Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thoroughly Tuesday

Date:                                 Tuesday. August 31st 2010
Word of the Day:              shenanigan; Mischief, prankishness
Weight:                             225 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                 93 pounds                                                                  
Waist Sizr:                        53,5 inches                                                                                  
Rowing Duration:              95 minutes, 58 seconds,  97 minutes, 18 seconds (second session)

I spoke to my sister-in-law, Louise, on the telephone last night, I am so appreciative towards her, she is not only raising my kids, and doing a wonderful job, but she faithfully reads my blog everyday. and I'm so grateful to her, and to the rest of you loyal readers, thank you all very much

I was wondering if there was anything that you wouild like me to include in this blog,  besides my daily indicators, which is the whole point of starting this blog, is there anything you would like me to touch upon that I haven't, do you have pleasany subjects that you think would be of interest to other people, or to you, if so, please advise me accordingly.

 Yes, Lily, I know you want me to talk more about movies, and the people in them, I'm trying, but I don't want to oversatuate every post with this genre, and I don't care how much in love you are with Cary Grant, haven't you heard, he's dead!  You should really consider buying some tickets to the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) which will be starting up next week, I believe, on the ninth of September.

TIFF, that is the one thing I truly miss about living downtown.  During the festival, I always saw a plethora of movie stars eating at Bistro 990 or even just walking up and down the street.  I'll never forget going to see the movie, Rounders, starring Matt Damon and Edward Norton, when who should I run into on Bay Street, heading towards the Sutton Place Hotel, but the divine Miss M, yup, I noticed, stopped, and talked briefly with Bette Midler, who was surprised that I recognized her.  I'll never forget her asking me how I recognized her, and I told her, honestly, her face, but actually, she had got my attention right away when I noticed this rather small woman with a very noticeable,  and distinctive walk, that is truly soooo Bette Midler, coming towards me.  I would have to have been blind not to recognize her.

Zac is always a little impressed that I don't clam up around movie stars, I talk and treat them as normal people, because to me, that's all they are, they just happen to work in the entertainment industry,  and are known by a few more people than I.  There has only been one occasion wherein I failed to speak to a celebrity, and that is when the one and only, Miss Andrea McArdle was sitting in the audience at the rainbow room at a nighttime concert of Betty Buckley.  I don't know, I just didn't want to disturb her, she was there to watch the show, just like me,  and to intrude on her privacy seemed like something that I just didn't want to do at that time.  What was I thinking?????

I had a difficult time getting up this am., I was enjoying my sleep,  and it had finally got cool enough inside to get some sleep, I tell you, if the heat today is as bad as yesterday, I know I shall be going skinnydipping, tonight, which sounds like alot of fun anyway, do you think I should I sell tickets?

It was very difficult doing my first rowing session on Cruella, (who am I kidding?; all the rowing sessions are difficult,)  it was still rather warm outside,  and I had moved the difficulty of rowing up one notch more so that I am now up to level four, and I could really  feel the difference.  I can't imagine what number level five,  and the rest of them will be like, but, I'll tackle that, hopefully, one day.

I suppose we should be appreciative of this heat wave, I know I'm quite fond of saying that I'll take the heat over the cold anyday, but, yesterday, it had to be the hottest day of the year for up here, and I bet we could match the temperatures raging in Gainesville, Florida!

Well people, I don't like to complain, but, the producers of American Idol have not yet called me to be one of their judges, and they really should, so I expect that you are not doing what you can to get me elected to this show.  Call Oprah, if you have a link to her, or call Simon Cowell,  and tell him that you have located his better, I'm sure that will get his attention,  do what you can,  as I want to be the next judge on that show.  Come on people, I'm doing my bit, now it is time for you to do your bit, and you just know that I'll mention you on the show!!!!!!!Is that the reason that you haven't done anything yet?

When I was in Grade eight at Lord Dufferin Public School, I was eleven years old, and I was quite impressonable,  and liked to go to the movies alot, I let the movies influence me, for example, when I saw West Side Story, my best friend Andy and I started a gang.  There was just the two of us in the gang, but we felt invincible, and went around with a confidence that never had been displayed before, from either of us, funny, how that can happen.  Well, one Sunday afternoon, Andy and I were hanging around Yonge and College Streets and we noticed the movie 'OIiver' was playing at the Odeon Carlton theatre.  Although we desperately wanted to see this movie, as we had been seeing the previews for several months prior to this day, we could not afford the ticket price.  The cost was two dollars and fifty cents, which for that time, was quite steep, and you had to have tickets on a reserved seat basis.   Having patronized the Odeon Carlton many times before, Andy and I knew the layout of the theatre quite well, and going up on the steps halfway that led to the balcony seats was still seats and tables from a restaurant that the Odeon Carlton used to run for business.  The doors to this restaurant were still open,  and if you walked inside the restaurant, it took you right into the theatre wherein on the upper level was also located the men's washroom.   The only problem was you had to be extremely careful as to not get seen in that area, as there were huge, long mirrors on the opposite wall to the restaurant, and anyone,  and everyone,  could see if somebody was walking inside that area;  because it was so easy to notice anyone walikng from the restaurant into the cinema part of the theatre.  Andy and I  crawled our way to the cinema, and before we knew it, we were on our way to find seats.   It was actually quite an easy thing for us to do, sneaking into the theatre without paying, and we didn't really understand how the owner's of the theatre, didn't have a better plan of operations.  We were kids you understand.

Inside the movie house, we took our seats, not knowing at that time, that you had to have tickets to show the usher/usherette because of the reserved seats.  As luck would have it, underneath one of the lights that were located on the sides of one of the end chairs to a row of seats, I found what looked like to be a pair of tickets.  It had the same date as the day was, it gave the seat numbers,  and it listed the movie 'Oliver.'  The tickets were obviously duplicates and were printed in error, whoever was responsible for the misprint, obviously just pitched them away after the original ones had been sold, not expecting anyone to find or use the duplicates. Somebody was clearly on our side that day. 

 Well, like I said, the usher did indeed come around and check our tickets as there was another couple waiting to sit in the same seats as us, as they also had matching tickets.  The usher looked confused and asked Andy and I,  I guess because we were just kids, if we would step outside into the lobby, we did, and he summoned the manager of the theatre,  as he didn't know what to do., nothing like this had happened in his experience as an usher.

I complained convincingly,  to the manager, (I think I can remember that I even managed to squeeze out a few tears,)  that the way we were being treated was reprehensible, and he told me not to get excited.   I explained that we paid a month's worth of our allowances for those tickets, and we expected to see the movie.  The manager, very calmly said that we would, and took us upstairs to  the balcony seats where we had great seats with no one blocking our view.  The manager then gave us each an apology for our inconvenience, a great big box of popcorn, candy, and a large soda.  We were even given a colourful program of the movie that cost five dollars, plus a promise of refills on the candy, popcorn and soda that we could get at the intermission time.   Sometimes, life just didn't get any better.

'Oliver' was to become one of my favourite movies, and that year, I think I took it in over twenty-five times.  I'm not going to bore you, today, with how Andy and I were able to see this film when the admission price was clearly something we could not afford,  but we did, and if you want to hear more about how we did it, you have to stay tuned in to my blog.

I just noticed, again, the word of the day, how appropriate is that considering the memory I just shared with you.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minsky's

Monday, August 30, 2010

Back Two Monday

Date:                              Monday, August 30th, 2010
Word of the Day:            couchant; lying down, crouching, reclining
Weight:                           225 pounds
Goal:                               lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                93 pounds
Waist Size:                      53.5 inches
Rowing Duration:            95 minutes, 49 seconds, 91 minutes, 25 seconds (second session)

Well were back two Monday, if you will pardon my misspelling.   I hope you all had a great week-end, I know I did, albeit a full one.

I've lost two more pounds,  and just like I suspected,  my waist size is also down two inches, considering that I splurged on the weekend,  and ate food on the don't eat list, I think I'm doing pretty good,  I know I still have a long, long way to go, but like I keep saying, I'm going in the right direction.  I can't wait until I see Dr. Alladin.

Dr. Alladin is my general practitioner, and has been after me for some time to lose some weight, so I know, she will be pleased with me.   Of course, Dr. Alladin will congratulate me on losing weight,  and then suggest to me that I lose more, that is the way of Dr. Alladin,  but I love her dearly,  and Zac says she is quite a good doctor,  and Zac should know about this kind of thing.

An old, theatre-friend of mine casually reminded me that I forgot to mention the performance of the man who played Billis in South Pacific.  Well, Matthew Saldivar did a bang-up job, often saving the show from some moments that went on a little too long, he was just excellent, and after looking at the note of him in the program,  I had to wish that I had seen him in some of the other parts that he has played on stage, especially Kenickie in Grease, I bet he would have been fantastic, oh well, you can't see everything.  Oh, and one more note, Rusty Roos had the small but memorable role as the Professor,  who displayed what a talented actor can do with a minor role, he too was just excellent, so there!!!!!!!

I wa surprised  to see the results that I did see as on the weekend, I wasn't exactly the poster boy for eating sensible and proper food.  On Saturday night, after South Pacific, we went to McDonalds,  and I not only indulged in a quarter pounder with cheese, but I also had a medium order of french fries, I rationalized that you can't go to McDonalds and not have the french fries, and it has been a really long time since I was last at McDonalds, next time, I hope, will be even longer.

I also have not had any potato chips to eat all summer and I truly miss them, especially Salt and Vinegar, they are absolutely my favourite.   I have cut down an awful lot in my ice-cream intake, and now when Zac is having his nightly bowl of butterscotch ice-cream, I indulge in a yogurt, which I thoroughly enjoy, as it isn't too many calories,  and I do not have to spend alot more time on Cruella to work it off!

I've decided to chat a little about Reincarnation today.  The subject has always fascinated me, and I don't know if I'm a 100% believer, but there are things about that "other world," that truly get my attention.  I think we all believe in deja vu, for who here hasn't had some kind of experience in that area?, I ask you.

The very first time I experienced deja vu, and thought I might be a product of Reincarnation, was around 1986, and I was walking up to my work, which was then located at Yonge and Bloor Streets, and I passed Roberts Gallery.

I noticed in the large window,  a gorgeous painting of what was a beach scene with beautiful waters surrounding the beach.  There were a handful of people, almost ethereal, walking on the beach.  I stopped dead in my tracks and just took in the painting, it seemed so familiar to me, I was sure I had been to that beach,  and that it must have been somewhere in Hawaii.  Hawaii is rather lovely, you know.  The gallery was at that time closed so I could not go in and ask about it.

That day at work, I couldn't wait for my lunch hour,  and I took an early one, putting me in bad company with my boss as she hated any kind of change in the daily routine of our work, that is how anal she was,  but thats another story.

I got to the gallery,  and went inside and asked the man, who just happened to be the owner, about the beautiful painting in the window.  It was a painting by one of Canada's most celebrated artists, Molly Lamb-Bobak and the painting was that of a town in Israel, called Caesaria.

Now, I have never been to any parts of the Holy Land so I asked the owner, whose name is Paul Wildridge, if he was sure he had his facts right.  He look startled, of course, and then reassured me that it was indeed a town in Israel.  I told him that I was sure I had been to it, and it had to be Hawaii, but he kept on telling me, I was wrong, can you imagine?

In any case, I decided I wanted the painting so I asked Mr. Wildridge about the cost, which was, naturally, way, way out of my budget.   The painting cost over eight thousand dollars, without tax, and I wondered if I had made a mistake,  and should just reassess my priorities.  But... I had to have that painting, so I asked the owner, who by then insisted I call him Paul,  if I could buy the painting on time.   Mr. Wildridge was very accomodating,  and told me that I could buy the painting over time,  on the condition that nobody else gave him an offer to buy it in full before I was finished paying for it.  This was very reasonable so we made a deal , and a year and a half later,  I and Caesaria left Roberts Gallery.

Over the years, many people have commented on Caesaria,  and I have even had it appraised by an art expert who told me that I should never sell it as it was museum quality.  I have kept it because I love that painting,  and get alot of joy from it, I do not think of it as an investment, which I'm told,  I should.  But what does that have to do with the price of eggs?, or what does that have to do with my little story?.  Let me finish.

I have been asked all my life if I was Jewish, even at the times I was fully dressed, and have even been told that I should not be ashamed of my heritageI'm not, I'm just not Jewish, but I must have features that look Jewish.  I don't mind being asked, but I do mind it when people don't believe me, why would I lie?

Ever since I saw the painting of Caesaria in the window,  and combining that with remembering the countless times I have been asked if I'm Jewish,  makes me wonder if in fact, I was Jewish, in a former life, I think its possible, but I know there are many people out there who think this kind of thinking is "woo-woo," and suggest to me that I pay a visit to a psychiatrist.  So, what is Riencarnation anyway?

Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul or spirit of the dead body comes back to Earth in a newborn body.  This phenomenon is also known as transmigration of the soul.

The majority of sects within the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do not believe that individuals reincarnate,  particular groups within these religions do refer to reincarnation:  these groups include the mainstream historical and contemporary followers of Kaballah, the Cathars, the Druze and the Rosicrucians.

The word derives from Latin, literally meaning, "entering the flesh again."  There is no word correspondingly exactly to the English term rebirth, metamprychosis, transmigration or reincarnation in the traditional meanings of Pali and Sanskrit.

The Greek equivalent metempsychosis roughly corresponds to the common English phrase "transmigration of the soul," and also usually connotes reincarnation after death as either human, animal, though emphasizing the continuity of the soul, not the flesh.  Another Greek term sometimes used synonymously is paingenesis "being born again."

I believe all things are possible, I am not God, nor am I a follower of Shirley MacLaine, but I do know that there are many things in this universe that cannot be rationally explained every single time, nor should they be,  and to think so is the height of arrogance.

I could talk all day on the subject of Reincarnation, and I have researched it quite a bit, but, I'm apt to get some of the facts wrong, not intentionally, but I'm not a born again (reincarnated) child prodigy,  so it is best you read up on this very interesting subject,  either on Wikipedia,  or go to your local library, when was the last time you visited your library?

I wrote in brevity on Reincarnation as a salute to my very, very dear friend, Miss Nancy Day, who stands over six feet tall, is naturally blonde, quite intelligent and quite athletic, and believes in a former life she was Chinese.  I love you Nancy.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minsky's
Food, Glorious Food

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday, Heavenly Sunday

Date:                                Sunday, August 29th, 2010
Word of the Day:              kith; friends, acquaintences
Weight:                            227 pounds
Goal:                                lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                 95 pounds
Waist Size:                       56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:             vacation day

I forgot to weight myself this morning, we were leaving so early to go back to the lake,  that I decided that I would weigh in on Monday am.,  and also do my waist-size survey at that time as well.  Also, I couldn't exercise on Cruella, so I counted this as a vacation day, and Zac told me that it will probably do me some good to take a small break from it.

Well, we made it back to Heaven, also known as (aka) the cottage on the lake.  It is over eighty degrees and I am so hot, I am drinking an ice cold tea to cool off.  I almost feel like jumping in the lake for a swim.

Yesterday, we left the cottage at 6:45 am., and got back to our home at 11:30 am.  We rested briefly, got some medications from the Prime Care Pharmacy, gave Winter a good walk, and then took her over to her Auntie Em's who was dogsitting for us that afternoon, while we went to the theatre.

Well, I don't know whose idea it was, but we went for a drive to pickup my sister Judy, who was coming to the theatre to see South Pacific with us, and boy oh boy, what a mistake.  We almost didn't make it to the theatre on time, there was too much traffic everywhere we went.

Part of the problem was that horrible motorcycle accident that occured on the 401 highway.  I couldn't believe my ears that some poor person fell off the back of a motorcycle, getting killed, and the driver of the motorycle continuing on his way, I know he was being chased by the police, but that person on his bike was supposedly a friend of his, some friend.

We did make it to the Four Seasons Centre theatre, aka The Ballet Opera House, on time, but I did have to eat my lunch, one green apple, in my seat during the overture to the musical, which I absolutely loved, however, I do have some criticism.

Carmen Cusask played Ensign Nellie Forbush, and she could sing well, but I would have liked her to dance better, clearly this is not why she was hired, in addition, Miss Cusack looked a little long in the tooth to be playing the part, but her acting was first rate and overall, I could not complain about her performance.  I wish I could say the same for the gentleman that played Emile de Becque, this being Jason Howard.

For most of the performance, Mr. Howard was quite wooden  as an actor,  and only in one small sequence did Jason Howard show any signs of life, actually, the audience cheered at Mr. Howard's sudden rush to act, but this man could sing,  and that is where he showed his talent and what he is obviously being paid to do

.  Jason Howard had a rich, baritone voice who is clearly trained for opera at Trinity and Royal Colleges of Music, in London, England.  Wow, I would buy any of his record albums.

Stealing the show was Jodi Kimura who played Bloody Mary, and deservedly so.  Her comic, poignant portrayl was first-rate and was the highlight of the show, I just loved her.  I wish I could say the same for the young lady who played her daughter, Liat, Miss Sumie Maeda, she was just okay, but no raven beauty as far as I was concerned and I was sitting second row centre.  However, playing her lover, Lieutenant Joseph Cabble, was Mr. Anderson Davis,  and he was quite competent, handsome, had some acting chops, and was one peach of a singer, I wish he had had more songs to sing.

The sets were nothing special , and I would have liked it if they showed more work in this area; it certainly didn't look or sound like the South Pacific, seems like someone saved a few bucks!!!

Overall, this show is definetly worth seeing and there isn't too much time left so do what you can, or don't go, but you'll be missing some great entertainment.

I think I advised you yesterday that my post today would not be very long,  because of all the time spent travelling,  and I really am quite tired and not very rested.  Don't worry, I will make up for it, I'm about to take one of my famous naps

Topics coming soon:   

The night they raided Minsky's
Food, Glorious Food                

Saturday, August 28, 2010

South Pacific Saturday

Date:                                Saturday, August 28th, 2010
Word of the Day:              schlep; to move slowly, awkwardly, or tediously
Weight:                             227 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose                  95 pounds
Waist Size:                       56.5 inches (too much, way, way, too much)
Rowing Duration:              110 minutes, 51 seconds

Because I am leaving early today to go back to Toronto, I did my daily indicators the night before, the only thing that changes are the word of the day,  and the time I spend on Cruella.  Unfortunately, for me, I will only be able to squeeze in one rowing session today, I am really bummed about this fact. and Cruella doesn't seem very happy about it either.

I decided to put plastic over Cruella in case of rain while we are away, the rowing machine cost about fifteen hundred dollars so I want to take good care of it so it will last a few years.  Zac's machine that we had in our original condominium on Wellesley and Bay Streets lasted him about twenty years.  Our good friend, Nancy Day, bought that condominium from us when we decided to sell and move away.

Also, going back to the brevity of today's post, because alot of the day will be spent travelling, and then going to the theatre to see 'South Pacific,' the musical, I will not be able to devote alot of time to this post, I know you will understand.  As well, because the same thing is going to happen on Sunday, only in reverse, that post will also be shortened,  I know I share your regrets.

I'll try to make sure that I tell all of you what I think of the South Pacific performance that we see, either on Sunday or Monday.  I am so looking forward to seeing this show, I have never seen it on stage, naturally, I have seen the movie 'South Pacific,' several times, as I love the music, Rogers and Hammerstein were so talented, must be nice, but I'm sure they worked very hard at it, and what is it they say, talent is 1% inspirational and 99% perspiration (hard work,)  or a reasonable facsimile.

I am going to weigh myself while I'm in Toronto, and I'll do that first thing on Sunday morning, just as I always do on my weigh in day.  There may be some discrepancy in the weight, as I'll be weighing in on a different scale from the one I normally use, I suggest you get used to it, as after Thanksgiving, we will be returning full-time to Toronto, and that will be the dreaded scale.

On Friday, tt was nice for me to go down memory lane, and it was somewhat carthartic, but it may have been a bit tiresome for you, I thought you might like to know the kind of folly I perpetuated in my long, arrested adolescence, so far I've heard nothing back from any of you on this subject, my baby brother Biff didn't even comment, which kind of surprises me.

Thank goodness for my sister-in-law, Louise, she is truly amazing,  and I love her dearly, we are so alike!!!!  While my brother Biff tends to yell at his children as he's a yeller, Louise always simply counts to five, although I've never heard her get to three, and the children react just as if they were getting yelled at by their father.  It is the same parenting, just done in two different styles; nobody loves his children more than my brother Biff,  and he is an excellent Father,  and I am very proud of him.  Both Louise and Biff work extremely hard at being consistent with how they raise their children,  and the disciplining of those children, I really don't know how they do it, I guess that's why they're the parents and why I'm the Uncle.

I love just being an Uncle, yes, it would have been nice to have children of my own, but that was not meant to be,  so I try to be the best Uncle that I possibly can be, and that presents enough challenges thank you very much.  Anyway,  both Zac and I feel that we are kind of parents to Winter, and everybody loves Winter, absolutely everybody.!

I have difficulty remembering all of the birthdays, even Winter's birthday,  and Zac relies on me to remember his nieces and nephews birthdays as well as my own blood relatives, after all, we treat them all in the same manner, regardless.  It also gets expensive,  and sometimes I wish they would cancel Christmas, or at least do it differently.  Nobody ever said that the birth of Jesus was meant to put you in debt, so don't do it, you'll get by and life will go on.

Zac and I have made a pact, while the children go to school, they will get Christmas gifts, the older ones always get money, but, once they leave school, we stop giving them money,  and the Christmas gifts end.  When we remember their birthday, they always get something because we think everyone should feel special on their special day, but we, excuse me, I have been known to forget them all once in awhile, and I apologize for this horrible oversight.

I am so blessed to have so many nieces and nephews,  and I couldn't pick a favourite one if my life depended on it, they are each so unique and interesting and in so many different ways.  Some teach, some take pictures, some are still finding themselves, some are engineers, some want to be a doctor, just like their Uncle Zac, and some want a nursing career, but so far, none want to be like their Uncle Efrem but give them time, I'm counting on you Raphael!!!!

Let's see, where did I leave off from my food intake, I think I mentioned on Thursday, I had my usual two cups of coffee, with a tablespoon of skim milk in each of them, and then my daily bowl of cream of wheat, with one cup of skim milk, and splenda, sprinkled generously over it.  I had a tomato sandwich for lunch, which Argentina was nice enough to make for me, (I really like that girl,) and for dinner, I had a small slice of steak, it was too medium for my liking,  two small potatoes, and a large tablespoon of carrots.

On Friday, I ate the cream of wheat, with skim milk, splenda, etc., and I also had a green apple for lunch.  I snacked on a mini-bag of popcorn in the afternoon, I know I'm awful but it gets so hard sometimes, and I had a cheese omelette made by Zac for dinner, as well as two tablespoons of fried potatoes.  I did not have any toast, but I did squeeze in a blueberry yogurt and a peach for dessert.

I will have to be careful what I eat today as, well, you know the story, I weigh in on Sunday, and I haven't been doing too well in that department.  If I don't show losing any weight, I hope I will have managed to reduce my waist size, but, as I don't do any sit-ups, they're much too difficult for me,  as my stomach is too big for me to bend over, so I'm not very hopeful in this area, but, we shall see, we shall see.

I hope you all are having a nice week-end and that you are getting everything done that you want to accomplish, stay away from the donuts, I know I will.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minsky's
Food, Glorious Food

Friday, August 27, 2010

Finally Friday

Date:                                 Friday, August 27th, 2010
Word of the Day:               orthoepy; the study of correct pronunciation
Weigth:                              227 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                  95 pounds
Waist size:                         56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:              105 minutes, 49 seconds, 91 minutes, 51 seconds

It looks like I'm back on track with Cruella, one hour and forty-five minutes,for the first session,  and an hour and a half for the second session.  I'm so happy, well, at least that makes up (partially) for my skipping my second rowing session yesterday, but, I think I was wise to skip it since my back was sore, I don't want to get a back injury, I've suffered with a bad back before.

I'm so glad it's Friday, I have been in such a slump this week, I was about to ask you to give me some input, that's how bad my slump was, but, I'm feeling better, thank you for sticking with me.

I appreciate receiving all of the jokes and smiles that you send me, it helps, and I like to forward them onto most of you via email.

I also want to try and remember to post my blog on Facebook; I'm told that that is another way of building a readership

This morning, I taped the movies 'You can count on me' starring Miss Laura Linney and Mark Ruffalo, this is an excellent film, slow moving but worth the effort to see it, so do try to watch it sometimne, and on the same disc, I recorded the movie 'An Affair to Remember' starring the fabulous Deborah Kerr,  and Mr. Cary Grant.   This movie is considered a chick-movie, but, I love it, I get so caught up with it,  and the tears just come streaming from my eyes.  I watch this movie privately because I don't like Zac to see me bawling my eyes out, he always says "Yet again?" "What the heck do you watch it for, if it makes you so unhappy?" obviously Zac does just not get it, but he's still a good guy.

Speaking of movies, today I'm going to write to you about my 'Summer of '42'  experience.  Please bear with me because there is quite alot that I have to say. 

'Summer of '42  is the story of a young man growing up who develops a crush on an older war bride named Dorothy.  It is somewhat of a true story, by the author,  Herman Raucher, who named the young protagonist, Hermie, after him.

  The movie was first only a screenplay, but, after the movied gained so much popularity, Mr. Raucher was urged to turn his screenplay into a book, which he did, and that became a bestseller.  Anyway, when the movie first opened in Toronto at the Towne Cinema, it was a restricted film,  I was only 14 years old, so I could not see it.  I heard about it plenty though, from my grade ten typing teacher, Mrs. Elizabeth Nichol,.

I had Mrs. Nichol for two classes,  and the first thing she ever said to me, was to sit up straight, keep my fingers on the home row, no talking, don't look at the keyboard, keep your eyes on the text, and I thought to myself, I'll never survive this class, never mind, that I was also expected in her class to learn the finer techniques of writing.

Oh my good sacred foot, was all I could say of Mrs. Nichol,  and I thought to myself that it was going to be a long, long year.  But an extraordinary thing happened, one day, I asked Mrs. Nichol if she had been to see some  movie, and from that day on, we got along fabulously, always talking about movies and never doing any work!  

Mrs. Nichol loved the movies as much as I did and we talked about them endlessly.  One day, when we were in my writing class, Mrs. Nichol asked me if I had seen the film 'Summer of '42,' to which I answered no, I wasn't able to see it as it was a restricted movie.  Well, Mrs. Nichol went on and on about this movie, how funny and touching it was, how realistic, etc., it was clearly her favourite film of the year.

  I remember, Mrs. Nichol blushing when she told me about the part wherein Hermie pays a visit to the drug store to buy a safe.  I didn't know what a safe was so I asked my teacher to explain it to me, Mrs. Nichol blushed even more and said she couldn't tell me, it was a better idea for me just to see the movie.

Well, as luck would have it, over the winter, the movie was reclassified to an adult entertainment movie,  thus allowing me the opportunity to see it.  My girlfriend, Barbie, and I, went that Friday night, to see 'Summer of '42' at The Cinema which was a movie house located in the Toronto Dominion Building on the concourse level, now I believe it operates as a bank.  Other movies that I saw at the Cinema were:   Cabaret, The Turning Point, Ryan's Daughter, A Little Night Music, and the aforementioned 'Summer of '42,' which I saw about ten times.

Mrs. Nichol and I kept chatting about movies, I kept getting marks in the nineties, I really wasn't doing any work in either of her classes (typing and writing) , but we liked each other and Mrs. Nichol and I formed our very own mutal-admiration society.

At the end of the school year, and after I received first class honours in typing and Writing, Mrs. Nichol invited me and some girls from the class to go one day in the summer for a daytrip to her cottage.

I was picked up one early day in July,  promptly at eight o'clock in the am., the other invitees were already in the back seat, and we headed off for a drive to Mrs. Nichol's cottage, which took about an hour,  When we got to the cottage, we noticed that Mrs. Nichol's friend, another teacher named Mrs. Vaughn was there and had also brought up some students for the outing.  Everything was on the level and there was no impropriety.

It was an okay day and as I look back at it, I know I behaved badly as I was imagining all kinds of bad things about my teacher, and I wanted her not to like me, my imagination was running wild, as I was thinking of that movie, 'Summer of '42'

Of course nothing happened but unfortunately things seemed to change after that day and consequently I didn't stay in touch with Mrs. Nichol.    However, that summer, Warner Brothers  filmed the sequel to 'Summer of '42' called 'Class of '44'  in my hometown, Toronto.

 My best friend Andy, who was Barbie's brother, and I drove all over the city on our bicycles to find the location of where they were shooting the movie.  We did not have to look far as the movie was being shot around the University of Toronto,  which was just a hop, step and a jump away from where we both lived.

 I'll never forget seeing Gary Grimes, who played Hermie, for the first time.  Mr. Grimes was drinking a coffee and smoking a cigarette,  and appeared to be very friendly with all those around him.  Upon seeing us, Gary Grimes, approached Andy and I, and told us that we were late,  and that all "extras" were supposed to go to some room or other, I forget which one, to get costumed for our scene.  Naturally, we obliged finding the whole thing exciting, we were in the midst of an adventure.

After we were properly attired, I approached this young lady, who I thought was an extra,  and I introduced myself, and she did as well.  Her name was Deborah Winters,  and apparantly she had been in other movies.  She told me explicity about working with Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon in the movie 'Kotch' and then she described every detail of another film which she had been in and also starred Julie Harris.  I guess I was looking disinterested, as Ms. Winters brought the subject back to 'Summer of '42' and asked me what I thought of Gary Grimes' portrayl of Hermie.   I answered honestly,  and sarcastically,  that I thought Gary Grimes was just okay, even if he had been nominated for a Golden Globe award, but I thought I could had done it much better and then my conversation ended with Ms. Winters.

Well, Andy and I eventually were on the set, we were located in the hall of the library,  and when Gary Grimes would walk down the stairs and arrive at the bottom stair, Andy and I were supposed to walk on by.  Everything seemed to be going okay,  and after the director, well, I think it was him, called "Action,  Gary Grimes proceeded to walk down the stairs.   I went to walk on by him,  but Mr. Grimes stopped me and said

 "I think you're a stuck-up snob." and ":I think you owe me an apology!"

I was horror-stricken and didn't know what to say, fortunately, the director yelled CUT, and I didn't have to say anything.  And that was it, Mr. Gary Grimes walked away from me,  and Andy and I went back to the changeroom, got changed back to our regular clothes, and rather hurridly,  then we took off as we were rather scared at what had transpired.

The next day we went back to the scene of the crime, and this time, we kept our distance, while observing everything that was going on.  We found a piece of equipment which belonged to one of the cameras, and feeling disgruntled over the happenings of the day before, I wrote on the strap that Gary Grimes was a neanderthal as I thought that was truly an insult.  We soon got bored just watching and we decided to leave.

We went to visit another friend, Miss Carolina Burns,  and told her everything that had gone on in our lives from the day before to the present. 

Carolina wanted to be part of it and we said "no go," but we did know where the actors were living while they were in Toronto.  Gary Grimes and Jerry Houser were residing at an apartment/hotel called the Town Inn,  and Carolina phoned the apartment up and asked to speak to Jerry Houser, who was her favourtie actor of the movie.

As luck would have it, Mr. Houser was there and he even remembered seeing Andy and myself.  Actually, Mr. Houser wanted to talk to me, to which Cartolina declined after I firmly shook my head in the NO position.

Apparantly, the camera which we vandalized was discovered and they wanted to hold the people responsible.   I don't know how they knew it was us, but, evidently, they did I guess there really are eyes everywhere.  Carolina, behaved on cue and wonderfully on the telephone, by not giving out my telephone number after Jerry Houser requested it from her. 

We had a few more sightings again that summer as we had to take Carolina to the location wherein they were filiming, but we always were careful and kept a good distance away. 

I was never held responsible for the vandalizing as Andy and I were not legal "extras," and they had no way to know where we lived or where they could get in touch with us.

I always felt bad about what I had done and would like to have had the opportunity to apologize to Gary Grimes for behaving so childishly that summer, but the moment was forever gone,  and we never saw each other again

.  I kept tabs on the movie career of Gary Grimes, as well as following that of Miss Deborah Winters,  who I would have liked to have had a conversation with,  to tell her that I didn't appreciate her betraying me, but she was just being loyal to her co-star,  and it did provide me with a cute story that I would remember all of my life so I guessed things ended as they should.

  This day, I do not know what Gary Grimes is doing, he is clearly not making any more movies,  and Miss Winters sells real estate, I believe it is her own company, in Texas.

  I write in my blog every day,  where you get to read rather long and uninterestging stories,  such as the one that I just relayed, but that is how it goes, sometimes the truth isn't all that interesting , and I don't know why I wrote about it, but I did.  what did you think?

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minskys
Food, Glorious Food

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thursday's Child

Date:                                 Thursday, August 26th, 2010
Word of the Day:                galore; in abundance; in yieldful amounts
Weight:                              227 pounds
Goal:                                  lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                  95 pounds
Waist Size:                        56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:               87 minutes, 59 seconds                                                             

Rowing on Cruella was difficult as it was tres windy last night, or early morning, depending on how you look at it. 

In any case, I expect the conditions to which I rowed were similar to that as if you were actually rowing on a lake, the wind kept blowing in my face, keeping it cool, and my face was sprayed with water being shot from the lake.  The only difference in being on my stationary rowing machine, also known as (aka) Cruella is that I wasn't wearing a life-jacket, and if you are rowing on a real lake, you should always wear a life-jacket, I don't care how good a boatsperson,  and swimmer you are.  I have all my lifesaving badges and awards in swimming, yet I know, it is still unsafe to be on the water, and on a boating machine, and not wear a life-jacket, so please heed my advice.  I really do know what I'm talking about in this regard, all the other subjects,  well, you be the judge.

Oh, my back was very sore so I decided to forego the second rowing session, I know, I know, I'm disappointed as well, but I'm hoping that I may squeeze it in later today, but, I doubt it, there are too many eyes watchng me.

I called my post Thursday's Child as I have been thinking of all the children that have been named after days of the week, and I can't think of one that is named Thursday.  Let's see, there is Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban's daughter, named Sunday Rose, Tuesday Weld, the actress most noted for making films in the sixties, the daughter on the Adams Family television show, and subsequent two movies, Wednesday, also from the television show, Dragnet, I believe there was a character named Joe Friday, although that is really a surname so it may not count, but, there you have it, all that is missing are children without the names of the days, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.  If you know of any people with the names of Monday, Thursday, Saturday, do let me know.

The above paragraph got me to thinking on how names are chosen, what goes in it for you, do you name your children after your parents, or other relatives, the favourite uncle, etc., or do you specifically have favourite names in mind from your childhood,  please advise me as I am very interested.   If I ever had a daughter, I would like to call her Universe, as I've never met anyone with that name,  and I'm sure that she would be the only Universe on the block.

For the record, I am just joking about calling my kid Universe,  if I was so blessed to be given one.   I couldn't do that to the child, childhood is hard enough without having other kids taunt you about your name, no, I would settle on a nice normal name  like Bianca, Madeleine, or Lucina, but only if it was a girl!

All the time I am on Cruella, I keep an internal dialogue going on in my head, and I think of so many things that I want to write about, naturally, I am so elated to finish exercising, that I forget what I wanted to write about, and then you get, a blog/post such as this one.  Je regret.

It is after nine o'clock am. and it is still quite windy and cold outstide.  I'm wearing a sweater.  Winter doesn't look very happy today, I wonder if she knows that Emile and Argentina are leaving today, she always seems to know when people are leaving, I guess dogs really do have extra senses.  Wait until Winter learns that we are leaving on Saturday to go home to Toronto.  Yes, we have tickets to see the musical, 'South Pacific' and I am really looking forward to it; it has got excellent reviews, and everyone I know that has seen it,  says it is just excellent,  if there is still time left, and if you can get tickets, grab one!!!

I have to aplogize, my mind is just blank and there doesn't seem anything topical or relevant that I can say to you today, this makes two days in a row, I hope I haven't got myself into a slump.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minskys
Food, Glorious Food

Wonderful Wednesday

Date:                                 Wednesday, August 25th, 2010
Word of the Day:               lupine; savage; ravenous; predatory
Weight:                              227 pounds
Goal:                                 lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                  95 pounds
Waist Size:                        56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:              85 minutes, 53 seconds, 80 minutes, 36  seconds

The second rowing session on Cruella was rather difficult, the music kept skipping, stopping, and starting over, it through my counting, but I persevered to the end.
Oringinally today, I didn't want to get up and exercise, the bed was so comfortable, but I forced myself and got up to get on Cruella, I kept my goal in my mnd, which I knew I wouldn't accomplish by laying in bed.

Emile Ferguson, Zac's nephew arrives today for a brief visit, just overnight, and he is bringing with him his girlfriend, Argentina.  I like her name, even though it is a liftle different.

Yesterday, in my email I received some photo's of the one and only Miss Andrea McArdle, I don't know who sent them to me, but it was much appreciated, and whoever sent them, I would like to thank you, the gift was sent anonymously but it had to be one of my followers, thank you again.

Welll I have a feeling it is going to be one of those days, I just accidentally hit the ,publish button,  so some of you may read an unfinished post, sorry about that.

I am copying the movie, 'Goodbye Mr. Chips' the 1939 version starring Robert Donat onto a dvd,  and this weekend, I hope to add the 1969 version, 'Goodbye Mr. Chips' to my collection.  This version stars Peter O'Toole and is a musical, it also stars Miss Petulia Clark, whom I adore.

If I ever become a successful film star, I will tell "my people" that I want to star in a musical, I think I would like to play the part of the Engineer in the musical 'Miss Saigon..'  There may be a problem because I am not Asian, and that is what the part calls for, but I am small like most Asian men,  and I don't have any hair on my chest,  which is another trait of Asians,.  Hollywood can make the impossible happen so I trust them to make me Asian.

I had to have Zac give me a needle that contains depomedrol as my lungs were acting up, probably because of all the humidity we have been experiencing, lately, fortunately, Zac is great at giving injections, and I didn't feel a thing.

I forgot to mention that on Monday night, there was a wonderful full moon, it was so gorgeous, I bet that's the moon that they based the movie 'Moonstruck' on.  After I had finished my rowing, I walked on the deck to cool down and stretch my legs, I always have Winter accompany me on the deck,  I experience irrational thoughts, such as being attacked by a werewolf, (especially when there's a full moon,) so the dog is there to protect me.

I don't know what I can tell you about Elvis Presley that you don't already know, or that you can't find out on Google, but I'll give it a shot.

Elvis Presley was one of the most popular recording stars, became a cultural icon, and was widely considered to be good-looking, although most people feel he doesn't hold a candle to me.

Did you know that Elvis Presley was Barbra Streisand's original choice to star with her in the remake of 'A Star is Born,' I am so sad that this didn't happen, I'm sure it would have been absolutely sensational.   Kris Kristofferson didn't do a bad job,  but he's not Elvis, there was only one Elvis, in spite of all the impersonators that he has spawned.

Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi and it was not long after he was born that his parents eventually moved to Memphis, Tennessee.  As you probably know, Elvis did have a twin brother, but, unfortuantely, he was stillborn.  Elvis was raised on gospel music and he made that genre an important part of his life.

Elvis began his recording contract with the legendary Sun Records and in 1955, the year I was born his recording contract was sold to RCA records.  Elvis made 33 successful films,  and I saw every one of them, mostly at the Downtown theatre, which was located at Yonge and Dundas Streets.  My favourtie Elvis movie is,  of course,  Viva Las Vegas,  and it is reported that Ann-Margaret and Elvis Presley dated for awhile. 

Speaking of Ann-Margaret, I once sent my sister Judy to see a documentary film on Janis Joplin; I told Judy that it was a musical starring Ann-Margaret, so she was one of the first in line to see it, to my surprise, Judy enjoyed this documentary film, but she delcared that it certainly wasn't an Ann-Margaret film, Cry-Baby!!!!!!

Elvis Presley got his first single hit while at RCA, which was Heartbreak Hotel, and he got this hit when he was just eighteen years old.  Elvis's records still sell today and some feel that he has never been more popular.  Elvis once sang his hit, Love me Tender, as a duet with Mr. Frank Sinatra, while he appeared with him on his television show.

During the years, 1958 to 1960, Elvis Presley did military service in Bad Nauheim, Germany.  It was here that Elvis met Priscilla Beaulieu, he married her, she had his child, Lisa, divorced him, and now helps operate the Elvis Presley museum in Memphis, making millions while she does this.

By 1976-77, Elvis was far removed from the country boy,  and the image of him being vigorous and full of energy was gone, as he was quite overweight.  Elvis eventually died in Memphis at his Graceland mansion at 42 years of age.

To complete what I ate yesterday, I had one green apple and left-over roast beef (small slice,) two small potatoes, and two large spoons of niblet corn.  That is all I ate, aren't you impressed?

My post today may not seen too long, but I am tired and I got off to a bad start, maybe tomorrow will be better.

Topics coming soon:

The night they raided Minskys
Food, Glorious Food

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tu Tu Tuesday

Date:                               Tuesday August 24th, 2010
Word of the Day:             distrain; to seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts
Weight:                            227 pounds
Goal:                                lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                 95 pounds
Waist Size:                       56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:              87 minutes, 23 seconds, 85 minutes, 33 seconds (second session)
 I used to stutter when I was younger, and occasionally still do,  if I am extremely upset,  and nervous about something.  That is why I named today's post Tu Tu Tuesday,  get it?

 There is alot of misunderstanding about people who stutter, I know when my stuttering is at its worst, people stare at me as if there was something wrong with me,  and despite popular perception to the contrary, stuttering does not affect,  and has no bearing on intelligence.  I hate it that people think you are mentally challenged if you stutter, and this is not only cruel, but totally wrong.

There are several theories why people stutter, (also known by some as stammering,) such as, anxiety, low self-esteem, self-imposed isolation, a feeling of "loss of control," during speech.  There are other theories that state that stuttering is a psychological problem, and has an underlying problem that can be treated with psychotherapy.

There are beliefs that stuttering, sometimes called developmental stuttering, is directly related to genetic and environmental factors,  and develops on its own accord.  Despite various studies, and research,  there is essentially "no cure" for this disorder at present.

Lets change the subject, did you know that Miss Mexico won the Miss Universe contest last night?, YUP its astalavista beanfield,  and hello Hollywood.  I wonder how much money Mr. Trump makes from the Miss Universe Organization?  Hmmm.

Speaking of Hollywood,  last night I also watched a big Hollywood movie, 'A few good men,'  again, which starred big Hollywood stars, Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson,  and that actress who played Jackie Templeton on General Hospital a few years back, and whose mother, when she was pregnate with her,  was probably inside a Starbucks odering a large coffee when she thought of her name.

Prior to the evening's entertainment, Zac made a fantastic roast beef dinner for brother Brian, as well as, their second cousin, Flossie, who is very popular this year because she's managed to lose over fifty pounds on the Dr. Bernstein diet,  and Mikey, who came over for lunch,  and stayed for dinner.   Mikey, a big proponent of the grass is always greener on the other side,  would like Zac and I to adopt him, he thinks it would be fun to live with us, clearly, he has no idea.

Lily, a dear, dear, friend that I cherish, called on the telephone to say that she enjoys my blog, but wishes it could be longer, and that I would write specifically more about Hollywood, the town, the stars and the films, as she thinks I have a special link to this information, I don't.

  In the past, Lily has also suggested to me that I would make a great priest, and told me that she would never miss mass if I was officiating, she thinks I'm a fantastic teacher,  because I instructed her on classification systems, and look how much she knows,  and even believes I could do typewriter maintenance, which nobody does anymore, so how about that?

Oh my good sacred foot,  as my mother used to say,  I forgot to call my kids to see how their first day at school went, schucks, well, I'll just have to call them tonight,  and hope that the second day was as exciting as the first, but, it never is, oh well, c'est la vie.

Another friend of mine recently told me that I am becoming obsessed with the exercise in my efforts to lose weight.  I retorted, that when one wants to lose 100 pounds in the course of a year's duration, one better be obsessed or he is likely to fail, and I hate to fail!!!!!

The only subject I ever failed at school, yes, we're going back to that subject, was mathematics, I truly suck at math.  If somebody was to tell me that two and two made six, I would agree with them.   I don't know why I'm so bad at mathematics, I never used to be, but I suppose it might have something to do with the fact that I always daydreamed while I was being taught it.   You see people, you have to pay attention!!!!
You can't get by anymore with just a pretty face

I love jokes,  so if you know any, I will gladly read them,  and forward them on to people on my contact list
It doesn't matter, to me, if the jokes are a little dirty, but, I don't like to receive jokes that are racist in nature, and I am getting sick of chain letters, who was the bright one that thought that one up?

Do you think Elvis Presley is still alive?, he's bigger now than he ever was, no pun intended.  I think he's dead,  and I wonder why people cling to the hope that he is still alive.  I'm not going to write about Elvis today, I just wanted you to start thinking about him,  so that you will be prepared when I do talk about him.

I am, on the other hand, going to talk, briefly, about The Sound of Music.  Is there anyone out there that still has ;managed not to see this movie?

The Sound of Music is one of my all-time favourite movies.  Not only is that opening sequence of the mountains in Vienna breathtaking, but, the music in it has to be one of Rogers and Hammerstein's best scores.  Contrary to popular census, my favourtie character in the movie is The Baroness.

I think Eleanor Parker, who played The Baroness, got to say the funniest lines, except for the one where the Mother Superior tells Sister Marguereta "thank you," in order to get rid of her so that Maria can freely talk about her love for the captain, that part in the movie always cracks me up,  and everybody else in the theatre as well.

 Julie Andrews deserved to win the Oscar for The Sound of Music,  and I don't know what the Academy was thinking of when they gave it to Julie Christie.   Miss Christie is no slouch of an actress, but that year should have belonged only to Julie,  and I will never forgive the academy for making such a colossal blunder.

The actors and actresses that portray the children in the movie are naturally adorable,  even though Gretl bugs the heck out of me,  and Charmian Carr, who portrayed Liesl, was the prettiest ingene that I've ever seen, even though I don't know what she saw in Rolf!!!!!!  Rolf, big, big loser! (Well, he worked for Hitler, didn't he?)

The Sound of Music did win best picture of the year,  and remains one of the biggest money-making-musical of all-time, and deservedly so.

Well people, it is getting to the time that I should eat my breakfast, I have been up since 2:30 am., you know!  I know I've been remiss about not reporting what I've eaten, but, I shall try and get back on track.  Trust me, I have not been eating anything that is bad for you, and I've really cut down on my portions, I hate it, but I've still cut down on them.

Today, all I've consumed are my two cups of coffee, but, that is going to change , as I am about to eat, a bowl of cream and wheat, with oat bran, one cup of skim milk, and splenda sprinkled on the top,  to improve the taste.

Topics coming soon:

Elvis Presley, the man, the myth, the legend
The night they raided Minskys

Monday, August 23, 2010

Money, Money, Monday

Date:                                 Monday, August 23rd, 2010
Word of the Day:               gormandize; to eat greedily or ravenously
Weight:                              227 pounds
Goal:                                  lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                   ninety-five pounds
Waist Size:                         56.5 inches
Rowing Duration:               84 minutes, 23 seconds

My second rowing session lasted 80 minutes and 53 seconds so the total workout time today is approximately 165 minutes which is pretty darn good.
I have a fear that when I go home to Toronto in a few weeks, I may get sidetracked from my exercise routine as Cruella will be staying here at the lake.  There is a rowing machine at home, albeit broken, and Zac says he can fix it,  or that it won't take long to get it fixed, I just hope that it isn't long enough to put me off doing exercise.

Only losing one pound yesterday was demotivating enough,  I certainly do not need any more excuses to stop.

I always feel better after I have finished my rowings sessions, it means I've started the day to a good start.

As the title says, Money, Money, Monday, so here are my suggestions:

Investing money in the stock market is the best way to earn money,
Real estate is still investing your money, its not as good as it used to be because the economy isn't in such great shape, but you can still make a buck or two if you own the right property, you can never tell though, its all a crap game.
Do online surveys, this pays money, not much, but still, there it is
Purchasing products and reselling them on Ebay has been profitable to quite alot of people
Blogging is another way that you can earn money; there is minimal cost and if you build up a loyal and impressive readership (which is what I'm trying to do,) over time you can earn money by learning how to monetize your blog, in some cases, people have earned quite alot of money
Create a local wedding services website and guide, this is a headache for some people and doing it for them or pointing people in the right direction can be quite profitable
Become a sales agent for online products and take it online
Become a Virtual Assistant if you have administrative skills; alot of businesses are looking to save money by having their administrative work done by people at home who have this skill

I had an interesting chat with Judy yesterday, she informed me that the sermon at church was about how the gate to Heaven is not as wide as people think, and therefore, not everyone is going to get in.  I don't know how some priests and ministers can be so sure of this fact, but it is their business.  All I know is I'm going to Heaven, I may get booted out for shooting my mouth off to God , as I have some wonderful suggestions for improvements that he should consider, but I know I'm going to Heaven, I just don't know for how long.

We finally got around to naming our two new boats, the pontoon boat is the Jack E T,  and the runabout (outboard) boat is named the SS Luxembourg.  I'm quite fond of these names, but for the life of me, I don't know how Zac came up with the name the Jack E T!

Okay, okay, its time for controversy by way of The last of the red hot meat eaters.  For some time now, I have considered becoming a vegetarian, the problem is, I love to eat meat.

  I have tried to go without eating meat, but on those occasions,  Zac always seems to be frying bacon in the griddle, and the aroma of it just sends me right to the kitchen, and good-bye vegetarianism.

I also eat meat because I like the taste of it,  and because it is an easy way to get protein and iron.  As I am on this kick of getting fit, meat is good to build my muscles, it is good for your hair,  it makes it shiny and strong, and it is also good for your nails and skin.  If we were all vegetarian or vegan, there would be no fertilizer, and then eventually no plants.  I'm not making that up people, those are facts that I researched this morning.  Why do you eat meat?

There is much controversy and debate that arise over the ethics of eating meat.   Objections are divided into opposition to the act of killing in general,  and the opposition to certain agricultural practices surrounding the production of meat.

Asthetic decaying animal parts, whether in a freezer or served in restaurants can never be as asthetically pleasing to the senses of the same foods made from wholesome vegetable sources.  Only habit can allow one not to perceive this:  a change in diet makes this self evident.

No deficiencies - There is no nutrient necessary for optimal human functioning which cannot be obtained from plant food.

High fat plus cholesterol; animal foods are high in fat than most plant foods, particularly saturated fats.  Plants do not contain cholesterol

Fifty per cent of people are likely to develop heart disease, and they have, and forty per cent of meat eaters will develop cancer, which is a pretty frightening statistic, and enough to make me want to abandon eating meat.

Meat eaters are nine times more likely to be obese than vegetarians and vegans.
There are worms and parasites still found in meat purchased at the butcher and grocery stores.
Meat can cause impotency
No animal deserves to die for your taste buds.

What will it be folks?, I leave the facts, researched this morning, with you.

I am feeling a little sluggish so I think I will end today's post and just gab on the phone to my friends, who knows, you may be the next person I call.

Topics coming soon:

Elvis Presley, the man, the myth, the legend
The Sound of Music

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunday Honour Sunday

Datre:                                       Sunday, August 22nd, 2010
Word of the Day:                      foudroyant; overwhelming and sudden in effect; Pathology (of disease)                                    beginning in a sudden and severe form
Weight:                                     127 pounds
Goal:                                         lose 100 pounds in one year
Pounds to lose:                         95 pounds
Waist Size:                               56.5 inches                                                      
Rowing Duration:                     75 minutes, 34 seconds

One pound, that's it folks, one tiny pound to show for all of my hard work, eating carefully, and praying.  I guess its not that bad, at least, I didn't gain a pound and I am still headed in the right direction.  Golly, I never realized I had such a large waist, (there are none so blind as those who will not see!)

I have made two decisions lately, the first one, if you notice my daily indicators, is that I am including my waist size.  I think, sooner or later, my weight will stay the same,  and it is bound to plateau ; this does not mean that changes are not going on within me, I may be building muscle, and losing inches off my waist, which is an even bigger goal than losing the weight , so on that basis, I want to keep a record of it.   Also, I am going to try and do two rowing sessions a day, instead of staying on Cruella for such a long time.  Thus, I will give the total amount of time that I spend on Cruella,  after the completed second session.  I am hoping that I haven't bitten off more than I can chew,  in my effort to lose 100 pounds this year, but, I said, I'm going to do it, and do it,  I shall.

The second session on Cruella lasted 65 minutes, and 55 seconds, not as impressive as the first session, but, I'm still pleased.

My new lucky number is 39, although I can think of no reason why

On this brand new day of the brand new week, I'm starting to take a vitamin pill, and a separate Vitamin D pill, which I hope I will remembere to take every day.

I was ready to throw in the towel yesterday as everything seemed to work against me.  I had tried to transfer a television recording of the movie 'Summertime'  onto a digital video device (dvd) but there was a delay in the clock starting, and the movie failed to record successfully.    As well, I had to stop my first rowing session because of the weather, I lost over 50 % of the original post that I had created for yesterday's blog due to the internet connection constantly going off,  and not allowing me to save it for publication.  Finally, I fell down in the shower.

The positive things that happened yesterday is I was able to recreate most of my blog from memory, my very good friend Jenna gave me the opportunity to vent,  and listened to my ravings about the lousy internet connection, I did manage to get in a second rowing session that pushed my overall time to it's record, I bought 'Summertime' from Amazon so I will have a copy (and a good one) of this film when it arrives in the mail, and finally, I didn't hurt myself in the shower, and at my age, that could have easily happened.

I stopped going to church many years ago as I associate it with a bad memory, as a child, I was made to go to church, however, my belief in God has not stopped.  I pray, regularly, (usually at bedtime,) read the Bible occasionally, I must get a copy that is easier to understand than the original,  and like to chat about various religions,  and beliefs with other people.

I, honour God every Sunday by silently praying and thanking him for all of my blessings, and as you know, I have many.

I had the best mother in the world,  and I miss her terribly.  In a way, my mother died twice,  as she had Alzheimer's Disease,  and didn't know me for the last three years of her life.   In a manner,  I felt my mother had died because she never spoke, couldn't eat for herself,  and didn't seem to get any joy from her failing life.  There was just her body,  and that deteriorated more and more with each passing day.  When the physical death did occur, nothing much seemed to change,  as I had already been  through the grieving process,  I just couldn't see her anymore.

I did have a troubling childhood, we all know that, I was abused constantly, made fun of regularly,  and did not seem to know the true meaning of love.  Of course, my mother loved me, as did all of my sisters and brothers, but my mom didn't have time to give me any special attention,  and I felt unloved.

  When my mother would go off into one her endless tyrades I would try to piece together what went wrong so I would know how to avoid it.  But, there was no avoiding it, my mother simply couldn't handle all of her children, and it overwhelmed her.

My mother herself had had poor parenting, and clearly just parented in the way she was parented,( if you can follow that.)  Years later I confronted my mother about our painful history,  and my mom confessed that she was sorry for all of the pain that she had inflicted on all of us, and from that moment on,  any ill-feelings I was harboring vanished.

 I forgave my mother.  How could I not?  My mom had raised all of my siblings, and I,  in the manner she was parented, had done the unbelievable by keeping us all together,  and regardless of other opinion,  my mom loved us to the best of her ability,  and I will always be grateful and love my mother.

As luck would have it, I would be blessed by God granting me a second Mother,  in another way of course, Zac.

I started accompanying Zac on his weekly visits to see his mother.  Arthur Ferguson had passed away a year ago, and his widow, Eleanor, had recently been transferred to a nursing home in London, Ontario.

Arthur Ferguson, before passing away, instructed Zac, his second son, to ensure that his wife, Zac's mother, had no worries while she was alive.  I really admire that this man worked hard in order that his wife would not have any financial hardships.  After I accompanied Zac for a couple of months, Eleanor Ferguson and I got acquainted enough that we were both comfortable in each other's presence.

I enjoyed visiting Eleanor Ferguson and we hit it off; this was not a difficult task as Mrs. Ferguson saw good in everybody,  and enjoyed being with people, but I like to think that I had a special relationship with her, as Mrs. Ferguson always wore a big smile whenever I came in the room to see her.  It was about six months into our new friendship that I started calling Mrs. Eleanor Ferguson,  Mom.

I thought it was too formal to say Mrs. Ferguson,  and I was uncomfortable calling her Eleanor, so I settled on calling her Mom, first getting her permission that this was okay.  I believe Zac and his siblings were uncomfortable hearing me call their mother Mom, but they soon got used to it and recognized that I truly cared for their mother.  In any case, Mrs. Eleanor Ferguson, my second Mom, was truly a remarkable woman and I am so fortunate to have known this very lovely lady.

I had no idea that the impact of the death of Zac's mother would affect me as greatly as it did;  in a way, I grieved for the death of my own Mother, all over again.  However, God was very good to me in giving me two Mothers, perhaps he did this because I grew up without a Father, anyway, I am the better man for having these wonderful women enrich my life.

Now, lets chat about Maureen Beckett, also known as (aka) The Walmart Woman.  I met Maureen at work, she was responsible for training me on a new job at my workplace,  and my colleagues nicknamed her The Walmart Woman as she looked like she just finished shopping at Walmart. 

Maureen, always wore gold chains, big, flashy, cheap chains and the latest ripoff of a designer dress, usually a Scacci.  Regardless, of the designer-dress ripoff, it didn't do anything for Maureen, she just didn't suit designer clothes, track pants and a blouse would have been best for Maureen, she was that type of woman

Don't get me wrong, I really liked Maureen, she had a heart of gold (around her neck,) and it was her dream that one day she would win an academy award.   Maureen wanted to go to Hollywood and become the world's greatest actress, surpassing Meryl Streep.  Did I mention that Maureen was over five hundred pounds?

I am not one to mock heavy people, after all, I would be making fun of myself, but I think one has to be realistic about the achievements that are possible, and/or,  not possible, clearly, Gaboury Sidibe is an exception.

I frequently think of Maureen, obviously, and I wonder if she ever made the attempt at becoming an actress, I do know that she quit her job,  proclaiming she was leaving to go to Hollywood.  Well, so far, Maureen has not won an academy award, but every year I watch the Oscars on television,  and I keep my eyes out to see Maureen,  I really would love it if her dream came true!!!

Once again the internet connection keeps going down,  and I'm afraid I will lose my draft of today's post, yet again.  In order to ensure that you get something to read, I am finishing this post, and will start anew tomorrow.

Topics coming soon:

The last of the red hot meat eaters (can't wait for this one)
Elvis Presley, The man, the myth, the legend
The Sound of Music