Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Date:                      Friday August 13th, 2010
Word of the Day    attar; a perfume or essential oil obtained from flowers or petals
Weight:                  232 pounds
Goal:                      lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Rowing Duration:   forty minutes, forty seconds

List of Characters (so far)

Efrem,         Creator, writer, narrator of thisthatandhim
Zac,             a doctor with whom I live
Winter,        our dog
Louise,        my sister-in-law
Judy,           my sister
Alice,          a friend
Giovanni,     a friend
Shoshanna,  friend,future niece-in-law
Aunt Effie,   surrogate Aunt, friend
Cherry,       close friend
Mabel,        friend and another cottager
Mikey,        a new friend
Cruella,       the rowing machine

YIKES!!!!  Run, hide, it is Friday the 13th!!!!  I definetly have to buy a MAX lottery ticket sometime today, it is at fifty million, and winning that money could really help me, and others quite alot I reckon.  (It's so nice to dream!)

I figured out how I lost my second draft of Celebration Thursday.  While I thought I was saving it, my computer went down, so the lesson I have learned is to ensure the document is really saved, by confirming the internet connection is in fact on,  Just for safety, I will log on to the internet a second time before leaving my document.  If you get a message saying error made in saving, you are not logged on to the internet properly, take a page out of my book and make sure the document is saved!!!!!

Another little mistake I made in my published post yesterday,  is that I said I would report on my dessert the following day.  Anyway, these little mistakes happen,  and I know you don't really mind, after all, you make mistakes, don't you?  While were on the topic of yesterday's dessert, I had a handful of grapes and one peach instead of my nightly bowl of neapolitan ice cream.   I'm so proud of me!!!!   Now,  I'm not giving up ice cream forever,  that would be a piecrust statement, easily made, easily broken,  but I am going to try and only indulge in it once a week, perhaps on Sunday,  if the scale shows that I've lost weight,  and if the scale shows that I haven't lost weight!!!!!!

It is early in the am., and I am about to have my morning coffee.  I can hear Zac snoring even though he is wearing his snoring machine.  Zac isn't really snoring, the machine is making some kind of humming noise.  I, actually, prefer the snoring!!!!

I am at the forty minute mark on Cruella and this is where I want to make the cut-off.   I think rowing anymore is excessive for one sitting, and if I really want to add more time, I should think about taking in a second rowing session,  which would be more constructive and helpful in reducing hunger pains, ( obviously, a piecrust statement!!!!!)

Excuse me, time to read my email.

I am getting messages, again, that I am out of disc space and that I need to delete files to allow room.  Well, I've just about deleted everything,  and I am clueless as to what is left for me to delete.  I am ordering another new laptop today so hopefully this problem will be resolved.  The cost of a new computer might actually be reasonable, if it wasn't for the extra cost of taxes.

I had left-over roast beef for dinner as well as a handful of new potatoes and a handful of green beans.  I also had a stem of grapes for dessert.

I spent the day sleeping, sorry, it happens!!

That's it; time to watch my regular television shows!


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