Date: Monday, February 7th, 2011
Word of the Day: desideratum (did\sid\uh\RAY\tum); something desired or considered necessary
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: eighty-two (82)
Rowing Duration: thirty-nine (39) minutes, fourteen (14) seconds
Well I had a great improvement in my rowing, I hope this means I'm finally getting back to a normal state, whatever that normal may be!
Thank you to all of those who sent me messages to get well yesterday, your concern and thoughtfulness means alot to me.
So the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl, I wonder if that means everyone on that team will get a hefty raise, I'm told that the commercials during the show were really quite something, (as you may have guessed or surmised, I never watched the show,) especially the little boy that did the takeoff of Dark Vader and the commercial for flowers that had Faith Hill in it; I love Faith Hill!
Poor Zac has to go to the dentist today; I feel badly for anyone that has to go to the dentist, I don't like going to the dentist, let me amend that, I hate going to the dentist!, ever since I saw the movie "Marathon Man!" gosh that was so scary, even today, I still shudder when I remember that movie.
There sure is alot of snow where I am and it is making me long for Florida. Zac and I are questioning whether or not we will be able to go back to Florida in March, we had planned to go but with these kidney stones inside me that could set off at any time, well, we wouldn't want that to happen while we were in Florida, as if I had to go to the hospital, which is what I would need to do if the kidney stones decided to dislodge, and they will dislodge, when that is though, is anybody's guess, so going to the hospital will ensure our insurance rates to go extremely high.
Zac and I already pay a huge amount of money for health insurance while we travel because of not only my previous hospitalizations for asthma, but also because Zac has had cancer. Having travel health insurance is kind of funny, it is there if you absolutely need it, but if you use it, you really get penalized for it, really quite bizarre when you think about it.
Did you know that today would have been the birthday of Eva Braun? Braun, a saleswoman in the shop of Adolf Hitler's photographer became Hitler's mistress in the 1930s. Although she lived in various homes provided by Hitler's throughout their courtship, first in a house in Munich, and later in his Berchtesgaden chalet, Hitler never allowed Eva Braun to be seen in public with him.
In 1945 with the allies drawing ever closer, Eva Braun joined Hitler in Berlin against his orders. In recognition of her loyalty, Hitler married Eva Braun in a civil ceremony in their bunker. And that ladies, in case you are wondering, is just one of the ways you can get a man to marry you, hehe, other ways include blackmail, pregnancy and money, but, I do recommend the one true way, and that is having the man fall in love with you, men need love also ladies, please remember that.
I think people that on the note of love, because love is always a good transition to anything, and everything, but today, love will be the way I end today's post, you all take care now.
Topics coming soon:
Word of the Day: desideratum (did\sid\uh\RAY\tum); something desired or considered necessary
Weight: two hundred and six (206) pounds
Goal: lose one hundred (100) pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: seventy-four (74)
Waist Size: forty-one (41) inches
Days until Royal Wedding: eighty-two (82)
Rowing Duration: thirty-nine (39) minutes, fourteen (14) seconds
Well I had a great improvement in my rowing, I hope this means I'm finally getting back to a normal state, whatever that normal may be!
Thank you to all of those who sent me messages to get well yesterday, your concern and thoughtfulness means alot to me.
So the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl, I wonder if that means everyone on that team will get a hefty raise, I'm told that the commercials during the show were really quite something, (as you may have guessed or surmised, I never watched the show,) especially the little boy that did the takeoff of Dark Vader and the commercial for flowers that had Faith Hill in it; I love Faith Hill!
Poor Zac has to go to the dentist today; I feel badly for anyone that has to go to the dentist, I don't like going to the dentist, let me amend that, I hate going to the dentist!, ever since I saw the movie "Marathon Man!" gosh that was so scary, even today, I still shudder when I remember that movie.
There sure is alot of snow where I am and it is making me long for Florida. Zac and I are questioning whether or not we will be able to go back to Florida in March, we had planned to go but with these kidney stones inside me that could set off at any time, well, we wouldn't want that to happen while we were in Florida, as if I had to go to the hospital, which is what I would need to do if the kidney stones decided to dislodge, and they will dislodge, when that is though, is anybody's guess, so going to the hospital will ensure our insurance rates to go extremely high.
Zac and I already pay a huge amount of money for health insurance while we travel because of not only my previous hospitalizations for asthma, but also because Zac has had cancer. Having travel health insurance is kind of funny, it is there if you absolutely need it, but if you use it, you really get penalized for it, really quite bizarre when you think about it.
Did you know that today would have been the birthday of Eva Braun? Braun, a saleswoman in the shop of Adolf Hitler's photographer became Hitler's mistress in the 1930s. Although she lived in various homes provided by Hitler's throughout their courtship, first in a house in Munich, and later in his Berchtesgaden chalet, Hitler never allowed Eva Braun to be seen in public with him.
In 1945 with the allies drawing ever closer, Eva Braun joined Hitler in Berlin against his orders. In recognition of her loyalty, Hitler married Eva Braun in a civil ceremony in their bunker. And that ladies, in case you are wondering, is just one of the ways you can get a man to marry you, hehe, other ways include blackmail, pregnancy and money, but, I do recommend the one true way, and that is having the man fall in love with you, men need love also ladies, please remember that.
I think people that on the note of love, because love is always a good transition to anything, and everything, but today, love will be the way I end today's post, you all take care now.
Topics coming soon:
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