( Date: Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
Word of the Day: thimblerig (THIM\buhl\rig); to cheat or swindle, as in the traditional game known as thimblerig
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41)
Days until Royal Wedding: eighty-six (86)
Rowing Duration: twenty-two (22) minutes, three (3) seconds
I don't know if the kidney stone has passed, I never noticed it in my urine when I went to the bathroom. I also did not go to the hospital, regardless, I am feeling better than I did yesterday, perhaps the medication is just working better. I don't know, I'll be darned if I can explain what goes on in my body, but at least I am able to write today and that is something!
I know some of you may be thinking that I am not keeping track of my weight, and you will be half-right. As you know, because I had to receive so many injections of depomedrol while I was in Florida, side effects from that drug caused me to put on much of the weight that I had lost prior to going on that trip. Yes, I know, that really discouraged and depressed me.
Anyway, some of that weight gain was water build-up and Dr. Alladin has said that I will lose that weight that I gained, or at least I will lose some of it, it was not all water gain after all, I do like those milk shakes from the Steak N Shake! Because of that, I am giving myself one month before I step on the scale again to weigh myself, this was Dr. Alladin's suggestion and I think it is a good one. Now you know why the weight is staying at two hundred and six (206) pounds, there is still almost three (3) weeks to go before I get on that scale, please remember that.
You may have noticed that I managed to get back on Cruella this morning, alas, it was only for a short time, but I have not rowed in a long time and the twenty plus minutes was hard enough for me to conquer, I expect I'll do better tomorrow.
In honour of the upcoming Academy Award show that will be televised at the end of this month, the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel has started to run movies that either won Academy Awards or were nominated for an Oscar. There are some exceptional movies to look out for on TCM, and I want to mention a few.
This Thursday, February 3rd, (tomorrow!,) do not forget to set your recorders, just in case you have to go to work, to record "Witness for the Prosecution," it starts at six (6) o'clock am., and runs approximately two (2) hours, everyone in the cast is great, but I love Charles Laughton and Marlene Dietrich especially, don't tell anyone about the surprise/unexpected ending!!
On the same day, Thursday, February 3rd, TCM is running a movie that was quite controversial in it's day, and that film is "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner." I am in love with this movie, not only because everyone in the cast is great, but it is the only film wherein Katharine Hepburn, who just happened to win the Oscar for this movie, appears with her niece, Katharine Houghton, (she plays her daughter,) and, it is Spencer Tracy's last movie. Whenever I speak of this movie to my friends, I call it by the name that the character Suzanne Sugarbaker, from the "Designing Women" television series called it, and that is: "There's some black people coming to Dinner," that cracks me up every time I hear it, I just love that line!
On Friday, February 4th, I am insisting that you either stay home from work, or that you set your recorders to tape an awesome double bill on TCM. It all starts at two (2) o'clock pm. with Katharine Hepburn, yet again, teamed with Sir Peter O'Toole in the magnificent movie "The Lion in Winter!"
This is a fantastic movie, with very crispy and witty dialogue, be sure to watch out for a future James Bond, Timothy Dalton, and for Hannibal Lecter, himself, otherwise known as (aka) Sir Anthony Hopkins!
After this great movie, do not move or you will miss Barbra Streisand in not only her film debut, but an Oscar-winning performance to boot in "Funny Girl," the score is great, the acting does not get any better, the photography is top notch, the direction by Mr. William Wyler is superb, and then of course is that opening line of the movie which suits Barbra Streisand to a TEE (T!,) you didn't think I'll tell you, did you, watch the movie (s)!!!!!
Naturally, there are many more movies that you should watch, and that I could talk/write about, but I have to go give blood for some blood work that Dr. Alladin wanted done on me, and I have been fasting for this procedure since last night, so I'm going to go get it done now so that I can finally have my morning coffee.
Hope you all have a good day.
Topics coming soon:
Image via Wikipediax
Word of the Day: thimblerig (THIM\buhl\rig); to cheat or swindle, as in the traditional game known as thimblerig
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41)
Days until Royal Wedding: eighty-six (86)
Rowing Duration: twenty-two (22) minutes, three (3) seconds
I don't know if the kidney stone has passed, I never noticed it in my urine when I went to the bathroom. I also did not go to the hospital, regardless, I am feeling better than I did yesterday, perhaps the medication is just working better. I don't know, I'll be darned if I can explain what goes on in my body, but at least I am able to write today and that is something!
I know some of you may be thinking that I am not keeping track of my weight, and you will be half-right. As you know, because I had to receive so many injections of depomedrol while I was in Florida, side effects from that drug caused me to put on much of the weight that I had lost prior to going on that trip. Yes, I know, that really discouraged and depressed me.
Anyway, some of that weight gain was water build-up and Dr. Alladin has said that I will lose that weight that I gained, or at least I will lose some of it, it was not all water gain after all, I do like those milk shakes from the Steak N Shake! Because of that, I am giving myself one month before I step on the scale again to weigh myself, this was Dr. Alladin's suggestion and I think it is a good one. Now you know why the weight is staying at two hundred and six (206) pounds, there is still almost three (3) weeks to go before I get on that scale, please remember that.
You may have noticed that I managed to get back on Cruella this morning, alas, it was only for a short time, but I have not rowed in a long time and the twenty plus minutes was hard enough for me to conquer, I expect I'll do better tomorrow.
In honour of the upcoming Academy Award show that will be televised at the end of this month, the Turner Classic Movie (TCM) channel has started to run movies that either won Academy Awards or were nominated for an Oscar. There are some exceptional movies to look out for on TCM, and I want to mention a few.
This Thursday, February 3rd, (tomorrow!,) do not forget to set your recorders, just in case you have to go to work, to record "Witness for the Prosecution," it starts at six (6) o'clock am., and runs approximately two (2) hours, everyone in the cast is great, but I love Charles Laughton and Marlene Dietrich especially, don't tell anyone about the surprise/unexpected ending!!
On the same day, Thursday, February 3rd, TCM is running a movie that was quite controversial in it's day, and that film is "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner." I am in love with this movie, not only because everyone in the cast is great, but it is the only film wherein Katharine Hepburn, who just happened to win the Oscar for this movie, appears with her niece, Katharine Houghton, (she plays her daughter,) and, it is Spencer Tracy's last movie. Whenever I speak of this movie to my friends, I call it by the name that the character Suzanne Sugarbaker, from the "Designing Women" television series called it, and that is: "There's some black people coming to Dinner," that cracks me up every time I hear it, I just love that line!
On Friday, February 4th, I am insisting that you either stay home from work, or that you set your recorders to tape an awesome double bill on TCM. It all starts at two (2) o'clock pm. with Katharine Hepburn, yet again, teamed with Sir Peter O'Toole in the magnificent movie "The Lion in Winter!"
This is a fantastic movie, with very crispy and witty dialogue, be sure to watch out for a future James Bond, Timothy Dalton, and for Hannibal Lecter, himself, otherwise known as (aka) Sir Anthony Hopkins!
After this great movie, do not move or you will miss Barbra Streisand in not only her film debut, but an Oscar-winning performance to boot in "Funny Girl," the score is great, the acting does not get any better, the photography is top notch, the direction by Mr. William Wyler is superb, and then of course is that opening line of the movie which suits Barbra Streisand to a TEE (T!,) you didn't think I'll tell you, did you, watch the movie (s)!!!!!
Naturally, there are many more movies that you should watch, and that I could talk/write about, but I have to go give blood for some blood work that Dr. Alladin wanted done on me, and I have been fasting for this procedure since last night, so I'm going to go get it done now so that I can finally have my morning coffee.
Hope you all have a good day.
Topics coming soon:
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