Date: Thursday, September 30th, 2010 (last day of the month)
Word of the Day: confiscable (kuhn\FISH\kuh\buhl); liable to be taken by an authorized party
Weight: 221 poundsGoal: lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose: 89 pounds
Waist Size: 48 inches
Rowing Duration: two hours, four minutes
Thursdays were always my favourite day of the week, especially when I worked, we got paid weekly and on a Thursday, getting paid each week always gave you something in the work week to look forward to, and I did, even if I didn't get my paycheck, I preferred Thursdays over Fridays as people always called in sick on Friday, thus leaving more work for me to get done.
Tony Curtis died yesterday and today Fred Flintstone turns fifty years old, how about that Mabel?
Did you know that yesterday would have been the birthday of Enrico Fermi who, as you know, is known as the "father of the atomic bomb." I love providing you with these little tidbits of information.
I have a new published follower and I would like to welcome Julia to thisthatandhim. I sure hope she didn't read me by mistake, and I sincerely hope Julia enjoys my blog enough to recommend it to all of her friends. Maybe Julia just wants to keep thisthatandhim for her own private indulgence, who can say. One thing more on Julia, please don't let her turn out to be a grammarian, I already am criticized enough.but not by you!!!!
I know quite alot of twins, one of my best friends is one of identical twins, Melinda, and her twin sister is Darlinda. So it is best to start at the beginning, what is a twin?, and I'm not talking about the Minnesota twins, although some of you may wish I was talking about them. Anyway, what is a twin?
A twin is one of two offspring produced in the same pregnancy, finally, something I can easily comprehend. Twins can either be monozygotic (MZ, colloquially "identical"), meaning that they develop from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos, or dizygotic (DZ, colloquially "fraternal") because they develop from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm, do you think that you will now be able to get to sleep tonight, now that you have this information? I continue.
Twins are estimated to be approximately 1.9% of the world population, with monozygotic twins making up 0.2% of the total - and 8% of all twins. The twin birth rate in the United States, and Canada, is slightly above 32 twin live births per 1,000 live births,[2] while the Yoruba, possibly Indonesia, I'm not quite sure of its location and I'll google it later, have the highest rate of twinning (don't you love that word?,) in the world, at 45 twins per 1,000 live births,[3][4][5] possibly because of high consumption of a specific type of yam containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side, uh huh, please remember I live with a doctor, I'm not a doctor!!!!!
Due to the limited size of the mother's womb, I am so amazed at just how this organ works, but that really is another story for another day, multiple pregnancies are much less likely to carry to full term than single births, with twin pregnancies lasting only 37 weeks (3 weeks less than full term) on average.Zygosity refers to the similarity of genes for a trait (inherited characteristic) in an organism. If both genes are the same, the organism is homozygous for the trait. If both genes are different, the organism is heterozygous for that trait. If one gene is missing, it is hemizygous, and if both genes are missing, it is nullizygous, a word I can't even pronounce.
Most eukaryotes, this is English isn't it?, have two matching sets of chromosomes, that is, they are diploid. Diploid organisms have the same genes on each of their two sets of chromosomes, except that the sequences of these genes may differ between the two chromosomes in a matching pair and that a few chromosomes may be mismatched as part of a sex-determination system. I hope you're paying attention as I will test you on this paragraph.
The DNA sequence of a gene usually varies from one individual to another, okay that is not rocket science and even I can understand that one. Those variations are called alleles. Some genes have only one allele. Any variation from the DNA sequence of that allele will be fatal in the embryo, and the organism will never survive to be born. But most genes have two or more alleles. The frequency of different alleles varies throughout the population. Some genes may have two alleles with equal distribution. For other genes, one allele may be common, and another allele may be rare. Sometimes, one allele is a disease-causing variation while the other allele is healthy. Sometimes, the different variations in the alleles make no difference at all in the function of the organism, sure tell that to Phoebe's one kidney.
In diploid organisms, another foreign language, this is probably intended for people in the medical profession, which again, I am not, one allele is inherited from the male parent and one from the female parent. Well, that makes sense. Zygosity is a description of whether those two alleles have identical or different DNA sequences, okay, but what does that have to do with the price of cabbage?
The technical part of this post is now over, you can again relax, take a drink of water, but keep reading my post.
Melinda and Darlinda, can you believe that I made up those names, blogs are anonymous, my beautiful twin friends are very close, they fight alot and both of them are extremely beautiful and tres thin, while one remains fiercly independent, and single, the other one is very much a family woman, she has three gorgeous children and works at the local school in their neighbourhood. Melinda is very devoted to her children and likes to spend all of her free time, which is not too often, with them.
I met both Melinda and Darlinda at my workplace, working closely with Melinda. One day, when my supervisor switched my hours of work and I was put working on the later shift with Melinda, everyone had left for the day except Melinda and I. I was always in the habit of working hard as I know that if you work hard, the time will fly by, so I was busy working and Melinda asked me to stop, announcing to me that now that everyone had left for the day, it was now our time to talk and get to know each other better, I fell in love with Melinda at that very moment, and we have remained close ever since that day. Friendships require a certain amount of work, and devotion and both Melinda and I have never taken each other for granted, we have seen each other through bad times and good times.
The creme de la creme, they make my blog/post adorable, aren't they just the cutest girls that you've ever seen, outside of my nieces of course!!!! |
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