Saturday, August 28, 2010

South Pacific Saturday

Date:                                Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Word of the Day:              schlep; to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously
Weight:                             227 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose                  95 pounds
Waist Size:                       56.5 inches (too much, way, way, too much)
Rowing Duration:              110 minutes, 51 seconds

Because I am leaving early today to go back to Toronto, I did my daily indicators the night before, the only thing that changes are the word of the day,  and the time I spend on Cruella.  Unfortunately, for me, I will only be able to squeeze in one rowing session today, I am really bummed about this fact. and Cruella doesn't seem very happy about it either.

I decided to put plastic over Cruella in case of rain while we are away, the rowing machine cost about fifteen hundred dollars so I want to take good care of it so it will last a few years.  Zac's machine that we had in our original condominium on Wellesley and Bay Streets lasted him about twenty years.  Our good friend, Nancy Day, bought that condominium from us when we decided to sell and move away.

Also, going back to the brevity of today's post, because alot of the day will be spent travelling, and then going to the theatre to see 'South Pacific,' the musical, I will not be able to devote alot of time to this post, I know you will understand.  As well, because the same thing is going to happen on Sunday, only in reverse, that post will also be shortened,  I know I share your regrets.

I'll try to make sure that I tell all of you what I think of the South Pacific performance that we see, either on Sunday or Monday.  I am so looking forward to seeing this show, I have never seen it on stage, naturally, I have seen the movie 'South Pacific,' several times, as I love the music, Rogers and Hammerstein were so talented, must be nice, but I'm sure they worked very hard at it, and what is it they say, talent is 1% inspirational and 99% perspiration (hard work,)  or a reasonable facsimile.

I am going to weigh myself while I'm in Toronto, and I'll do that first thing on Sunday morning, just as I always do on my weigh in day.  There may be some discrepancy in the weight, as I'll be weighing in on a different scale from the one I normally use, I suggest you get used to it, as after Thanksgiving, we will be returning full-time to Toronto, and that will be the dreaded scale.

On Friday, tt was nice for me to go down memory lane, and it was somewhat carthartic, but it may have been a bit tiresome for you, I thought you might like to know the kind of folly I perpetuated in my long, arrested adolescence, so far I've heard nothing back from any of you on this subject, my baby brother Biff didn't even comment, which kind of surprises me.

Thank goodness for my sister-in-law, Louise, she is truly amazing,  and I love her dearly, we are so alike!!!!  While my brother Biff tends to yell at his children as he's a yeller, Louise always simply counts to five, although I've never heard her get to three, and the children react just as if they were getting yelled at by their father.  It is the same parenting, just done in two different styles; nobody loves his children more than my brother Biff,  and he is an excellent Father,  and I am very proud of him.  Both Louise and Biff work extremely hard at being consistent with how they raise their children,  and the disciplining of those children, I really don't know how they do it, I guess that's why they're the parents and why I'm the Uncle.

I love just being an Uncle, yes, it would have been nice to have children of my own, but that was not meant to be,  so I try to be the best Uncle that I possibly can be, and that presents enough challenges thank you very much.  Anyway,  both Zac and I feel that we are kind of parents to Winter, and everybody loves Winter, absolutely everybody.!

I have difficulty remembering all of the birthdays, even Winter's birthday,  and Zac relies on me to remember his nieces and nephews birthdays as well as my own blood relatives, after all, we treat them all in the same manner, regardless.  It also gets expensive,  and sometimes I wish they would cancel Christmas, or at least do it differently.  Nobody ever said that the birth of Jesus was meant to put you in debt, so don't do it, you'll get by and life will go on.

Zac and I have made a pact, while the children go to school, they will get Christmas gifts, the older ones always get money, but, once they leave school, we stop giving them money,  and the Christmas gifts end.  When we remember their birthday, they always get something because we think everyone should feel special on their special day, but we, excuse me, I have been known to forget them all once in awhile, and I apologize for this horrible oversight.

I am so blessed to have so many nieces and nephews,  and I couldn't pick a favourite one if my life depended on it, they are each so unique and interesting and in so many different ways.  Some teach, some take pictures, some are still finding themselves, some are engineers, some want to be a doctor, just like their Uncle Zac, and some want a nursing career, but so far, none want to be like their Uncle Efrem but give them time, I'm counting on you Raphael!!!!

Let's see, where did I leave off from my food intake, I think I mentioned on Thursday, I had my usual two cups of coffee, with a tablespoon of skim milk in each of them, and then my daily bowl of cream of wheat, with one cup of skim milk, and splenda, sprinkled generously over it.  I had a tomato sandwich for lunch, which Argentina was nice enough to make for me, (I really like that girl,) and for dinner, I had a small slice of steak, it was too medium for my liking,  two small potatoes, and a large tablespoon of carrots.

On Friday, I ate the cream of wheat, with skim milk, splenda, etc., and I also had a green apple for lunch.  I snacked on a mini-bag of popcorn in the afternoon, I know I'm awful but it gets so hard sometimes, and I had a cheese omelette made by Zac for dinner, as well as two tablespoons of fried potatoes.  I did not have any toast, but I did squeeze in a blueberry yogurt and a peach for dessert.

I will have to be careful what I eat today as, well, you know the story, I weigh in on Sunday, and I haven't been doing too well in that department.  If I don't show losing any weight, I hope I will have managed to reduce my waist size, but, as I don't do any sit-ups, they're much too difficult for me,  as my stomach is too big for me to bend over, so I'm not very hopeful in this area, but, we shall see, we shall see.

I hope you all are having a nice week-end and that you are getting everything done that you want to accomplish, stay away from the donuts, I know I will.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minsky's
Food, Glorious Food

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