Date: Tuesday, February 15th, 2011
Word of the Day: uxorious (uk\SOR\ee\uhs)' especially fond of, or submissive to a wife
Weight: two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose: ninety-two (92)
Waist Size: forty-one (41) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: seventy-three (73 looks like I'm not going, wait, its not too late
Rowing Duration: twenty-five (25) minutes, ten (10) seconds
I know I didn't do a long time on Cruella, the truth of the matter is, I just didn't feel like rowing today.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday and that you, not only remembered your loved ones, but that your loved ones remembered you!
Yesterday, was quite a day. As you may remember, I had to take Zac to the hospital, well, Zac ended up having emergency surgery yesterday, due to a fistula that he had, compounded by quite alot of gangrene in his rectum. Zac's bum, sorry folks, but that is what it is, was very badly infected, and it caused some complications for the surgery. However, Zac came through the surgery and he is now resting comfortably.
Winter was quite upset about Zac not being home, the poor little thing kep running to the door to see if Zac was coming home.
I was having some trouble walking Winter, because my feet are still swollen, so I contacted Zac's brother, Daniel, who when I told him of my troubles, Daniel kindly offered to come and stay with me for a few days to help me out, plus, Daniel wants to be close to go and see his brother.
John Edwards, goodness gracious, yes, I think you knew about the money to keep Miss Rielle Hunter hidden, can anyone believe anything you say?, you are after all, not only a cheater, a horrible father figure, but you sir are a big liar, and I hope you get everything you deserve, a nice long prison sentence!!!!
I know none of us is perfect, but this man has lied, and lied, and lied, and I think using campaign contributions to cover up one's affair goes way beyond the f word, felony!!!!
Did the Pentagon ignore claims of sexual abuse?, of course they did, come on people, wake up and smell the Sanka!!!
I'm sorry, but the network, CBS, really needs to re-evaluate whether or not to keep the comedy show, "Two and a Half Men," on the air. I know, Hollywood operates on business, but some things should come down to what is ethically correct. Charlie Sheen, yeah him, recently told baseball players that if they can handle Crack socially, then that is okay. Can you imagine something so irresponsible being said, kids everywhere look up to baseball players, and here is Charlie Sheen telling them that it is okay to use crack socially, what next from the idiot? Charlie Sheen is supposed to have finished his rehab, but if you ask me, he has a long way to go!!!!!
I'm going to the Royal Wedding on April 29th, that is, if I get an invitation, I would never crash, well, I might!!!!
Sales of non-alcoholic drinks energy drinks in the United States (U.S.) and Canada are expected to reach nine (9) billion this year and despite the fact that these products could pose a health risk to some children and young adults, youngsters account for half the market. Researchers reviewed numerous studies on the health effects of energy drinks, which contain high levels of caffeine, and other stimulants, and found cases of seizures, delusions, health problems, and kidney and liver damage!! How horrible! Though the incidence of health problems is low, certain groups of people, particularly youngsters, could be at risk. Researchers are calling for tighter regulation of the energy drink industry, and so they should!!!!
Sorry people, but I just got a call from the hospital, and they said I need to go there.
Have a good day, and take care of yourselves, your health is one of the most important things that you have, don't abuse it.
Topics coming soon:
Cover of Royal Wedding
Word of the Day: uxorious (uk\SOR\ee\uhs)' especially fond of, or submissive to a wife
Weight: two hundred and twenty-four (224) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one (1) year duration
Pounds to lose: ninety-two (92)
Waist Size: forty-one (41) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: seventy-three (73 looks like I'm not going, wait, its not too late
Rowing Duration: twenty-five (25) minutes, ten (10) seconds
I know I didn't do a long time on Cruella, the truth of the matter is, I just didn't feel like rowing today.
I hope you all had a good day yesterday and that you, not only remembered your loved ones, but that your loved ones remembered you!
Yesterday, was quite a day. As you may remember, I had to take Zac to the hospital, well, Zac ended up having emergency surgery yesterday, due to a fistula that he had, compounded by quite alot of gangrene in his rectum. Zac's bum, sorry folks, but that is what it is, was very badly infected, and it caused some complications for the surgery. However, Zac came through the surgery and he is now resting comfortably.
Winter was quite upset about Zac not being home, the poor little thing kep running to the door to see if Zac was coming home.
I was having some trouble walking Winter, because my feet are still swollen, so I contacted Zac's brother, Daniel, who when I told him of my troubles, Daniel kindly offered to come and stay with me for a few days to help me out, plus, Daniel wants to be close to go and see his brother.
John Edwards, goodness gracious, yes, I think you knew about the money to keep Miss Rielle Hunter hidden, can anyone believe anything you say?, you are after all, not only a cheater, a horrible father figure, but you sir are a big liar, and I hope you get everything you deserve, a nice long prison sentence!!!!
I know none of us is perfect, but this man has lied, and lied, and lied, and I think using campaign contributions to cover up one's affair goes way beyond the f word, felony!!!!
Did the Pentagon ignore claims of sexual abuse?, of course they did, come on people, wake up and smell the Sanka!!!
I'm sorry, but the network, CBS, really needs to re-evaluate whether or not to keep the comedy show, "Two and a Half Men," on the air. I know, Hollywood operates on business, but some things should come down to what is ethically correct. Charlie Sheen, yeah him, recently told baseball players that if they can handle Crack socially, then that is okay. Can you imagine something so irresponsible being said, kids everywhere look up to baseball players, and here is Charlie Sheen telling them that it is okay to use crack socially, what next from the idiot? Charlie Sheen is supposed to have finished his rehab, but if you ask me, he has a long way to go!!!!!
I'm going to the Royal Wedding on April 29th, that is, if I get an invitation, I would never crash, well, I might!!!!
Sales of non-alcoholic drinks energy drinks in the United States (U.S.) and Canada are expected to reach nine (9) billion this year and despite the fact that these products could pose a health risk to some children and young adults, youngsters account for half the market. Researchers reviewed numerous studies on the health effects of energy drinks, which contain high levels of caffeine, and other stimulants, and found cases of seizures, delusions, health problems, and kidney and liver damage!! How horrible! Though the incidence of health problems is low, certain groups of people, particularly youngsters, could be at risk. Researchers are calling for tighter regulation of the energy drink industry, and so they should!!!!
Sorry people, but I just got a call from the hospital, and they said I need to go there.
Have a good day, and take care of yourselves, your health is one of the most important things that you have, don't abuse it.
Topics coming soon:
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