Date: Tuesday August 24th, 2010
Word of the Day: distrain; to seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts
Weight: 227 pounds
Goal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 95 pounds
Waist Size: 56.5 inches
Rowing Duration: 87 minutes, 23 seconds, 85 minutes, 33 seconds (second session)
I used to stutter when I was younger, and occasionally still do, if I am extremely upset, and nervous about something. That is why I named today's post Tu Tu Tuesday, get it?
There is alot of misunderstanding about people who stutter, I know when my stuttering is at its worst, people stare at me as if there was something wrong with me, and despite popular perception to the contrary, stuttering does not affect, and has no bearing on intelligence. I hate it that people think you are mentally challenged if you stutter, and this is not only cruel, but totally wrong.
There are several theories why people stutter, (also known by some as stammering,) such as, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-imposed isolation, a feeling of "loss of control," during speech. There are other theories that state that stuttering is a psychological problem, and has an underlying problem that can be treated with psychotherapy.
There are beliefs that stuttering, sometimes called developmental stuttering, is directly related to genetic and environmental factors, and develops on its own accord. Despite various studies, and research, there is essentially "no cure" for this disorder at present.
Lets change the subject, did you know that Miss Mexico won the Miss Universe contest last night?, YUP its astalavista beanfield, and hello Hollywood. I wonder how much money Mr. Trump makes from the Miss Universe Organization? Hmmm.
Speaking of Hollywood, last night I also watched a big Hollywood movie, 'A few good men,' again, which starred big Hollywood stars, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, and that actress who played Jackie Templeton on General Hospital a few years back, and whose mother, when she was pregnate with her, was probably inside a Starbucks odering a large coffee when she thought of her name.
Prior to the evening's entertainment, Zac made a fantastic roast beef dinner for brother Brian, as well as, their second cousin, Flossie, who is very popular this year because she's managed to lose over fifty pounds on the Dr. Bernstein diet, and Mikey, who came over for lunch, and stayed for dinner. Mikey, a big proponent of the grass is always greener on the other side, would like Zac and I to adopt him, he thinks it would be fun to live with us, clearly, he has no idea.
Lily, a dear, dear, friend that I cherish, called on the telephone to say that she enjoys my blog, but wishes it could be longer, and that I would write specifically more about Hollywood, the town, the stars and the films, as she thinks I have a special link to this information, I don't.
In the past, Lily has also suggested to me that I would make a great priest, and told me that she would never miss mass if I was officiating, she thinks I'm a fantastic teacher, because I instructed her on classification systems, and look how much she knows, and even believes I could do typewriter maintenance, which nobody does anymore, so how about that?
Oh my good sacred foot, as my mother used to say, I forgot to call my kids to see how their first day at school went, schucks, well, I'll just have to call them tonight, and hope that the second day was as exciting as the first, but, it never is, oh well, c'est la vie.
Another friend of mine recently told me that I am becoming obsessed with the exercise in my efforts to lose weight. I retorted, that when one wants to lose 100 pounds in the course of a year's duration, one better be obsessed or he is likely to fail, and I hate to fail!!!!!
The only subject I ever failed at school, yes, we're going back to that subject, was mathematics, I truly suck at math. If somebody was to tell me that two and two made six, I would agree with them. I don't know why I'm so bad at mathematics, I never used to be, but I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I always daydreamed while I was being taught it. You see people, you have to pay attention!!!!
You can't get by anymore with just a pretty face
I love jokes, so if you know any, I will gladly read them, and forward them on to people on my contact list
It doesn't matter, to me, if the jokes are a little dirty, but, I don't like to receive jokes that are racist in nature, and I am getting sick of chain letters, who was the bright one that thought that one up?
Do you think Elvis Presley is still alive?, he's bigger now than he ever was, no pun intended. I think he's dead, and I wonder why people cling to the hope that he is still alive. I'm not going to write about Elvis today, I just wanted you to start thinking about him, so that you will be prepared when I do talk about him.
I am, on the other hand, going to talk, briefly, about The Sound of Music. Is there anyone out there that still has ;managed not to see this movie?
The Sound of Music is one of my all-time favourite movies. Not only is that opening sequence of the mountains in Vienna breathtaking, but, the music in it has to be one of Rogers and Hammerstein's best scores. Contrary to popular census, my favourtie character in the movie is The Baroness.
I think Eleanor Parker, who played The Baroness, got to say the funniest lines, except for the one where the Mother Superior tells Sister Marguereta "thank you," in order to get rid of her so that Maria can freely talk about her love for the captain, that part in the movie always cracks me up, and everybody else in the theatre as well.
Julie Andrews deserved to win the Oscar for The Sound of Music, and I don't know what the Academy was thinking of when they gave it to Julie Christie. Miss Christie is no slouch of an actress, but that year should have belonged only to Julie, and I will never forgive the academy for making such a colossal blunder.
The actors and actresses that portray the children in the movie are naturally adorable, even though Gretl bugs the heck out of me, and Charmian Carr, who portrayed Liesl, was the prettiest ingene that I've ever seen, even though I don't know what she saw in Rolf!!!!!! Rolf, big, big loser! (Well, he worked for Hitler, didn't he?)
The Sound of Music did win best picture of the year, and remains one of the biggest money-making-musical of all-time, and deservedly so.
Well people, it is getting to the time that I should eat my breakfast, I have been up since 2:30 am., you know! I know I've been remiss about not reporting what I've eaten, but, I shall try and get back on track. Trust me, I have not been eating anything that is bad for you, and I've really cut down on my portions, I hate it, but I've still cut down on them.
Today, all I've consumed are my two cups of coffee, but, that is going to change , as I am about to eat, a bowl of cream and wheat, with oat bran, one cup of skim milk, and splenda sprinkled on the top, to improve the taste.
Topics coming soon:
Elvis Presley, the man, the myth, the legend
The night they raided Minskys
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