Date: Wednesday August 11th, 2010
Word of the Day: Koan; a nonsensical or paradoxical question to a student for which an answer
is demanded, the stress of mediation on the question often being illuminating
Weight: 232 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Rowing Duration: 21 minutes, 40 seconds
Cast of Characters (so far, and in order of appearance:)
Efrem, creator, writer, narrator of Thisthatandhim
Zac, a doctor, with whom I live
Winter, our dog
Louise, sister-in-law
Alice, a friend
Gioivanni, a friend
Judy, my sister
Aunt Effie, surrogate Aunt, friend
Shoshanna, friend, soon to be, niece-in-law
Cherry, a close friend and mentor
Mabel, another friend and cottager
Mikey, a new friend
WOW! How is that for the word of the day? I'm going to have fun trying to put that into a sentence of my own creation.
Well, the girls are gone and we expect Judy, my sister, to arrive later today. Two out, one in, and the world goes round.
Gorgeous, gorgeous sunrise and I have it all to myself, well the crows are also sharing in it, but right now, I am the only person on this island who is witnessing it.
You always hear people raving about sunsets, and I enjoy them as well. I find the best sunsets are those that have clouds in the sky. When there are no clouds, the sunsets, for me, are nice, but when there are clouds present, the sky lights up in an array of magical colour, and I thank God whom I believe must be an artist.
Okay, okay, don't get so touchy. It's my blog and if I want to mention God, I'll mention him!!!!
Winter will go crazy when she sees Judy; they have quite a mutual love affair going, this is to be expected.
After I rescued Winter, it was Judy who took care of her when I went to work, and Winter is a very loyal dog, as I expect all dogs are.
I am now starting to sweat when I row; another indication that the heart is getting some exercise, good for me!!! However, it has only been a week that I have been rowing, and I am starting to loathe the sight of my choice of torture. I shall go on, I will endure.
I have a question for all you techies (misspelled?) How come some of my sentences indent on their own, and the others don't? I try not to sweat the little things in life, but this is bugging me! And how come all of my siblings have blue eyes and I have brown/green/hazel eyes? Please don't say the obvious because that is out, trust me!
Okay, I have another problem regarding the presentation of my blog: on this draft copy, it looks like I have successfully indented my daily indicators so that they are properly alligned. However, when I preview my post, some of the words, instead of being indented, are on the extreme left, and I don't know how to correct this, got any suggestions.
Hey, I'm finally drinking water as a choice of beverage. I haven't given up my daily two cups of coffee, nor am I doing without one can of Nestea Zero, but when I need something extra to drink, ta da, WATER! (Now if I can only find someplace that serves that Diet Water, I'll be really ahead of the game!;; how come nobody else likes that joke?)
Okay, I'm taking a little breather while I check my email and drink my coffee, don't go away now.
My sister Judy just called on the telephone, it's a little early for phone calls but I was up so we chatted about everything including the relatives of Zac.
Zac is very fortunate in that all of his nephews, who are married, or will be married, have fantastic wives. I love them all, they are all so individual and gorgeous, but I have a special something for Shoshanna who is a documentary filmmaker.
Shoshanna, who I haven't spoken to in weeks, is so beautiful that she takes your breath away. Really. I have suggested to Shoshanna that she use me in her documentaries, and for her future feature films.
Shoshanna needs to remember that talent, like charity, starts at home, and I can be on the set no earlier than nine o'clock am.!!!! I have done movie work before you know, and I have been in two, count them, two feature films.
I talked with Cherry and Mabel on the phone this morning. I love chatting with my girlfriends, they are so much fun and great at giving advice. Earlier, I had alot more to say about Cherry and Mabel, however, my prose got deleted, and I am now trying to resurrect what I had written down earlier. I'm not too successful at this task, oh well, live and learn.
Mikey, a new friend, came by the cottage to visit again. Mikey is sixteen years old and vacations up here with his mother for six weeks. Mikey played the WI computer with Zac and is teaching him the in's and out's of the WI. It is so nice to meet a young person who has manners, likes to visit with grown ups, and eats everything that is offered him; I told you he was polite!!!!!
I had two cheese dogs for dinner yesterday and today, for breakfast, I had my cream of wheat with one glass of skim milk, and one large tablespoon of oat bran on it, sprinkled with splenda. For lunch, I made a toasted cheddar cheese (four cut pieces of old cheddar cheese) with a piece of chocolate cake, and for dinner, I had a yogurt and a mini bag of popcorn.
I had said alot more earlier but I deleted it somehow; I am still learning how to do this blog. Anyway, now I'm tired so I'll be off until tomorrow. Stay well.
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