Friday, September 24, 2010

Finicky on Friday

Date:                                      Friday, September 24th, 2010
Word of the Day:                   diaphanous (dyAF\uh\nuhs); of such fine texture as to allow light to pass through; translucent or transparent
Weight:                                221 pounds
Goal:                                    lose 100 pounds in one year duration
Pounds to lose:                     89 pounds
Waist Size:                            49 inches
Rowing Duration:                  not rowing today because of painful back

Yesterday, I spent all day in bed because of a sore back.  I was in intense pain and had to take dilaudid, which wasn't much of a help.  I was so proud of myself for not taking any dilaudid in a time span of about three weeks, oh well, back to the drawing board.  Being positively in pain, I didn't eat much which is always the way when you are unwell.

Today, I was going to fib and just make up an amount of time spent on Cruella, but why bother?, I wouldn't even be fooling myself, a sore back (and believe me its sore,) is reason enough to put off exercising until tomorrow, and I don't want to cause an injury, but right now that is the least of my concerns.

It is raining quite hard here and it is rather cold, I always wonder if inclement weather plays a part in my back pain, some people think it does, and I know we've all heard people say "I can feel it in my bones!"  Well, I can!!!!

Okay, I hope you're sitting down, are you ready for my latest tech problem?  My new replacement computer, and I hope I told you I was getting a replacement computer, arrived yesterday.  It is spanking new, big and purple, (yes it will be named after my youngest niece Jessie, The Camden Plus,) and has the feature of a backlit, so that if, and when, I touch any of the keys, the entire keyboard lights up.  I love this feature because I frequently type at night,  and will often get started on the wrong key because I can't see them properly, so this new tool is great for me.  So, what's the problem?

The dvd drive is broken.  Whenever I insert a cd or dvd into the drive, a loud ticking noise consumes The Camden Plus and will not play any music or movie.  Naturally, I called Dell, in India of course, where I was put on hold for 1.5 hours, I kid you not.  I thought I was going to get lucky as I got a real human being answering the phone on the third ring.  That person, and I still remember Alisha's name, said I had to be transferred to one of their technicians, upon doing so, I was put on hold forever.

  The good thing, and I always try to find something positive about all of my experiences, is that Alisha stayed on the phone with me, because I said I was afraid of getting disconnected,  and Alisha would not take down my phone number for someone to call me back, because Alisha stated that Dell just doesn't do that sort of thing.  Funny, they did that sort of thing last week, but Alisha reassured me that I'm mistaken.

After finally reaching a technician, I was told that the best solution to my problem, and there was a secondary problem as Dell left off one of the programs that was previously on the first computer, was for Dell to simply send me another replacement.  If you're keeping track, and I know you are, when the new replacement computer comes, it will be my third brand new laptop in four weeks. 

 Presently, I am wondering two things:  is Dell in cahoots with UPS? and making a small fortune on me alone?,  and should I volunteer my services to be in a Dell commercial,  and if Dell isn't interested, do you think Apple would like to talk to me?  Hmmm.
Change of pace, my sister Judy's social worker did not call me back, nor did her boss Evelyn, return my phone call, as she was scheduled to do so, fortunately I did not wait by the phone, I was in too much agony.   I will call Evelyn back today and then we'll all see what we'll see.

Okay loyal readers, today's post is shorter because I'm not 100% better, I have a plethora of things to do (because of not doing some of them yesterday,) and I'm told that brevity is best, but tomorrow, or the day after that, you may just read a short story, hehe, nah, I'm saving it all for my book, "Just don't tell my mother!"

Topics coming soon:


1 comment:

  1. Dell & you - like waer and oil do not mix. Next ime ry an Apple. Hope the back is better soon
