:                             217 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                 85 pounds
Waist Size:                        46.5 inches
Rowing Duration:             to be announced

It is hump day and the only thing I'm getting is lazy; I haven't yet rowed today, but I still have plans to get on Cruella, later today, but I will do it and I'm either going to delay publishing this post, or I will announce in tomorrow's post what I did on Cruella (later) today.

I am accumulating a fair amount of digital video devices (dvds) with eight hours of programming on each dvd, some have movies, others have television programmes, etc.,  so I'm all set for my trip to Florida this upcoming winter.  

In the past when I headed south, I, usually, brought  a binder full of movies, but because those dvds only had about two hours worth of programming on them, I will, theoretically, be able to bring more entertainment with me, as like I mentioned, the dvds that I have made for myself have eight hours of entertainment on them, lucky me.  I love movies.

I rewatched the movie "The Blind Side" early this morning and while I still maintain that I don't think Sandra Bullock deserved to win the Academy Award for Best Actress (the Oscar), I enjoyed the movie alot more than I did when I previously viewed it, so I'm recommending that you watch it, you see I'm flexible!

I have absolutely nothing on my mind today, and I don't want to waste your time, or mine, with just dribble, so you are getting a very short post today, I hope tomorrow will be better.   Yes, I do know that I could write about one of my upcoming topics, but like I said earlier, I'm also feeling a little lazy, so check in tomorrow.  Je regret that my mind is blank aujourdhui.

Topics coming soon:


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