Weight today: 232 pounds
Goal: Lose 100 pounds, in a time span of a year
Like you, I have been putting off dieting.
I would rather give up sex than give up food. That's how much I loathe dieting. In any case, I have decided to keep an account of everything I eat by writing it in this blog!!!! I'm hoping that there will be someone out there who will encourage me in my quest to get healthier and to lose weight. Please feel free to tell me as it is as I need to lose weight or I will soon be diabetc. I'm asking for your support and your motivation. In return, you get me, in all my glory and all my shame.
It's not easy dieting when there are so many foods I detest. Naturally, these are all foods that are good for me, such as fish and the vegetables. (I really don't mind vegetables, except for brussel sprouts and they're not really a vegetable, they are just plain yuck!!!!) Everyone also suggests I drink lots of water. Lots and lots of water. I'm so overweight I've taken to drinking diet water!!!
It scares me on how far I've let my weight slide. I no longer recognize myself in the mirror and I hate seeing my reflection. I used to be attractive, now I'm one of those people wherein other people remark about my fantastic personality. "He's such a great guy, if only he would lose a pound or two!" This remark coming from a hippopotamus!!!
If counting calories wasn't enough, I am supplementing the diet with exercise. The mode of torture that I have chosen is rowing.
Years ago, when I was just a lad of forty years, I rowed on my rowing machine every day for an hour and a half. Every day. And sometimes when I was feeling truly masochistic, I would row twice a day. After the rowing, I swam for an hour, strictly doing the breaststroke. Gosh, I'm exhausted just reading about it. Today, on the rowing machine I lasted only four minutes; truly I was in pain and out of breath. Please God, let me do better tomorrow.
For breakfast today I had a bowl of cream and wheat, topped with a tablespoon of oatbran. Not bad, right?
Oh yeah, I sprinkled the porridge with brown sugar, but with porridge you just gotta. Also, I used skim milk to add to the taste of it. I like skim milk. I had two cups of coffee, one before the porridge, one after. I put skim milk, not cream, and one splenda in the coffee. I've also eaten two peaches and I'm still hungry. For most of you, this would be enough food right? For me, there is never enough food. As soon as I finish eating any meal, I'm still hungry. Today is no exception. I believe I'm always hungry because I am on steroids (prednisone) which I take because I'm asthmatic. Alot of people can tell I take prednisone, I have that puffy look!!Trust me, the puffy look ain't pretty.
So it's mid-morning and I've had breakfast and I've exercised. Along with the rowing, I did my daily walk of going down to the dock and then walking back and forth on the deck. I've forgotten how boring exercise can be, especially if you are doing it all alone. But I'm not completely alone, am I???????
Please tune in for Lunch,
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