Date: August 6th, 2010
Weight: 233 pounds
Goal: Lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Maybe this time the blog will work.
Yesterday, I said I would get back to you regarding my lunch, alas, I couldn't, as I spent most of the day trying to locate my blog on google. I can find my blog by signing in, but I want to be able to tell other people how to locate my blog, without giving them my password. If people cannot read my blog, what is the point of creating one? Another frustrating element was that I couldn't edit my post. I tried and tried and tried, and still no success. And boy did I make mistakes. It is so frustrating to post something unedited! Maybe today will be better.
As for my lunch (yesterday) it wasn't tres exciting; two pieces of toast with butter and peanut butter. Yes, I know if I am serious about the weight loss, I need to avoid consuming calories that are completely unnecessary. There is fat already in the peanut butter, why oh why do I need to add extra? I need to correct this kind of behaviour.
I had frozen pizza for dinner, five slices, albeit small, still there were five of them. Zac had been to a cocktail party and wasn't in the mood for a full-fledged dinner which is why I had the pizza. Usually, Zac will make dinner (supper) which is always more nutritious than anything I can prepare. Still, pizza is fast to make and somewhat filling. I mean we are talking about frozen pizza, what can one really say about that?
Today, I was able to find my blog on google quite easily. Naturally, finding the blog as easily as I did mystifies me, but I am grateful nonetheless. I watched the Golden Girls at five-thirty am. and then fed Winter (our dog) promptly at six, gave Zac his medication, prepared the coffee, and then did my rowing. I managed to row for six whole minutes and twenty seconds. I am motivated to do more, but my thighs get awfully sore and I have to stop to let up on the pain. This is indicative that I have not used most of my muscles througout my body. Yesterday, I mentioned my asthma and that I take prednisone.
At one time in my life, and not that long ago, I had to take incredible amounts of prednisone which resulted in my losing my ability to walk. There are other unpleasant side effects to which I am still paying the price, but please understand: I am not complaining about having to take the medication. If I didn't take the prednisone I would be dead, and there are many more people out there who are in far worse condition than I, so there!
Zac, oh didn't I tell you about him? He saved my life, really he did, and probably saved the life of our Winter. Zac is the him in the thisthatandhim and there will be plenty more about him later, but right now I want to have my coffee and read my email.
I'm hoping that my sister-in-law, Louise, will have emailed me about the houses that we are interested in buying in Gainesville, Florida. We already have two houses, one in Toronto and the other is our summer residence which is on a lake in Northern Ontario. We love our cottage on the lake, and I am fond of saying that I think Heaven is going to have to be pretty good to beat it.
Zac, Winter, and I are getting pretty sick of winter and as we have been going south for the last five years, we think it is a good idea to purchase a home there. Also, prices for homes are reasonable, and have come down an awful lot in price. Zac says that prices are likely to come down even more, and Zac is seldom wrong, which is one of the reasons why he makes such an incredible doctor. But I was talking/typing about the house so if you will please focus.
The problem is finding the right home. We want a home that has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a swimming pool that will not take up the entire backyard. A large kitchen, dining/living, and family room are also requisites and a fireplace or two would be nice, which we prefer is wood-burning. I know, I know, that isn't too conservationing but it is romantic and I do like that crackle.
One thing I should have mentioned to you, and if you haven't noticed already, is that my thought process tends to be peripatetic and can be quite random. I think this stems from living in a large family wherein there was always alot happening, and if you wanted to stay enlightened, and out of trouble, you paid attention to everything that was happening. And boy oh boy, things happened.
Naturally, as a little boy, I had difficulty in understanding why we seemed to be the only family around that didn't have a father to go along with the mother. Whenever I asked my mother about this, she got quite angry, so I learned that if I wanted to avoid getting hit, it was best to avoid the subject of paternity. My brothers and sisters were just as confused as I, regarding the subject of the absentee father, so they were no help at all, just in case you were wondering. However, it is far too early, and far too depressing to be talking/typing, about my childhood. Besides, who, these days, does not come from a dysfunctional family? I mean isn't it in? ( I once had a friend ask me if people were gay because it was in; I hope thats not you who asked me this because I wouldn't want to embarass you, well, maybe I would.)
Gay. The word arouses so much emotion in so many people in different ways. It angers, delights, confuses, amuses, saddens and oh, just about everything, in too many people, and for the life of me, I don't understand why. I mean, aren't there just about one hundred and three other things that we should concern ourselves with. ;Yeah, I know, prepositions, they have always been my weakness, but there are occasions when it is okay to end the sentence with one! Jeez, I've outed myself: Yes, it's true, I always wanted to be a grammarian, but that is not the kind of career that I developed., especially because grammar is so intense! Oh, Winter, is it time for your walk already?, well, obviously I'll have to get back to you. Winter always comes first. And then I have to have my breakfast, which is why you may have to wait until tomorrow for the continuing, and fascinating saga of thisthatandhim.
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